Looking for opinions on good 80's sci-fi films.


Hello everyone. Lately, I've really been in the mood for some good sci-fi/cyborg type films. The 80's seemed to do this genre right, but I really don't know the names of any good ones. The closest I've come is Terminator. I've heard Blade Runner is good but haven't seen it. No concerned at all about the "quality" of the film, if it's corny of heavily dated, I don't mind in the slightest. Just wanna see robots and lasers and all that good stuff. Thanks for any/all suggestions!

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I wanted to recommend some titles, but then I saw "robot and lasers" thing. But wait, there's a robot in Moon!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Def Robocop.
Aliens is sci-fi but doesn't have lots of cyborg stuff
It does have an android, though, so it probably counts.

Highlander doesn't have Cyborgs, but it is very 80s.

Total Recall ?? good stuff.... let's just hope this years' remake cut's the mustard.

Haven't seen 'The Hidden' but I did like 'They Live'
Movies - The best escape from reality


Universal Soldier. Oh!! Did I really say that. It is corny and you said you don't care so...meh!

Total Recall is 1990, but close.
Dam, it is too !! thought it was '89 lol.

Leonard Maltin-:Multiplicity:2 1/2 Stars.Brodys Nose:Bomb
There was a movie called Return Of the Jedi or something similar, had some sci fi essence to it but i cant recall what. No joke tho check out Altered States if you havent seen it. Not really robots and lasers now i think about it but still si fi. Was Flash Gordon movie 80's???

A few from my collection. Prototype X29A, Mandroid, Hardware, Eliminators, Mutant Hunt, Robo-chic, Full Metal Yakuza, Cyborg Soldier, Cyborg Cop, Automatic, Class of 1984, Class of 1999 II.
You can't raise your voice when the lion gets here man.