MoFo Fantasy Baseball 2012: Draft Time, Rules, Settings


Its tonight!! Sunday March 25th, The 2012 MoFo Fantasy Baseball Draft begins at 7 pm eastern standard time! Cya on there

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
4th hole baby

i know yoda is stoked bout picken 9th
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Anyone ever try one of those auction roto leagues? It looks different allright, but is it fun?

Never tried one, but I'd love to. It's even more "fair," in that everyone gets a shot at every player and has to value more of them correctly.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Planting my flag right here right now.

I drafted the best team period.

Hopefully i wont trade it away.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
i bought some magic trading dust from a mysterious chinaman who ensured me that recent aquisitions would not languish in the infirmary.

So, with that in mind, i cannot me stopped.


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
he found me. it was the strangest thing. He was a shrewd negotiator as well i might add.

His pitch was basically pay me whatver i ask, or im visiting Rauld.

Another game tonight, and the more-or-less-unofficial-opening-day, with a big slate of games, is tomorrow. Make sure to set your lineups and whatnot.

A system of cells interlinked
I am considering that trade, Chris - will let you know by end of day....
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Dig. I made it a couple of days ago, but I'd still do it, because I'm feeling pretty good about my pitching depth. I hemmed and hawed and I think it's pretty close.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Did something happen with the Waivers? TONGO dropped Aceves at 8AM yesterday, and Yoda added him at 1PM yesterday. Did Aceves not go to waivers because TONGO only had him for one hour before dropping him?
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page


(Please note that a free agent added and dropped on the same day will remain a free agent. So, if Player A was added by a team and then dropped later that same day, he would not be placed on waivers.)
The logic, I believe, is that without this rule it'd be easy to add and drop players you didn't actually want just to get them back on waivers and deny normal access to them for other owners.

I believe this happened a few times last year, but I'd forgotten about it until I saw Aceves' status.

A system of cells interlinked
So....what's going on? Today is opening day but apparently I am already losing and have been moved to last place. I presume we all start on equal footing, but perhaps not? I see that someone above me lost more points than me (how did I get points in the first place if the season hadn't started?)

I think I have just come to the conclusion that I have absolutely no idea how this game works, at all. I don't see anything to check to see how things are going with my players. We used to check match-up for the week to see how our score was coming along, but now that we aren't head to do I actually play? The season hasn't started yet and i am 44 points back - something is fishy.

Glad I kept my team name!

EDIT - Oh yeah!

It's all coming back to me now... Man, my head is just NOT in baseball yet. Now it;s all clicking with the list Chris was sending me last year.

Ah, it wouldn't be a new baseball season without Sedai worrying and erroneously thinking he's terrible.

You're not really trailing by much of anything, it's just that some teams have had a few players go, and others haven't had anyone go. There was an early series last week that was technically the start of the regular season (As-Mariners), and there was another game last night, so today's not really "opening day," it's just the first day with more than one game going. If you click on the "Full Standings" link, you can see a breakdown of everyone's points and, below that, the raw totals in each category.

The numbers always look a little screwy at first, because a single hit or run can give you first place in a category when hardly anyone's played.

You play by setting your lineup each day, same as before. The most helpful way to think of it is like this: your matchup is against the entire league, rather than one team, and it's the entire season, rather than one week. You're still counting stats in each category, you just don't arbitrarily reset the counters every week, is all.