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Ðèstîñy 05-26-15 11:46 AM

Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation
Do you like the Dial M for Murder remake?

Are there any other Hitchcock movies that you love?

The top ten in your profile, how accurate is that for your actual top ten favorites?

How do you feel about remakes?

Which decade has the best remakes? Name the top three.

Have you ever watched a silent movie?

If so, name all of them.

Do you like subtitles?

Have you ever shared a picture of yourself on here?

Describe what you look like.

Do you think you're easy going?



Do you have any sibling?

If so, how many, and do you get a long with them?

Where would you travel to, if you could pick any place at all?

Who would you take with you?

Can you cook?

What is your favorite music genre?

Name your top 5 favorite songs from that genre.

Name your favorite horror movie villain.

Name your favorite movie hero.

Name your favorite movie superhero.

Name the movie you hate the most.

Name the actor you hate the most, like Tom Cruise?

Do you prefer to buy or rent?

Do you own a lot of movies?

How many?

What is your favorite decade of movies?

What is your favorite movie genre?

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Suspense Thriller?
Martial Arts?

MovieMeditation 05-26-15 12:27 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation
Uuuuh, it's already me! Yaaaay how exciting! :D

I'm so looking forward to answering these questions, as well as other people who are interested in who I am and want to know more (I'm totally boring by the way, just so you know ;)). :p

Will do these later, keep em coming! :up:

Mr Minio 05-26-15 12:38 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation
The abbreviation of your nickname (MM) is the same as the abbreviation of my nickname. Do you think we should settle this in a duel, or can come to an agreement?

Ðèstîñy 05-26-15 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1321817)
Uuuuh, it's already me! Yaaaay how exciting! :D

I'm so looking forward to answering these questions, as well as other people who are interested in who I am and want to know more (I'm totally boring by the way, just so you know ;)). :p

Will do these later, keep em coming! :up:
You're not boring, and you are polite. Thanks for appreciating my time spent. You're a sweet kid/young man. I'll ask more questions later, just to keep you busy. ;)

christine 05-26-15 01:39 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation
Have you been to other countries apart from your own?

What subjects did you like at school?

What's like like in Denmark? It's always near the top of league tables of good things in life!
I asked you this in the tv thread - have you ever been to Bornholm and what's it like? (just want to know for family reasons!)

What would be your ideal job?

If you had to swap your life with an actor - an alive one! - who would you pick?

Do you like football? Who do you support?

NatashaR 05-26-15 02:18 PM

Okay... here's a bunch of random questions :p
What's a Danish movie that everyone should see?

Would you like to live somewhere else?

Tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows (or very few people)

What are your favorite bands/singers?

What's the most embarrassing thing you've done?

Favorite traditional food?

Are you normally shy or outgoing?

What's your sign? Do you think it fits you?

Do you believe in life after death?

Are you religious?

How many languages do you speak?

Do you enjoy other arts besides movies? What are your favorite artists?

Do you feel you have a healthy lifestyle?

MovieMeditation 05-26-15 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Do you like the Dial M for Murder remake?
Never seen the remake. And in some way, I didn't even realize it existed before now. Though, when I looked it up I realized I actually did know about the film's existence, though I never realized it was related to the Dial M for Murder in any way. At least I think so. But anyways, I have no intention of seeing it - at least I'm not in any rush to do so. ;)

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Are there any other Hitchcock movies that you love?
Oh yes, definitely. I obviously love the classics like Rear Window, Vertigo and Psycho, but these are always in people's top tens, so I picked 'Dial M for Murder' instead. Though later on, I have realized it is somehow a "forum favorite" around here... But anyways, I really like most of his films, and I'm glad I still have lots from his filmography to check out!

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
The top ten in your profile, how accurate is that for your actual top ten favorites?
Probably not too accurate. I find it pretty much impossible to pick a top ten out of all genres, because you can love a movie for several reasons, which may or may not move your potential list up or down. It is simply not possible to accurately make a top ten with all genres mashed together. So yeah, my top ten on my profile is just ten movies I really love, but I don't know if it would actually look like that if I sat down and seriously tried to compile a list. It also depends on what rules you have for your top ten, since everybody makes these differently...

