Most Overrated Movies


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I think Pulp is a bit overrated myself. Good film, though.
If Pulp is the number one film of the nineties (which is pretty much a guarantee on these boards, then yes, it is overrated). Much prefer Jackie Brown to be honest.

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IMO.. for me.. A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) was overrated...

but now you have my attention
No you didn't, how can you think goodfellas is overrated. Joe Pesci's best performance "what am I a clown" Had De Niro, Liotta, a not so old Samuel L Jackson and a waiter that got shot for just standing up for himself.

I absolutely hate when people say "pointless violence." You are missing the entire point of the movie. That's like saying Shawshank Redemption has "pointless drama" or Jaws has "pointless suspense." It might not be your kind of movie, but if it's supposed to be a violent movie, than obviously violence will be a point of the movie. People seem to think that they are too sophisticated for violence in movies (also nudity, but that's opening a whole new can of worms). Violence is a tool used in storytelling. It's not pointless.
Violence is fine but when you just throw it in there for almost no reason it is mind numbing. Did they need to kill everyone in that movie no they did not. If Violence is a part of the story like a horror movie it is okay but in a western that when I went to see was a serious movie makes the movie mind numbing. Add the South Park type of language it seems unprofessional and like I said makes it seems like they were trying to spice up a half ass script

I love violent movies but IMO Django threw it in to spice it up when it does no t work. Other movies like Die Hard and Total Recall (to of my favorite movies) have tons of violence but they blend into the story. It is the same with South Park because while it is raunchy it tells a story that has a message and is the reason I like it over Family Guy

I love violent movies but IMO Django threw it in to spice it up when it does no t work. Other movies like Die Hard and Total Recall (to of my favorite movies) have tons of violence but they blend into the story. It is the same with South Park because while it is raunchy it tells a story that has a message and is the reason I like it over Family Guy
I thought the violence in Django worked well because it was added in to strengthen our hatred towards the vile villain that is Calvin Candie, the scenes with the dogs and the Mandingo fighting are disgusting and really help paint him as a disgusting human being.

like I said makes it seems like they were trying to spice up a half ass script
Half ass script? It won practically every mainstream award for best original screenplay.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I thought the violence in Django worked well because it was added in to strengthen our hatred towards the vile villain that is Calvin Candie, the scenes with the dogs and the Mandingo fighting are disgusting and really help paint him as a disgusting human being.
It did build Calvin as a monster and he did deserve to die however there are so many parts where it is not needed after Calvin's death.

If you have not I really recommend going to youtube and watch Red Dead Redemption story mode because I think even as a video games blends the violence with story and charater much better.

Yes it is a half ass script and the movie IMO is overrated. I Understand Tarantino movies are violent but unlike a movie like Reservoir Dogs a good part of the killing and Lang was to much

It did build Calvin as a monster and he did deserve to die however there are so many parts where it is not needed after Calvin's death.

If you have not I really recommend going to youtube and watch Red Dead Redemption story mode because I think even as a video games blends the violence with story and charater much better.
The huge shoot out scene after his death was a bit over the top, but I thought it was fun and enjoyable, and so did Tarantino, I guess, he goes over the top and indulges himself a bit too much sometimes, but it wouldn't be a Tarantino film if he didn't.

And I have played/completed Red Dead Redemption and agree that it is a brilliant story with great plot and characters mixed in with the typical stylistic elements (including the violence) of the West. And I also agree that with you in that I would love to see it become a film.

Well, any popular movie is bound to be overrated in someone's opinion. Django Unchained was a lot of fun like all of QT's movies are for me. A bit flawed and self-indulgent and overlong, sure, but I expect that. His excesses come from his joy of movie-making, and it's a double-edged sword. So I expect a Tarantino film to be a Tarantino film - dripping with style, humor, and blood.

Django Unchained is of the weaker efforts for me form QT (not Quick Trip )!

The movie is just fun. Not mind blowing amazing. Not a horror show as well. Just right. But considering the applause it gets i would say it is over-rated. But bad movie? No way!
My Favorite Films

Django Unchained is of the weaker efforts for me form QT (not Quick Trip )!

The movie is just fun. Not mind blowing amazing. Not a horror show as well. Just right. But considering the applause it gets i would say it is over-rated. But bad movie? No way!
*Spoiler warning for anyone that hasn't seen Django Unchained*

I really liked Django until Waltz's character shoots DiCaprio's and says 'I couldn't resist'. Then it just becomes another QT revenge film.

*Spoiler warning for anyone that hasn't seen Django Unchained*

I really liked Django until Waltz's character shoots DiCaprio's and says 'I couldn't resist'. Then it just becomes another QT revenge film.
I agree. I still liked the third part of the film, but it was indeed significantly weaker than the first two. There were still a few epic scenes, though.