Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation


How would you like us to think of you?
Have you ever made your own cakes/biscuits/cookies?
Which do you like more; sequels or reboots and why?
What was the last programme you 'discovered'?
Which actor/actress would you like to see make more films?
What's your favourite Danish programme?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I have to return some videotapes.
Why do you feel the need to ditch people in a commentary?
Why do you feel no regrets on doing it?
What is your favorite thing about commentating other than ditching people?
What's your favorite part about ditching?


Just kidding

How would you like us to think of you?
Great question, and also really hard to answer as it usually is with good questions.

I would like people to think of me as someone full of personality and honesty, who aren't afraid to speak his mind on serious debates and also poke fun at things that some may not find appropriate to poke fun at. I'm a a bit of a provocateur at times, I guess, but almost always for the fun of it. Ultimately though, despite joking here and there as everyone does, I would like to be taking seriously and not looked down upon. I like when people talk to each other on the same level, no matter their differences, but I generally think this forum does that well. Overall I find it hard to complain about anything, which is obviously good, and I think this forum of members generally think of me just about how I want them to. So it's all good!

Have you ever made your own cakes/biscuits/cookies?
Oh yes many times. As I said earlier I like to cook, but not necessarily bake though. I have done so a quite a few times though, mostly in relation to events or whatever.

Which do you like more; sequels or reboots and why?
Good question again.

I would say sequels, because often they try to stay mostly true to their roots and create something that continues what you loved about whatever the sequel might originate from. You could say there is a bigger chance of a sequel being successful in terms of "flowing in the same vein" as the original, than a reboot does, because with a reboot you have more freedom to literally reboot the entire series or movie universe and make something completely different. Sometimes sequel goes in other directions as well, but you know what I mean...

What was the last programme you 'discovered'?
You mean like tv programme? Uh, I don't know I rarely watch tv. If you just mean programmes in general and therefore also series, I actually can't answer that either. Because I don't think I have stumbled upon much new on that front either.

Which actor/actress would you like to see make more films?
Jeff Goldblum, that dude is underrated as f*ck! And Michael Chiklis maybe, I think it's a shame he stays on the tv-front. He could be a great action hero or whatever if he wanted, and much much more.

What's your favourite Danish programme?
I really gotta get going with the danish television series, but in terms of tv programmes the only one I basically watch is the (only) Danish movie-related programme. It is mostly about new movies and such, but it's great. It's called 'Filmselskabet'.

Why do you feel the need to ditch people in a commentary?
Despite how serious you are, Cole, I'm gonna answer! Just for the fun of it and to clear things up.

I didn't ditch you because I felt a need to, usually I would just hang in there, I'm not the type of person to do such things. But if I have to be honest it was due to health problems. I've been feeling various things and symptoms lately, which kind of "topped" today. I will make an appointment with a doctor tomorrow morning. I really hope it isn't too serious.

Why do you feel no regrets on doing it?
I have many regrets. I hate doing such things. :/

What is your favorite thing about commentating other than ditching people?
To comment on a movie with people who are (hopefully) passioned about it and want to have fun with it. You can share movie experiences, knowledge and whatever and it's just like a movie night with friends. It's great fun sometimes.

What's your favorite part about ditching?
To feel my ego grow while I laugh for ten straight minutes...

Then I lay down and cry in fetal position because of how bad of a person I really am.

Have you ever thought about keeping animals for food/milk/whatever?
Dinner party question: Which six guests and why?
Which musical instrument do you dislike/hate the most?
Do you own a weapon?
What was the first birthday present you can remember opening and how old were you?

Do you get on with your parents?

Are you the kind of person who has loads of friends or the kind that only has a few but very close?

Do you have any friends you've had since you were tiny?

Have you ever thought about keeping animals for food/milk/whatever?
No, I have to say I haven't. I'm not the farmer type of guy. Also, it takes a lot of work, though of course it depends on which animal and the numbers of them. But yeah, not really for me...

Dinner party question: Which six guests and why?
This is a very open question, so I'm gonna answer it openly...

Since I guess I can choose between living and dead, I would definitely have Robin Williams as one of them. Actually, he could make up for six entire guests, so I guess that would really be all I needed. That man was amazing, and I loved his energy and personality. Such a shame he's gone.

I know it's not just about actors, but I'm gonna say Paul Walker too. This is not because of his acting in any ways though, as I admired his personality more than anything. He seemed so calm and down to earth. He would be a pleasure to talk to. But his brother, Cody, seems to be full of heart and with a nice soul as well, so if his brother is "unable to attend", I would love to have him at my table.

Then I would have Emma Watson because she's cute and hot as f*ck; I would have R. Kelly both as a guest and as the musical contribution to the party; and I would have someone who I could have thoughtful and philosophical discussions with. Not sure who would fit that description though. Since it's living or dead I guess I could take one of the originators like Aristotle or something haha.