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
How do you feel about remakes?
As of right now, I do think Hollywood is going mental with all those remakes, reboots, retellings, reimagines and so on... But that doesn't mean I'm totally against them. Some remakes are absolutely awesome and totally worth the refreshing update that they received. But I will say such remakes are rare, and mostly they are always lesser tellings of a great movie, and most of the times said movies don't even need a remake either. But I really don't care, I will just stay away from them if I don't have any interest in whatever movie they are remaking. Basically, I'll just judge them the same way as other films - does it look cool? Fine, I want to watch it. Does it look bad? Then I just stay away, simple as that...

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Which decade has the best remakes? Name the top three.
It's hard to pin-point the remakes to a single decade, but right off the top of my head I'll say the 1980s... It had some amazing remakes of both The Thing, The Fly and Scarface. And I'm sure there were others as well, but that is three greats I can remember as of right now. I don't know about top three, it's hard to just come up with one decade out of pure memory.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Have you ever watched a silent movie?
Yes, many.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
If so, name all of them.
I have seen my fair share of silent films, all the way from the earliest of classics to Chaplin and Keaton, as well as a few films in between. Here is a list:

- A Trip to the Moon (1902)
- The Great Train Robbery (1903)
- A Dog's Life (1918)
- The Kid (1921)
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
- Sherlock Jr. (1924
- Seven Chances (1925)
- The Gold Rush (1925)
- The General (1926)
- The Circus (1928)
- Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928)
- City Lights (1931) [sound/silent]
- Modern Times (1936) [sound/silent]
- The Artist (2011)

I may have seen Safety Last! as well as some of the earlier Chaplin's, but this is what I have tracked on my IMDb page. I'm pretty sure this is at least 95% correct.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Do you like subtitles?
I don't enjoy reading subtitles, but I have nothing against them in particular.

I watch foreign language films from time to time and obviously do so in the original language, but that doesn't mean I'm really liking it. I feel like it's only right and respectful to experience a film in its original language, therefore I have subtitles on, but when I watched english language films I never have subtitles - unless it's some very messy Scottish or Irish accent that I have a hard time understanding. And Danish films, of course, I never watch with subtitles since I'm from Denmark. :p I'm not good with the Scandinavian language except for my own, but I do sometimes watch Swedish and Norwegian stuff without any subtitles...

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Have you ever shared a picture of yourself on here?
I have. I posted it in the Personal Pictures Thread.

But I'm not exactly a fan of sharing personal pictures of myself on an internet forum. I often feel like you get the wrong impression of a person and judge them from their looks instead of how they actually are on the forums. But after a while you get used to however a member might look like, but still it can be a little weird sometimes. Many members were surprised of my age for example, and it doesn't help that danish people generally look younger than they actually are. :(

Anyways, in the end it looks like people weren't frightened by how I look like, so I guess it's all okay. :D

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Describe what you look like.
Hmm, that's a tough and rather weird question but I'll try... :p

I'm not that tall (about 5 foot 6) and I have brown hair, which I like to have shortened in the sides and longer in the top. I also cut my own hair because it's fairly easy to do and I know have I want it to look. :D Uuuh anyways, I have brown eyes and a rather big nose (I personally think) which is about the only thing I (kinda) hate about myself. But generally I think I'm very hot, so whatever :randy:

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Do you think you're easy going?
Yeah I would say so. ;)

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Yes very, and some people take that for granted, unfortunately. I'm sure many people, even those rather close to me, don't even know how kind and caring I can actually be.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
I'll admit I'm not too patient. I hate waiting and I'm not always good at seeing the bigger picture. But I try my best! :p

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Do you have any sibling?
Yes. I have a sister who just turned fourteen on the 20th of May. :)

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
If so, how many, and do you get a long with them?
One, as said above. And yeah, I guess we get along, but we do have our fair share of brother/sister troubles. Sometimes even a lot. But she's starting to really grow into those teenage years and you know how that is. F*cking annoying. :D

