A New Terminator?


This sounds kinda promising. Taken from The Telford Journal.

James Cameron has been working on Avatar 2 and 3, possibly an Avatar 4 as well… but during a recent trip to Britain, he has revealed to The Telford Journal his plans to remake Terminator after all of the upheaval and rewriting and poor reception of the sequels of his beloved franchise.

He has taken the project under his wing and will be remaking Terminator after he has finished with his current pet project Avatar.
The veteran director has said that a complete overhaul is in the works and a full on reboot will definitely be happening sometime within the next 15 years.

"The original two films initially came to me from a nightmare I had while I was sick with fever of all things.
After leaving the franchise for other projects I opened the door for anyone to take on the story and I showed little care to how loved the first two movies are. It also meant that my original ideas weren’t incorporated into parts 3 and 4.
I know there’s a current 5th instalment in the works for Terminator with another studio and other writers and so on, but whether or not that will ever get off the ground, nobody is really sure.

After seeing the previous two sequels and the television series, and the reaction by fans, I think it’s time to take the reins again and restart the whole thing over, from the beginning, with the original storylines I had planned twenty five to thirty years ago and bring The Terminator back to the big screen, and in a big way.

It will mean making more than one movie for sure, a remake of T1 and T2 and the storylines I had laid out all those years ago will more than likely have to be spread over at least five movies altogether.

The audience makes the films what they are and I’ve learned from that mistake. I’m going to give the audience and myself what we wanted in the first place."

Fans may also be pleased to know that technology created for Avatar and the new technology currently being developed for the Avatar sequels will play a fundamental part in making The Terminator Reboot… currently dubbed simply as Terminator.

A system of cells interlinked
"The original two films initially came to me from a nightmare I had while I was sick with fever of all things.
After leaving the franchise for other projects I opened the door for anyone to take on the story and I showed little care to how loved the first two movies are. It also meant that my original ideas weren’t incorporated into parts 3 and 4.
I know there’s a current 5th instalment in the works for Terminator with another studio and other writers and so on, but whether or not that will ever get off the ground, nobody is really sure."

Really, James? See, I thought it came from Harlan Ellison. You know, the guy whose idea you ripped off? The guy that sued the studio and got his name attached to The Terminator credits by a court of law, because it was clear to them you lifted the idea from his earlier material?

Also - remake Terminator and T2?? Two seminal sci-fi classics???

No more original stolen ideas, James? Those movies are just fine the way they are!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

"The original two films initially came to me from a nightmare I had while I was sick with fever of all things.
After leaving the franchise for other projects I opened the door for anyone to take on the story and I showed little care to how loved the first two movies are. It also meant that my original ideas weren’t incorporated into parts 3 and 4.
I know there’s a current 5th instalment in the works for Terminator with another studio and other writers and so on, but whether or not that will ever get off the ground, nobody is really sure."

Really, James? See, I thought it came from Harlan Ellison. You know, the guy whose idea you ripped off? The guy that sued the studio and got his name attached to The Terminator credits by a court of law, because it was clear to them you lifted the idea from his earlier material?

Also - remake Terminator and T2?? Two seminal sci-fi classics???

No more original stolen ideas, James? Those movies are just fine the way they are!
That is kind of his schtick. Same with Avatar

I'm looking forward to it. Finally getting what Cameron planned for the Quintuplet of films.

Prefer to see Cameron's ideas than watch T3 and Salvation again tbh.

In the Beginning...
I watched the original Terminator again a few months ago and it really holds up well. Obviously, it's dated in just about every way, but that's the charm. The stuff at the end with the T-800 skeleton stalking Sarah Connor is still really tense and unnerving.

No need to remake this film, nor Judgment Day.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Don't do it Cameron!

It will be like Ridley Scott tinkering with the Alien Universe, pointless and not a very good movie.

If you are going to do a Terminator movie then make a proper Mankind vs The Machines movie that actually looks like the flashbacks in T1 and T2. You can't do any worse than Terminator Salvation.

April Fools!! I wrote that whole thing myself.

Ok... I'm done now with April Fools... honest.
Until next year.

Movies - The best escape from reality


lmao good one. But yeah, you just can't touch the first 2 films... especially T2....

Sounds like a way to ruin a franchise. Why reboot a successful and active franchise, just because you dont like the stories even if they are successful? Its a bad business move. It worked with Star Trek because they tweaked the reboot so that it wasnt really a reboot but an actual continuation of the previous shows/movies, but they nearly failed with Spiderman....

No one wanted to see a reboot during the middle of a current series. Terminator will be the same thing. They even tried to reboot the series during for TV and that failed anyway. The more I think about it, the more I hate it

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
I love the first two movies in the series, the third and fourth sucked tho. Terminator is a huge franchise and there is just to much money to be made with a reboot for them not to do it.