good trailer,not somuch movies


I'm on a trailer binge,any ideas?

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
Due Date.... the trailer unfortunately showed the only good parts of the movie. So watching the actual movie was a let down
"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware: joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." -Henry Miller

You after the best place to look or actual trailers?

You Tube is prob best place to go.

As for movie ideas, have a look at they've got lists of all upcoming movies for the next 3 or 4 years.

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
Oh well I definitely thought you were asking about movies with good trailers that turned up being bad movies.


Battle: Los Angeles has a phenomenal trailer with a fantastic use of music, shame about the film.

Apple trailers is a good place to watch trailers, clear quality but for some reason it takes forever to load up now, never use to. I usually stick to youtube for trailers.

that's what she said...
Battle: Los Angeles has a phenomenal trailer with a fantastic use of music, shame about the film.
.... I personally LOVE Battle:Los Angeles.
It's a shame you don't!! It's in my top movie list (Maybe not top 10 but it's deff in my top 100, possibly top 50! lol

Anyways, is the OP looking for movies with great trailers that turned out to suck, or for movies with good trailers reguardless of if the movie was good or not?? I have trailers for both in that case.

^A movie with an awesome trailer but when I saw the movie I was very disappointed with the whole thing.

Nicolas Cage
^to be in 14 movies in the next two years^

I personally LOVE Battle:Los Angeles.
I enjoyed parts of it, just rather disappointing after such a brilliant trailer.

I liked the Snow White and the Huntsman trailer too but mainly because of the wonderful 'Inception' style similar music: World Collapsing:

Danny Cocke has had quite a few of his tracks used now, Dredd is the latest I believe with a rather good trailer:


Danny Cocke's music starts around the 52 second mark when Dredd's foot lands on the ground.

that's what she said...
Thanks for posting the youtube link of the song. I enjoyed just listening to the music.

And yes, the music did contribute to the great trailer of SnowWhite and the Huntsmen, but also I loved how they made it seem so medieval themed and made it seem like it was jam packed with emotion. There's where the actual film failed... Although the costume work was great to bring the atmophere to that day-in-age, what they failed to do, at least in my opinion, is capture emotion. They didnt do a great job making you feel sad about anything really... almost like they skipped over those scenes too much to bring us to the next fight/yelling scene. For example when SnowWhites father is killed, they didnt make it as emotional as it could have been... and I'm not a Kristen Stuart hater AT ALL (I actually quite like her and her acting) but this is one of the only films where I didn't find her acting to be as real as in other movies. It's as if she didn't understand how to produce the emotions that I wanted to see... I dont know how to explain.

She does great in ADVENTURELAND, THE MESSAGERS, PANIC ROOM and TWILIGHT expressing the emotions I felt she should have portrayed, but they way she dealt with the hypathetical situations given in SNOWWHITE AND THE HUNTSMEN was just a dissappointement.

WOW, lmao, what a rant on my part. Sorry!!

Good trailer suggestions,
I like I am Legend,
“Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it.” The Road

My Top 10's
Thrillers / Comedy / Horror

She does great in ADVENTURELAND, THE MESSAGERS, PANIC ROOM and TWILIGHT expressing the emotions I felt she should have portrayed, but they way she dealt with the hypathetical situations given in SNOWWHITE AND THE HUNTSMEN was just a dissappointement.
If you haven't seen it, her acting is suppose to be rather good in Welcome To The Rileys. And she was decent as Joan Jett in The Runaways.

Oh well I definitely thought you were asking about movies with good trailers that turned up being bad movies.

That is what I am talking about.... What were you talking about?

Slick trailer. I thought this film was going to be the ***** when I saw this trailer. Looked like the perfect blend of a noir action thriller. The final result is one of the most boring action films I have ever seen in my entire life. Great trailer, though.

A couple I can think of off the top of my head

Panoramal Activity 2
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

That is what I am talking about.... What were you talking about?
Ohh oops, Well scratch my post 'I am Legend' is an awesome film as well.

that's what she said...
If you haven't seen it, her acting is suppose to be rather good in Welcome To The Rileys. And she was decent as Joan Jett in The Runaways.
I cant believe I forgot the runawways, I loved it so much, esp. her as Joan Jett!!

Precious tritium is what makes this project go.
The trailer made it look like Ghost Rider was finally going to get a decent movie...But to quote Lex Luthor:


The movie sucked.
Oxfords not brogues.