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Where would you travel to, if you could pick any place at all?
That's a tough one. I would like to travel to a really exotic place some time in my lifespan. And specifically, I've always been interested in Africa, Australia, Hawaii, and also, whatever rain forest might be the most awesome one to go to. ;)

But really I don't know. Honestly, I just love to see the world whenever I get the opportunity, so just traveling some other place in the world would be awesome. I love getting to know other worlds and cultures first hand.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Who would you take with you?
Well, if I had a girlfriend I would take her, but I don't at the moment (dammit). :D Guess the family will have to do. :p

Nah but really, I have also wanted to take some awesome trips, preferably road trips, with some of my friends. That would be awesome too.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Can you cook?
Yes, I would definitely say I can. I can make many many dishes, and since I wanted to prove myself, I once made a complete three-course menu for my family, consisting of these:

Starter: Bruchetta with Tomato, Basil and Mozzarella cheese
Main course: Beef Willington with new potatoes, garniture and whiskey sauce
Desert: Traditional Danish Apple Pie

It was pretty fun, but damn hard to make all that by yourself without any real cooking experience (it did all turn out great though). But I do still cook regularly, but not anything as big as this. I mainly stick to just doing main courses. :p

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
What is your favorite music genre?
Every music genre. As with movies and plenty of other stuff, my taste is very varied. But I will say I hate metal music or whatever you call that shouting nonsense. But I do like rock and stuff though.

Anyways, just so I don't confuse anybody more than necessary I'll just say this... I love to listen to everything from Kendrick Lamar, Action Bronson, Big K.R.I.T., Phil Collins, Ozzy Osbourne, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, P!nk, R. Kelly and so on... so you see? EVERY DAMN MUSIC GENRE! :p

I guess I still have a really soft spot for rap and hip-hop music because I think it is one of the most expressive and raw genres out there. Not that other genres can't be as expressive, or even more expressive, but I like the way you can deliver subject matter in rap music. Good rap music is really like up-tempo poetry delivered raw and uncut, straight from the heart... Again, many people can say the same thing about other genres, but this is the way I describe it.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Name your top 5 favorite songs from that genre.
Again, I love all genres, but I guess I kind of admitted to rap being my favorite genre. In that case, I will try to give you my favorites, but they will mostly just be off the top of my head and from what I can see being the most played in my iTunes Library...

- Kid Cudi, The Soundtrack 2 My Life
- Action Bronson, Not Enough Words
- Lil Wayne, (Lighten Up My) La La La
- Big K.R.I.T., Mt. Olympus
- Kanye West, Jesus Walks
* Suspekt, Proletar (Hvor jeg står)

I know that's 6, but since the last is danish I just felt like posting a more universal top five, though I will have to say they are in no order, because I honestly don't have 5 definitive favorites. But these I really like for various reasons...

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Name your favorite horror movie villain.
I will try to answer all these "favorite" questions the best I can, but I really hate choosing a definitive favorite in any category. And I'm also afraid if I forget what might be my actual favorite.

Anyways, maybe Jigsaw. I like his character and motivations, despite of how they ruined him a little in the last few sequels. I really love Freddy Krueger as well, and Jack Torrence in The Shining.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Name your favorite movie hero.
Robin Williams. Whatever role he might play. He is also the only actor to this day whom I genuinely cried over when he died. Such a sad day for me, it's crazy how it got to me like that. I really wish I had met him before he died.

But if we are talking specifically fictional characters who are just heroes in the general sense and don't really mean anything to me personally, I will say it's pretty much impossible to answer. But here is a few: both of Tom Hank's characters in Forrest Gump and The Green Mile, respectively, as well as the "heroes" of To Kill a Mockingbird, The Hunt and Kill Bill. :)

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Name your favorite movie superhero.
If we are talking superhero persona, it's Wolverine. If we are talking civil persona, it's Tony Stark (Iron Man).

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Name the movie you hate the most.
I kind of hate Interstellar a lot for all the praise it got for being so smart, when I honestly thought it just tried to sound smart but it didn't really work. Entertaining enough, though.