Lastly, I would have my grandpa, before all his health problems, back when he was full of energy and spirit. Today he unfortunately suffers from both alzheimer, parkinson, and blood clots in the brain on monthly basis. I hope he gets his peace soon...

Which musical instrument do you dislike/hate the most?
Probably something like a bagpipe, but I'm not sure. If it's bad I usually try to forget it.

Do you own a weapon?
Yes, my fist.

No really, I live in Denmark so I'm not really allowed to have one and I don't see why I need one either.

What was the first birthday present you can remember opening and how old were you?
That's a tough one. Don't know I can remember all the way back. Maybe the earliest memory was of a big plastic pirate ship, I think. But that's a little fuzzy, so maybe the huge lego Hogwarts collection. I definitely remember that.

Do you get on with your parents?
I would say we have many problems in our family, and sometimes it gets to me a lot. I wish we could solve them out some time, but it looks to be pretty much impossible. But when we are going somewhere or whatever, or just having a good time it's all good. It isn't always a problem, but the problem is definitely hiding underneath the happiness.

Are you the kind of person who has loads of friends or the kind that only has a few but very close?
I would say few, and close. But right now I'm in a period in my life where everybody seem to go in different directions because of either education, jobs, vacation and so on... So it's hard to get together and such right now.

Do you have any friends you've had since you were tiny?
No, not really, but there are some I still talk to occasionally.

I had a really good friend for many years, but we kind of went our separate ways...

Trouble with a capital "T"
Once I wrote a poem on MoFo and you said it moved you to tears. You've expressed similar feelings over movies that deeply touch you, like Boyhood.

Can you talk about how the written word or movies can move you so deeply?

On the flip side, what type of literature or movies can move you to a dark despair?

Would you say you have an artist soul?

These are very good questions, Citizen, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.*

Once I wrote a poem on MoFo and you said it moved you to tears. You've expressed similar feelings over movies that deeply touch you, like Boyhood.
I don't remember the poem, but I would love if you could link it to me so I could refresh it.

I don't even remember saying that Boyhood neccesarily touched me deeply, though I did relate to it and I did feel a strong connection. But I'm gonna answer further in your next question...

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules;
Can you talk about how the written word or movies can move you so deeply?
Well, without answering your last question too much within this question, I will say it goes together with "having an artist soul" or at least feel artistic enough to bond with other people through their art, even when they, themselves, are not present in person.*

I guess that's also why I enjoy such a great variation of art and entertainment, or just have a varied taste in everything really. I just love art and to see and feel people expressing themselves. I have realized it isn't everyone who gets as emotionally invested in something as I sometimes do, but I guess it's simply because I'm not only affected by what is happening on screen, I'm also affected by how it's happening, meaning how it's done and the actual art within it. I've even experienced being moved by an action scene, not because it's emotional in any way, but simply if it's done so well. Same goes with story element or dialogue or whatever. I've tried to be on the verge of crying or at least be completely speechless and covered in emotions because of something that may be nothing to others... Well, I know many people also feel some of these things, but to some exent I'm pretty sure I have a stronger and somehow different connection to whatever I'm watching/reading/experiencing.*

Same thing with words, though mostly it's because I simply create the image in my head and feel the emotion of which the writer had when writing it. I guess that's pretty basic stuff though.

So yeah, a combination of respecting the art, feeling the art, and just the movie/writings in general.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules;
On the flip side, what type of literature or movies can move you to a dark despair?
That's a tough one. I guess just very depressing stuff and things of hopelessness...

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules;
Would you say you have an artist soul?
Yes I would definitely say I have. It sounds a little too overly confident saying such thing, but I can't deny that I think it's true. I feel like I always think in the veins of art; I live and breathe art. And if I'm not the artist, then I'm the one enjoying the artist and his/her art. *

That's why I want to be a director. I feel like I have the vision to create grand things. I feel like I can express myself through anything, any form, and I love doing it. But I don't feel like I have come close yet to the full potetial of what I'm capable of. I hope I will some day.*

I have to return some videotapes.
These aren't very deep questions, but I was just wondering these.

What would you say is the best part of No Country for Old Men, and why?

How would you rank all the Coen films you have seen (don't say a list, give me one haha)?

What films are you looking forward to the most in 2015 other than Star Wars?

When do you want to do that commentary that we have been putting off?

How would you rank the PTA films you have seen?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't remember the poem, but I would love if you could link it to me so I could refresh it.
It was in the Challenge thread that Godoggo made, she made a challenge to write a poem about another member.

Thanks for your answers MM. I knew you had an artist soul, I didn't know you wanted to be a director. You make a good director too.

I can't believe this hasn't already been asked but, who is your favorite director and why?

It was in the Challenge thread that Godoggo made, she made a challenge to write a poem about another member.

