Terra Nova


The son stopped whining. So its got that going for it...
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

Movie Forums Insomniac
Terra Nova is cancelled.

Movie Forums Insomniac
It's possible a different network might pick it up, but nothing is known for sure yet.

Ditto. Sounds like they picked things up late in the year, but it really seems like they had a strong premise and a strong ending, and just a ton of filler in-between.

Movie Forums Insomniac
Netflix may resurrect Terra Nova, just like they are going to do with Arrested Development in November. Click here for details.

Movie Forums Insomniac
Definitely a ton of filler in the middle but towards the end it got really interesting, I hope they do do something to resurrect this show.
Click here