But if we are talking pure hate, I'll probably say A Serbian Film. What a stupid and nasty mess...

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Name the actor you hate the most, like Tom Cruise?
I like Tom Cruise, he is a good lead character in action movies, and once in a while he shows off some very impressive acting skills, like in PTA's Magnolia and when doing something completely different, like in Tropic Thunder.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Do you prefer to buy or rent?
Buy. I like to actually own the things.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
Do you own a lot of movies?
Yeah I will say so. Definitely more than the typical person, but not as much as some of those hardcore collectors... I have my collection tracked, so a very precise number would be 388 items. Why I say items, is because box-sets are only counted as one item here, and I own some huge box-sets (one 20-film collection of Eastwood, for example). So maybe 450-500 movies overall?

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
How many?
Whoops, didn't see this separate question. Anyways, look above. :D

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
What is your favorite decade of movies?
Probably the 70s.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
What is your favorite movie genre?
I feel like drama gives you the most freedom and probably has the best movies overall. But again, as with everything else, I love all genres. It depends on the movie itself, the genre is unimportant for me.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1321800)
What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Horror? I will keep this a secret because of my on-going horror list... :p
Sci-fi? Children of Men
Suspense Thriller? No Country for Old Men
Comedy? [b]Borat/[b]
Action? The Dark Knight, or maybe The Last Crusade (Indy)
Drama? Casablanca, but this is a very broad genre...
Musicals? Singin' in the Rain
Westerns? Django Unchained
Martial Arts? The Raid 2
War? Das Boot
Once again, these are not definitive answers, but they are movies I love from each of these genres...

Originally Posted by Mr Minio (Post 1321818)
The abbreviation of your nickname (MM) is the same as the abbreviation of my nickname. Do you think we should settle this in a duel, or can come to an agreement?
I would say trial by combat. :D But since we are globally separated by several miles, it's probably best to just come to an agreement. Let's say I will be 'MM', and you'll be 'Mr Minion', which seems to be your new nickname, anyways! :p

Mr Minio 05-26-15 05:49 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation
What about me being MM and you being mm?

mark f 05-26-15 05:55 PM

You guys need to go hang out on MoMo. mf rules on MoFo. :cool:

MovieMeditation 05-26-15 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321836)
Have you been to other countries apart from your own?
Yes of course. I have been on vacations as well as some study trips... I have been to Greece several times around the various islands, and to Spain, Germany, Austria, Sweden and England. That is what springs to mind right now. :)

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321836)
What subjects did you like at school?
I liked all the abstract and more free subjects, of course. Subjects like art, because I like to draw and stuff, and I liked physical education because I have always been interested in sports and general exercising.

And I apart from that I liked Danish and English a lot too. Just analyzing and writing was a interesting. I'm not a math guy, that's for sure... :p

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321836)
What's like like in Denmark? It's always near the top of league tables of good things in life!
I asked you this in the tv thread - have you ever been to Bornholm and what's it like? (just want to know for family reasons!)
Oh I'm sorry for missing that question, christine! I didn't mean to. :( Anyways, yes I have been to Bornholm. It's a great little place, very idyllic and simplistic. If you want to experience bare-skin Denmark that's where you go... well, I meant in the sense of the country itself being stripped down, but I guess you'll find some nudists here and there as well. :D But yeah, a fun little place, it has a special kind of atmosphere to it.

And to you question about how it is in Denmark generally, I will say it's pretty good. But the media is hyping up the country so freaking much. It's not as perfect as it seems, our country is actually diving to the sh*ts as we speak. Our famous welfare state is ballocks now, and I wish we just had it like in the US, since we pay for everything on top of our taxes anyways... The public hospitals, which we pay our taxes to, sucks, and generally people tend to use the private hospitals because they are better, even if you have to pay. Same goes for schools, doctors and other public "services" ... And we are taking in so many refugees and general immigrants that we struggle to take care of ourselves because we want to support all of them at the same time. And we have never had as much crime as we have now. Luckily it isn't quite as bad as with the Swedes, but we are getting there... Hope to see some big changes very soon.

