Disappointing Weekend...


So let me preface this by saying that I see a lot of movies. I mean A LOT of movies.

Often times when I've had a bad day, I'll go to the theatre alone, and watch two or three movies in a row. Maybe its the escapism. Maybe its the change of scenery. Maybe I just really like bad popcorn (more on that later).

Friends of mine have come to refer to movie theatres as my "nest" or my "perch" or "cave". So be it. Better than getting stupid in a bar IMHO.

So the past few weeks haven't been that great, so last weekend I attempted to do what I often do, escape into the silver screen.

Heading to the theatre I already started to feel better, knowing that soon I'd be sitting in the dark, eating my awful popcorn (the theatre here sucks, big time, at ye olde popcorn making- something I thought impossible, but they manage it with SKILL...)

To my shock when I arrived there was nothing to see. I mean NOTHING. Movies that are out right now are TERRIBLE. I had already seen the two films that I cared to, and had even seen one I DIDN'T care to, just because it was there- but that day there was NOTHING I could bring myself to sit through. (And I've sat through some crap, let me tell you.)

So Hollywood, please, make some more movies that don't suck. Because right now, you do!

Not that I'm super excited about anything in theaters, but Bridesmaids and Thor are both getting good-to-very-good reviews. Source Code has gotten fantastic reviews (I haven't seen it yet) and is still playing in lots of theaters.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Oldies, Baby, Oldies.

But checking your other posts, you already know that. It sounds like you don't have an art house or repertory theatre. You must have your in-home movies, even if they don't have any silver left on the screen.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Thanks for the replies.

Yoda, I had already seen Thor and SourceCode. Bridesmaids was not in the theatre at the time, and heck, I had already even gone to see Prom against my better judgement on the outside hope that it would play out something akin to Grease.

Mark- I totally agree. We have an AFI theatre here, but alas even it wasn't playing much to write home about. There are a few scattered art house places, but more and more around here even the art house theatres are playing the recent stuff 85% of the time (to try and keep their doors open). And ultimately I did wind up going home to watch movies. But the point is the theatre is like my Tardis. It's bigger on the inside so to speak. (And it's sexy, in that Tardis kind of way.)