Movie Tab II


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I really didn't think the lead did very well, TBH. I kept thinking to myself how much better it could be if someone like Watts played the lead. But even then the story would have been too shallow IMO.

I think her portrayal of depression caused by a traumatic experience is subtle but captivating. Really well-done.

We'll have to agree to disagree, though. I think you guys are all sorts of wrong but I guess you think I am, too.

Ya dum dums.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Rosemont (Daniel Petrie Jr., 2015)
Splash (Ron Howard, 1984)
Hell Harbor (Henry King, 1930)

The Fox and the Hound (Art Stevens, Ted Berman & Richard Rich, 1981)

Neighboring pets Tod the Fox (Voice of Keith Coogan, then Mickey Rooney) and Copper (Voice of Corey Feldman, then Kurt Russell) pledge their life-long friendship, but Copper’s owner (Voice of Jack Albertson) causes a problem when he trains hm to be a hunting dog.
My Country, My Country (Laura Poitras, 2006)

The Last Survivors aka The Well (Tom Hammock, 2015)
The Spanish Main (Frank Borzage, 1945)

James and the Giant Peach (Henry Selick, 1996)

Grasshopper (Voice of Simon Callow), Ladybug (Voice of Jane Leaves), transformed young boy James (Paul Terry) and Caterpillar (Richard Dreyfuss) sing for joy as they fly a giant peach across the Atlantic Ocean to New York City.
End of Days (Peter Hyams, 1999)

Blackbeard, the Pirate (Raoul Walsh, 1951)

Springtime in the Rockies (Irving Cummings, 1942)

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Kevin Reynolds, 1991)

The Sheriff of Nottngham (Alan Rickman) isn’t pleased with the antics of Robin Hood (Kevin Costner).
Captain Kidd (Rowland V. Lee, 1945)

The Oath (Laura Poitras, 2010)

Teresa (Fred Zinnemann, 1951)

Gone Baby Gone (Ben Affleck, 2007)

Boston Police Captain Morgan Freeman discusses a botched kidnap/ransom exchange involving a missing four-year-old girl with private detectives Casey Affleck and Michelle Monaghan.
From the Four Corners (Anthony Havelock-Allen, 1942)
Tumbleweed (Nathan Juran, 1953)

Penny Serenade (George Stevens, 1941)

Murphy’s War (Peter Yates, 1971)

Orinoco River, Venezuela, WWII. British sailor Murphy (Peter O’Toole) wants revenge on the U-Boat which sunk his ship leaving him the sole survivor, so he fixes up a damaged floatplane with the help of friendly Frenchman Philippe Noiret and tries to bomb the sub.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Snow Dogs (Brian Levant, 2002)

Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (H.C. Potter, 1948)

The Famous Ferguson Case (Lloyd Bacon, 1932)
The Caine Mutiny (Edward Dmytryk, 1954)

Captain Queeg (Humphrey Bogart) freaks out, again, during a typhoon this time, which leads to mutiny and a court martial.
Let Us Prey (Brian O’Malley, 2014)

Women’s World (Jean Negulesco, 1954)

Little Big Shot (Michael Curtiz, 1935)
The Apartment (Billy Wilder, 1960)

Insurance accountant Jack Lemmon receives a boutonnière from elevator operator Shirley MacLaine, but little do they know what’s in store for them.
The Kentucky Fried Movie (John Landis, 1977)
Crooner (Lloyd Bacon, 1932)
Chinese Box (Wayne Wang, 1997)

Macbeth (Justin Kurzel, 2015)

Macbeth (Michael Fassbender) contemplates what the knife means to his future as king as well as what it means to his sanity.
Stop-Loss (Kimberly Peirce, 2008)
Cop Car (Jon Watts, 2015)
Goofy Movies Number Eight (No Director Listed, 1934)

Babe: Pig in the City (George Miller, 1998)

Babe (Voice of E.G. Daily) prevaricates to try to get his bag back from a primate family in the big city.
Exclusive Story (George B. Seitz, 1936)
Quaint Quebec (Benjamin Sharpe, 1936)

We Who Are About to Die (Christy Cabanne, 1937)
Wit (Mike Nichols, 2001)

Literature professor Emma Thompson undergoes experimental chemotherapy for her terminal ovarian cancer and realizes that she should have been a kinder teacher and human being. Near the end of her life, her mentor Eileen Atkins comforts both of them by reading to her a children’s book.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
It's very visceral but in a spare way. For example, the Duncan murder takes place in a tent, not a castle, as in the Polanski version. The surrealism inherent in the play is also handled differently - sometimes here we can see Macbeth speaking to himself (another Macbeth) when he soliloquizes. Fassbender is very good here, as is Marion Cotillard as Lady Macbeth, although the staging of many of their key scenes is again very spare and unshowy, as if the exaggerated drama is being kept bottled up in their ill minds. This is definitely a Macbeth filtered through a modern perspective on mental illness. I'm not sure if all the camera filters used show the minds or the environs of the Family Macbeth, but ultimately they're meant to denote both.