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321836)
What would be your ideal job?
The movie business. Obviously director would be the dream, but I feel like I'm willing to work as whatever, but maybe not the lowest of jobs. But director, screenwriter, DP all that would be a dream.

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321836)
If you had to swap your life with an actor - an alive one! - who would you pick?
Oh damn, this is a hard one. I'll say Leo DiCaprio just because. ;)

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1321836)
Do you like football? Who do you support?
If you mean the american type, I watch it on occasion, but mainly for the Super Bowl. I like Packers... But if we are talking soccer I'm a huge fan. I have played 10 years myself, but got too busy with life and had to stop. I support Manchester City, but honestly I don't have a team that is a total favorite...

The Gunslinger45 05-26-15 08:49 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation
Favorite Book?

Handle bar mustaches. Hot or Tacky?

MovieMeditation 05-26-15 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
Okay... here's a bunch of random questions :p
But very good random questions! ;):cool:

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
What's a Danish movie that everyone should see?
I was gonna say The Hunt with Mads Mikkelsen, but then I thought about it and decided on The Celebration. They are by the same director though. But since I choose The Celebration or Festen, as it is originally called, is because it defines Danish cinema in so many ways. First of it is a dogme film, which is a format created by the Danes. Secondly it has a great blend of danish humor and extraordinary acting from some of Denmark's best. I just think it does so many things right, and while being a great movie overall, I also think it's different and Danish enough to please "an outsider" and give them an inside view up close and personal. A very good film, watch it if you haven't.

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
Would you like to live somewhere else?
I guess I only say yes to this question because I don't truly know how it is other places around the world. You don't really know anything until you've been there for some time. Anyways, I would like to live in the US I guess, or some exotic place. But I guess that would have to come with a big decision of leaving it all behind. I guess I'm better off here in Denmark for now... :p

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
Tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows (or very few people)
I love this question, especially because I like to ask it myself in relation to these grillings. ;)

But though I love it, I find it hard to answer. Hmm, I guess very few people know how weird I can actually be. Only my closest family knows. I mean, not weird in the sense of not knowing, but I like to just act weird and go "way out there" for the fun of it. But maan, if someone else ever see me like that = not good! :D

I'll tell you another thing just for the sake of it... I have many talents, most of which I have never shown to anybody or maybe just one person. I have written a bunch of rap songs, actually, and though I have rapped them out I have never actually recorded them for real. But I got like 50 songs written down. I have many ideas for movies as well, and I really want to make a short film. Nobody knows about that either (well, now you do). I actually already got an entire short from beginning to end in my head, but I haven't got the tools to get it out there... Don't know if any of this is "wow material", but not many people knows about it.

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
What are your favorite bands/singers?
I'll just throw some out in one big bunch...

R. Kelly, Phil Collins, Genesis, P!nk, Green Day, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Otis Redding, Eddie Vedder, Cee-Lo Green and Michael Jackson. As I have said previously, my taste is very varied.

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
What's the most embarrassing thing you've done?
I once walked into the wrong private party. I walked all the way in, and into a tent they had set up in the backyard. It was clear that the people there wondered who the f*ck I was haha. That was so embarrassing. But I guess I haven't really experienced so many embarrassing things, because I can't really think of anything besides this. :D

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
Favorite traditional food?
I love a good steak with baked potatoes, sour cream, garlic butter, vegetables and bearnaise.

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
Are you normally shy or outgoing?
A little shy I guess. But not in smaller crowds or crowds that I know well. On those occasions I'm very loud and love to crack jokes and have fun. Definitely one of the loudest and most energetic at the table. :p

But I can get a little shy if there are many people I don't know, and I'm not the biggest party-hard-to-loud-dance-music type of guy. I appreciate smaller private parties or just cosy evenings a lot more.

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
What's your sign? Do you think it fits you?
Aquarius aka The Water Carrier...

And yes, I think it generally fits me from what I've read.

