Kick Ass 2 "Greenlit"


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Smells mystical, doesn't it?
No Nicolas Cage / the first one wasn't even that good to begin with.

+ Jim Carrey? Talk about The Riddler flashbacks.
I thought I was the only person who didn't care for it. It was mildly entertaining but hugely overrated.
Let's talk some jive.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Jim Carrey Distances Himself From Kick-Ass 2

Jim Carrey, Kick-Ass 2's Colonel Stars and Stripes, has taken to Twitter to condemn the level of violence in the film and distance himself from its promotional campaign. The actor explained that the massacre at Sandy Hook in December had changed his attitude towards the movie.

“I did Kick-Ass a month before Sandy Hook, and now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence,” he told his Twitter followers. “My apologies to others involve[d] with the film. I am not ashamed of it but recent events have caused a change in my heart.”

If Carrey has raised the issue of movie violence and its possible social repercussions at the worst possible time for his Kick-Ass 2 collaborators, he was at pains to point out that he is "not ashamed" of the film and has acted out of conscience after "recent events caused a change in my heart".

Mark Millar, Kick-Ass creator, took to his blog to describe Carrey's tweets as “surprising” and reject Carrey's comments. “[I'm] baffled by this sudden announcement as nothing seen in this picture wasn’t in the screenplay 18 months ago. Yes, the body-count is very high, but a movie called Kick-Ass 2 really has to do what it says on the tin," he wrote.

"A sequel to the picture that gave us Hit-Girl was always going to have some blood on the floor and this should have been no shock to a guy who enjoyed the first movie so much... This is fiction and like Tarantino and Peckinpah, Scorsese and Eastwood, John Boorman, Oliver Stone and Park Chan-wook, Kick-Ass avoids the usual bloodless bodycount of most big summer pictures and focuses instead of the consequences of violence... Our job as storytellers is to entertain and our toolbox can’t be sabotaged by curtailing the use of guns in an action-movie.”

Millar defended the violence in the film, asking readers to “imagine a John Wayne picture where he wasn’t packing, or a Rocky movie where Stallone wasn’t punching someone repeatedly in the face", and stressed that he shares Carrey's outlook on violence in society. “Like Jim, I'm horrified by real-life violence (even though I'm Scottish), but Kick-Ass 2 isn't a documentary. No actors were harmed in the making of this production!”
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Carrey needs to wake up and smell reality.

I was watching violent films when I was still in single figures... and I haven't turned out as a criminal.
Same here man

I dont know if this is just something for publicity or if its actually how he feels. Either way I dont care im going to watch Kick Ass 2. Also surly he new it was going to be a violent film from the start? He signed on for it...


"Yeah, sign me up to star in that movie called Kill Death Burn Maim Blood Guts And Snot then I'll moan because there too much killing burning and maiming"

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
'Kick-Ass 2' fans call for Jim Carrey to give fee to charity

Fans are calling for Jim Carrey to donate his Kick-Ass 2 fee to charity.

The actor recently said that he had decided not to promote the film following the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in December.

Carrey wrote on Twitter that "in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence".

There have been numerous calls since for the actor to give the money he earned on the movie to the Sandy Hook victims.

Kick-Ass co-creator Mark Millar has said that he is "baffled" by Carrey's decision.

Universal Pictures - the studio behind the Kick-Ass films - has yet to comment on Carrey's decision.

Kick-Ass 2 is released in the UK on August 14 and US cinemas on August 16

So apparently he saw a screening of the film. I would have loved if someone recorded him watching the film so we could see his reaction. Would he have been laughing throughout the film or be like shaking his head at all the violence? Ha ha this entire movie violence controversy is just really stupid.

He is only now doing this because he has been called a hypocrite so many times in the past few months. Violent media does not lead to violence in real life. To say that is so idiotically simplistic and ignores the dozens of much stronger factors of criminal offending.

I wonder if this will be any good..The first one was pretty interesting.

The more I read on Jim Carrey he is becoming more like this charactor,
Indeed. If an actor plays dumb characters for too long, he begins to lose it too.

I wonder what will happen to Adam Sandler as well..

Nobody has posted the international trailer, so here you go:

I like this one a lot more than the red band trailer

Two reasons:

1 - The trailers looks quite stupid. Though trailers can sometimes trick you (Apocalypse Now, for instance, had a quite mediocre trailer).

2 - It's a sequel.

The first one was very, very good, though. A
movie, this one is going to be at most a
movie, probably a