Thanks. I'm a fan of the Macbeth story and thought this might be something I'd see last year, but quite a few of the reviews said things which made me nervous. I heard a few clips and the dialogue seemed to be mumbled rather than spoken, too, which annoyed me when listening to clips, let alone a whole film of it. I'll certainly be watching it when it's on TV, though.

As I've seen a few films this year already (I know! And I've got a reputation to protect) I'd mention the last I saw.

White House Down
- I feel a little stingy with that as, had it not been too CGI heavy for me, it'd be a four. Possibly more. There have been many films which are, essentially, Die Hard in/on a ______, but this is probably the best one I can think of and the only one which actually felt like Die Hard to me, too. Which isn't a surprise seeing as there's quite a few references/homages/rip offs throughout its runtime. I really enjoyed this from start to finish and have no trouble believing this is everything Olympus Has Fallen wishes it was. It's great fun. It's stupid and of the henchmen does his very best to channel Vernon Wells from Commando and that's always welcome.

Full Metal Jacket

I imagine Kubrick to have been a huge film buff. So when Apocalypse Now came out, he should have said "well you can't top that so what's the use". That's his approach to the first half of the Full Metal Jacket, something completely different from the horde of Vietnam flicks. R. Lee Ermey yelling hilarious **** at the trainees and them trying to keep a straight face as he fills their head with all this patriotic nonsense.

But then you have the second half, which is just a weak rehash of everything else.

Once Upon a Time in the West

Even though I'm not it's biggest fan I revisit this one a lot. The music is incredible, probably Morricone's finest score ever. The opening two scenes are cinematic perfection. The final shootout and the big reveal are stunning, but the entire movie in between has a lot of hits and misses.

A Clockwork Orange

How do you follow up such a challenging, bold film as 2001 ? Well with this I guess. The typical gratuitous violence and sex. A Clockwork Orange is a genuinely weird satire with a lot of memorable imagery. Alex is one of the most repugnant horrible creatures to grace the silver screen and I can't help but relish in all the beatdowns and humiliations he endures through the second half.

With prisons bursting at the seams with degenerate murderers and rapists, where can we shove this useless sickening excess ? Make them politicians the film suggests.

Kiki's Delivery Service

If you thought these other movies were messed up, just wait till you see this.


Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Miyazaki Hayao, 1984)

Kiki's Delivery Service (Miyazaki Hayao, 1989)

American Ultra (Nima Nourizadeh, 2015)

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Bar-Rac's Night Out (Earl Frank, 1937)
Wrinkles (Ignacios Ferraras, 2012)

State Property 2 (Damon Dash, 2005)

Clerks. (Kevin Smith, 1994)

Silent Bob (Kevin Smith) turns out to be quite the philosopher.
Kid Rodelo (Richard Carlson, 1966)

Don't Go Near the Water (Charles Walters, 1957)

It Started with a Kiss (George Marshall, 1959)
The Cotton Club (Francis Coppola, 1984)

The Harlem nightclub features tap dancing brothers Maurice & Gregory Hines in between all the mob shootouts during the Jazz Age.
Dear Heart (Delbert Mann, 1964)

Desperate Hours (Michael Cimino, 1990)

Martyrs (Pascal Laugler, 2008)

The Imitation Game (Morten Tyldum, 2014)

British WWII scientist Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) and his team crack the Germans' Enigma code.
Dead Space: Aftermath (Mike Disa, 2011)

High Tension (Alexandre Aja, 2003)

British Intelligence (Terry Morse, 1940)

Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story of the National Lampoon (Douglas Tirola, 2015)

In 1973, Chevy Chase and John Belushi rehearse National Lampoon’s “Lemmings”, an off-Broadway show which became very popular for awhile before “Saturday Night Live” went on the air.
Skippy (Norman Taurog, 1931)

Smuggler’s Cove (William Beaudine, 1948)

Romantic Nevada (James A. FitzPatrick, 1943)

The Unbelievable Truth (Hal Hartley, 1990)

Teenager Adrienne Shelley, who’s concerned about the end of the world, and ex-con Robert John Burke, a good auto mechanic who’s often mistaken for a priest, are attracted to each other.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

So my boys have watched this a couple times but I hadn't subjected myself to the torture till tonight. I probably wouldn't usually log this but it is not everyday you see your new worst movie of all time. Congratulations Hausa.

What I've seen since the last time I posted here

Hoop Dreams (1994)
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008)
Hannah Arendt (2012)
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969)
The Big Short (2015)
Head-On (2004)
Agora (2009)
eXistenZ (1999)
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)

Identity (2003)
Stalag 17 (1953)
The Immigrant (2014)
Spotlight (2015)
Missing (1982)
Mystic River (2003)
Come and See (1985)
A Few Good Men (1992)
Grizzly Man (2005)
Brooklyn (2015)
Wild (2014)
I Vitelloni (1953)
Dial M for Murder (1954)
Orpheus (1950)
Le Notti Bianche (1957)
Short Term 12 (2013)
Los Olvidados (1950)
Bridge of Spies (2015)
Sabrina (1954)
A Serious Man (2009)
The Revenant (2015)
Marty (1955)

The Thin Man (1934)
Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
Bridesmaids (2011)

The Trouble with Harry (1955)
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages