Superpowers: Choose 2 DEBATE!


We've gone on holiday by mistake

I would pick #6, except it's basically unethical to use it in all the ways you'd want. Ditto for #9, which is probably the most purely powerful.

More fun to think of which of the others to choose, since they're not unethical or "overpowered." In that case, I'd go with #4 and...dang, I dunno. #7 is awfully valuable, but #1 would be fascinating. I've often fantasized about what it would be like to have any statistical question about my life answered. Which song have I heard the most times? Who have I spoken the most words to? What's my average time sleeping over the course of my life, or over the last year? That'd be both incredible to know and genuinely useful.

I'm confused. Are we choosing one or two?

If we can choose only TWO....

#8 is ridiculous. It means you have to die TWICE. Or make someone else die twice. No thank you.

Okay, if we can only choose two... I'll choose...

I would not choose #10. I know I'd save my life at ridiculous moments and waste it.

Back to two...hmmm.... One of them HAS to be #3. I've always loved jumping. Big trampoline fan here. I would get a kick out of jumping that high. I'M SCARED OF HEIGHTS, but I think I'd get used to it. It might even help my fear of airplanes and perhaps scary rides, like roller coasters, thus I'd be able to enjoy that stuff in life.

The other one... not #7. I'd like to change shape, but constantly, like that woman in X-Men whose name I can't remember off the top of my head... only once and I know I'd regret it soon after.

And not #1 because even though that would be cool, I don't need a stat calculator to tell me how much my life sucks. I've got one already in my head that does things like predict the last six movies in The MoFo Millenium Top 100.

The other one would have to be #6, the cheat code, cause it would give me access to money and soda and those are two things I can't live without. If I could only pick one super power, it would be that one as well. Screw jumping high.

Just another movie Guru
4&6 baby, all the way.

If I can put points into physical attributes every year of my life it means I can have a better physical apperance through a little bit of hard work at the gym that I just used my cheat code to pull money out for.


Money = Great Things
Great Body = Great Health
Heroic Images

The most loathsome of all goblins
#7, precisely for the great latitude the description gives you. "You get to completely re-design your own body." Completely, eh?

Well, I'd turn myself into an übermensch. Astounding male beauty, enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, intelligence, memory, and of course invincibility, self-regeneration and immunity to senescence.

Then I'd use to it usurp #3 without actually picking it. My second choice would be #6, and with my enhanced intellect I could definitely get away with millions.

Are you guys nuts? Just pick # 10. Do a save when you're 18 and then go back when you're 70. I'm an immortal, b!tches...

Until I die in a car crash, unabling me to get back to my save point before I die.

6 and 10 for me.

Unlimited money and I would be able to do absolutely anything because if I did something illegal or something like that I could always get back to the save. That also means living forever.

Experience points and save point. Anything else seems useless to me
Time travelling and transparency would be a lot better!

6... You can do anything with it... ANYTHING