Thanks for your answers MM. I knew you had an artist soul, I didn't know you wanted to be a director. You make a good director too.
Oh yes, I remember the poem now. And you know that I'm an honest person, so I will be honest with you. I was actually just over exaggerating, like saying "This is the best I ever read. My life is complete. How can I live without this!?" Like clearly overdoing what I actually meant for the fun of it.

BUT, that doesn't mean I didn't think it was well-written. It felt like a poem and it was much better than what I expected from anyone, really. So yeah, not to hurt your feelings, but the exact words were over the top in my delivery, and I didn't actually cry, but it was a great poem definitely!

Talking about poems, I did actually cry for real over one recently. It was one written by MovieGal, who wrote it to a friend who was lonely. That went straight in my heart, so yes, I can definitely get touched by such things, as I talked about above.

I can't believe this hasn't already been asked but, who is your favorite director and why?
Actually, sean asked me that one page back, but he didn't ask why, so I here goes...

I find it hard to pick a favorite director since I have such a varied taste. I like many different directors for different reasons, but up until Inherent Vice I felt like Paul Thomas Anderson was definitely my favorite director. Not that a director can't make something that isn't up to par, and then he will be pushed to the side... I still like him a whole lot, and he is probably still my favorite director.

I like him because of the way he tells stories, he seems to always deliver something so unique and different. His movies are almost like poems to me, like if they hold so much to them it's almost impossible to grasp it all. I also like his visuals and the music he puts in his films. He is amazing at doing montages as well, where both his visuals and sense of musical artistry really get to shine. His one-takes are beautiful as well.

So yeah, I guess the most simplistic and straight forward answer is: it is a director I can connect with and that I feel goes hand in hand with what I like to see and feel with a movie.

These aren't very deep questions, but I was just wondering these.
Doesn't matter what kind of questions, as long as there is something to answer. I would say the fact that you wonder and want to ask me something is more than enough to qualify for a great question!

What would you say is the best part of No Country for Old Men, and why?
The suspense. What made me remember it was how suspenseful it was, how it lurs under the surface throughout the entire film. I love that. Not a very interesting answer, as I could have mentioned the symbolism, the acting or whatever, but this is what makes it amazing for me every time!

How would you rank all the Coen films you have seen (don't say a list, give me one haha)?
1. No Country for Old Men
2. Inside Llewyn Davis
3. The Big Lebowski
4. Fargo
5. Burn After Reading
6. True Grit

Something like that I think.

What films are you looking forward to the most in 2015 other than Star Wars?
- M:I-5
- Insidious Chapter 3
- Inside Out
- The Hateful Eight
- 007: Spectre
- Southpaw
- The Revenant
- The Lobster
- The Martian
- Knight of Cups
- Regression

There's a few!

When do you want to do that commentary that we have been putting off?
Whenever you ask. Just hit me up and say when you want to do it and we'll try to make it happen!

How would you rank the PTA films you have seen?
The ones I've seen? He's my favorite director, of course I have seen them all!

1. Boogie Nights
2. Magnolia
3. The Master
4. Punch-Drunk Love
5. There Will Be Blood
6. Hard Eight
7. Inherent Vice

Oh.... I missed this. I will now answer (just call me Gideon)

If you could sit and talk to anyone in the world, someone born in this or last century, for 2 hours just to talk, who would your Top 5 be?
That's a very, very tough question. Guess that's why it took so long for me to answer.

One of those five would definitely be Robin Williams. Such a kind, loving, understanding, humble and not the least funny man. Others would be Paul Walker, Lars von Trier, Quentin Tarantino, Shakespeare obviously, Martin Luther King...

I guess I could have put more thought into this. Or maybe it's just so hard I'm never satisfied.

Any other questions y'all? I'm in question mood!

Why didn't you call yourself MovieMedication??

Why didn't you call yourself MovieMedication??
Because that name is more of a negative twist on the eventual dubbed outcome. You take medication to get better from something bad; movies can be escapism, but sometimes it's just entertaining, stimulating or along those lines.

That's why I called myself MovieMeditation. The artform that is cinema is where I can disappear into a world and let the movie stimulate all the senses in the body; emotionally, interlectually and whatnot. It's like rediscovering yourself sometimes, who you are and what you stand for in life.... so yeah, my name is more meaningful (at least I like to think it is) than what meets the eye.

Who is that one on your avatar and why are you so obsessed with he/she/it? Also you are male right? I ask because I'm pretty sure someone called you granny MM
If you don't know who he is, then we don't talk. that's Anton Chigurh, played by Javiar Bardem, in probably my favorite film, No Country for Old Men. Actually I hate calling something a "definitve favorite" and I can't understand how people can create those ranked Top 100 of all movies they ever watched... anyways, I just chose a No Country theme when I first joined and it kind of stuck with me and now I feel like it's my signaure and what people know me by. MovieMeditation IS Anton Chigurh.

I'm male yes. And I don't think i ever heard someone call me that.