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
Do you believe in life after death?
Yes. And more so by the day. I don't know why I have begun to believe so much in it, but yeah, some of the stories you read are just so convincing. How we have a soul, which is what will go on to a new life after our body die. I just don't see how you would just die and then darkness. the end. game over. I believe in something after death, yes, whatever that might be.

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
Are you religious?
No, I hate to bind myself to something other people think I should do. I do believe there is "something" out there, that there are things that are unexplainable. But I'm not religious, and I'm not living with any rules pulled over my head.

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
How many languages do you speak?
Only three, Danish, English and German. Two of them almost perfect. The third one, not so much... I suck at German, really.

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
Do you enjoy other arts besides movies? What are your favorite artists?
I love everything art. Just people expressing themselves is the greatest ever. I don't care what they use to express their inner creativity and create art. It's just awesome in general. Don't know if I have any favorite artists. I probably do, but can't think of any now...

Originally Posted by NatashaR (Post 1321841)
Do you feel you have a healthy lifestyle?
Yes, definitely.

I work out at least 5 days a week, doing a mix of cardio and strength training, sometimes combining it with weights, but I like to use only my body weight most of the time. I do some very intense and challenging work outs because I like to push myself to the max and see how far I can take my body. And generally, I have never been a fan of sitting on your ass lifting some weights. I'd much rather do power jumps, push-ups and all sorts of variations. That's more me.

When it comes to my diet, I honestly don't live that strict. I'm not following a very healthy diet plan or anything. But I still watch what I eat, and I still eat healthy, but I don't mind some chocolate and some fast food here and there. I eat varied though, which is good, and I try to get all the calories I need each day. And since I train hard, I complement my food with protein shakes, but obviously only as a part of it. I also try to balance it with my actual diet, so if I know I've had plenty of protein that given day, I just skip the shakes. But yeah, I try to live fairly healthy while not turning insane because of being restricted from certain foods. ;)

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1322005)
Favorite Book?
Aw man, I don't know. Somehow my mental book library has closed for the day. :p If I come to think of it, I'll return!

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1322005)
Handle bar mustaches. Hot or Tacky?
Tacky. And yet kinda kinky.

Guaporense 05-26-15 09:01 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation
Some country movie related questions:

Favorite Russian movie?
Favorite Japanese movie?
Favorite Italian movie?
Favorite Brazilian movie?
Favorite British movie?

Also, have you ever read a manga? If yes, what's your favorite? (third time I asked this question, I am doing a survey here)

MovieMeditation 05-26-15 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1322014)
Some country movie related questions:

Favorite Russian movie? Leviathan, which is probably the onnly Russian film I've seen...
Favorite Japanese movie? You'll be happy with this choice... Wolf Children.
Favorite Italian movie? Anything Sergio Leone. Can't decide.
Favorite Brazilian movie? City of God, which (again) is the only Brazilian movie I think I have seen, except for Anaconda, which is half-Brazillian... but it sucks, so.
Favorite British movie? Very tough one, there are so many. Can't decide.

Also, have you ever read a manga? If yes, what's your favorite? (third time I asked this question, I am doing a survey here) no I haven't, the format never interested me one bit.
Answers inside the quote.

Guaporense 05-26-15 09:25 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation
City of God is indeed our only great film. There are some other good ones as well.

seanc 05-26-15 09:35 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: MovieMeditation
A few favorites of each:


Screen writer



TV Shows

What is the element of films that you value the most?

Do you do a lot of writing outside of your reviews?

bluedeed 05-26-15 09:48 PM

Originally Posted by Guaporense (Post 1322028)
City of God is indeed our only great film. There are some other good ones as well.
You should check out Mario Peixoto's Limite, which is my favorite Brazilian film

Gatsby 05-27-15 07:33 AM

- Do you meditate in real life too?
- How much money do you make by posting your reviews on that Danish site?
- What is the most amount of money you gave to a beggar?
- Do you have the honeykid virus? Ever since a few months ago your use of smilies has gone up by 222.5%. And don't ask me how I got that number.
- Are you going to ask me a lot of questions when my grill thread comes up, which will be released on the next batch of grill threads?

christine 05-27-15 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1321988)
Oh I'm sorry for missing that question, christine! I didn't mean to. :( Anyways, yes I have been to Bornholm. It's a great little place, very idyllic and simplistic. If you want to experience bare-skin Denmark that's where you go... well, I meant in the sense of the country itself being stripped down, but I guess you'll find some nudists here and there as well. :D But yeah, a fun little place, it has a special kind of atmosphere to it.
that's nice to hear (well maybe not the nudist bit :laugh:) I plan to go there one of these days. It'd be nice to see where my mums family originate.

