Cloverfield 2 On The Way!


Specialty Films Cinema
I'd love to see a sequel. The first brought mystery back to the cinemas. I'd also love to know some more stuff about the backstory and such.
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are you kidding me , that movie sucked i could hardly sit through that crap , blair witch want to be , give me a break , that was the all time worse movie , i give it a one , i give the monster in it a ten they should have showed more of it , and why did they film it that way that was ******

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Can you expand more on your thoughts please? Rottweilor?
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

are you kidding me , that movie sucked i could hardly sit through that crap , blair witch want to be , give me a break , that was the all time worse movie , i give it a one , i give the monster in it a ten they should have showed more of it , and why did they film it that way that was ******
Wow such a well explained and profund post. So rare around here Im sure im trying to control the weather but rottweilor rather then just pointlessly flame and curse try explaining yourself and being reasonable.

Registered User
can you tell me what this? is this a spypic?

Last I knew, this movie was put on hold

Registered User
I dont see how they could improve on the first cloverfield or how they could make it as orgianal as the first one, which orgianality was one of the biggest parts of the first one. Personaly i look foward to what they come up with.
Get to the CHOPPER!

Though, how are they going to make this possible? Cloverfield 2 is now officialy an upcoming movie. For an action flick, it seems like Cloverfield resembles Independence Day alot. Hopefully this wont be the plot for the movie. Because that would ruin it big time.

Im interested. And I have questions I think they could answer in the sequel. Oh, you know, things like:

WARNING: "cloverfield 1 info" spoilers below
1. Why did Marlena's body seem to rip itself apart in the tent where they took here when they discovered she'd been bitten? What's THAT about? Contact means death? So Aliens, if you ask me.

2. How come the government seems to know so much about this "sudden" attack? I get emergency response, but baby, they seemed prepped and ready to go, with doctors, lockdown and segregation of infectees all too soon to my taste.

3. Dont you feel this all a little too "September 11th" for your tastes? I mean, I was in South Jersey at the time and I remember the extreme paranoia and fear. You were there, or you saw the video. Tell me its not similar, down to them hiding in the merchants store while a "dark cloud" descended over everything. Complete with men and women walking dazed down the street covered in ash and covering their mouths. The only departure seemed to be when the horror continued.

I say they pick up with the dude who supposedly died on the bridge (only we discover he didnt) and follow his fight for survival.

Or not. It really doesnt matter, I'll watch it anyway. JJ Abrams is good.
something witty goes here......

cool poster i quite like that but i think i agree with alot of people and again just leave it be as the first film was not a bad film as things go
Earnest Hemingway once wrote, "The world is a fine place and worth fighting for." I believe the second part.

i saw that poster before cloverfield 1 came out. looks like they just stamped a 2 on it. not to mention it looks like a human shadow...fanmade

A system of cells interlinked
are you kidding me , that movie sucked i could hardly sit through that crap , blair witch want to be , give me a break , that was the all time worse movie , i give it a one , i give the monster in it a ten they should have showed more of it , and why did they film it that way that was ******
Was it as bad as trying to decode your post?

Oh, you spelled your name wrong, too.


“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I was wondering about the sequel, as everyone who knows in the film they go running with most of the city over a bridge. Did anyone see the other guy with a video camera? he basically stopped and looked straight at the guy filming in cloverfield 1. So I was thinking would the sequel have anything to do with this guy, it could show how they came to be in the same situation maybe?

That is just a theory me and my m8s have come up with, but really another god dam sequel, thats all its going to be a sequel to this a sequel to that, or they are going to bring some guy who died back to life to make even more sequels. Bugger it lets bring back darth vader and let him go back in time to 1969 so he can assinate the queen of england then he can get prince charles to join the dark side, what a brilliant idea that would be...................NOT
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Dissapearing Pen Trick is #1
Um....anyone remember The Blair Witch Project and its sequel????

The first movie was interesting and new and succeeded....the second one, um......
WARNING: "Very Important To Know" spoilers below

So no sequel please, don't throw the Cloverfield name in the dirt and stomp on it....PLEASE!
Hard 2 Be A Viking
"I drink your....milkshake!!! I drink it up!"

god i hated cloverfield. not just the cam but the unrealistic storyline. how does a camera survive dropping hundreds of feet in a helicopter crash? just annoying stuff.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
If NYC can be attacked by an alien destroying the city, I wouldn't worry about the camera surviving.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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The previous post there is what we call a "cool burn"
It stings a little but one realises that it's aim is to soothe and teach.

But then you read it again . . .and again . .in your head all you can see is the burner licking his finger and making sizzling sound effects . .it's eNough to drive you MAD as you HURL your keyboard aside and proceed to light your monitor on fire,burning your clothes till you lie naked,weeping in a pool of your own urine, crying out to the heavens "WHY!WHY DIDN'T I THINK BEFORE I POSTED FOR THE 4TH TIME!"

Or . . .y'know . . . I hope those stuffed suits don't molest another good movie with a substandard film or whatever . . .