What are you doing at this very moment?


Having a

and listing to

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Still trying desperately to avoid Dark Knight Rises spoilers before I see it tmrow night.

Painting my nails before I lay down in an attempt to trick my body into thinking it got sleep tonight. 12 hour shift tomorrow... Ugh!

I love the name Candy! It that your real name? I'm very curious that's all...

Haha, thanks! I've been using it for years. My memory is awful, I can't have multiple screen names. (Hence the 420 part of the name.) I used to love an old internet cartoon, Radiskull and Devil Doll. Candy Angel was Devil Doll's girlfriend.

and a cup of tea.
Pommy's! Always with Tea...lol!

I'm trying soooooooooooo hard not to laugh at someone in another topic. I'm stopping myself from carrying on with it.

*happy thoughts, happy thoughts*

I got new headphones for my laptop, as my old one was crap. It's going to be good, why you may ask? Porn....lol!

Don't you have an actual person to play with...
Sometimes masturbation can be more of a release than with someone else...lol! I'm serious though.