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1321988)
And to you question about how it is in Denmark generally, I will say it's pretty good. But the media is hyping up the country so freaking much. It's not as perfect as it seems, our country is actually diving to the sh*ts as we speak. Our famous welfare state is ballocks now, and I wish we just had it like in the US, since we pay for everything on top of our taxes anyways... The public hospitals, which we pay our taxes to, sucks, and generally people tend to use the private hospitals because they are better, even if you have to pay. Same goes for schools, doctors and other public "services" ... And we are taking in so many refugees and general immigrants that we struggle to take care of ourselves because we want to support all of them at the same time. And we have never had as much crime as we have now. Luckily it isn't quite as bad as with the Swedes, but we are getting there... Hope to see some big changes very soon.
interesting to hear. I always like to see what life is like in other countries. All the Scandinavian countries are always held up as paragons of virtue to the rest of Europe!

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1321988)
Oh damn, this is a hard one. I'll say Leo DiCaprio just because. ;).
I'm going to be imagining him now when I read your posts!

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation (Post 1321988)
If you mean the american type, I watch it on occasion, but mainly for the Super Bowl. I like Packers... But if we are talking soccer I'm a huge fan. I have played 10 years myself, but got too busy with life and had to stop. I support Manchester City, but honestly I don't have a team that is a total favorite...
yeah I meant proper football ;) Man City least they're blue! Sergio Agüero has been good in my fantasy football team although I came last in our family league cos I keep forgetting to update it.

MovieMeditation 05-27-15 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1322035)
A few favorites of each:

Once again I must say that I find it extremely hard to nail down one single favorite, but I'll try my best to pick one! ;)

Director - probably Paul Thomas Anderson

Screen writer - I'll have to say three, Richard Linklater, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Kaufman

Actor - Leonardo DiCaprio

Actress - Julianne Moore

TV Shows - Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Shield, True Detective, Game of Thrones, Hannibal
Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1322035)
What is the element of films that you value the most?
I have always tried to find out which one, but in the end it is really all the elements that come together.

But if I absolutely had to choose, I would say the story/dialogue. It is the core of the film and if that doesn't work it doesn't matter if you have great actors to speak the dialogue or a great filmmaker to visualize it. But I will say that I like a visually stunning film, so I guess that's a close second.

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1322035)
Do you do a lot of writing outside of your reviews?
No, not really. I used to do a little though, but right now it's mostly the review stuff...

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1322179)
- Do you meditate in real life too?
Not really, but I should. I'm often a little stressed so meditation would help me greatly. But that's why I watch movies, they put me in a meditative state, you know? That's why I'm MovieMeditation! :p

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1322179)
- How much money do you make by posting your reviews on that Danish site?
None. But I wish someone would see and appreciate them enough to contact me for a paid job. That's why I did it in the first place. I love writing, but I hoped that it would take me to something else. But anyways, it's not that demanding. I review whenever I want to.

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1322179)
- What is the most amount of money you gave to a beggar?
I don't know, I rarely give money to beggars because you have no idea how some of them use them. I'd much rather give my money to charity work.

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1322179)
- Do you have the honeykid virus? Ever since a few months ago your use of smilies has gone up by 222.5%. And don't ask me how I got that number.
It has gone up because people misunderstood me so many times, and asked me to put a smiley or something. So know I do it a lot so I don't piss anybody off because of a stupid joke.

Originally Posted by Gatsby (Post 1322179)
- Are you going to ask me a lot of questions when my grill thread comes up, which will be released on the next batch of grill threads?
Obviously. I will at least ask one batch of questions! :up:

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