Who's your favorite movie Nazi?


OK I've read these threads and tend to agree with pretty much all that's been said. Although some very important Third Reich films have been left out, maybe because they, like "der untergang" (the downfall) are in German with English subtitles. They are as follows:

1: Stalingrad(Not enemy at the gate) 1993
A depiction of the brutal battle of Stalingrad, the Third Reich's 'high water mark', as seen through the eyes of German officer Hans von Witzland and his battalion.

2: NaPolA (Napola) 2004
In 1942, Friedrich Weimer's boxing skills get him an appointment to a National Political Academy (NaPolA) - high schools that produce Nazi elite...

3: "Europa, Europa" 1990
A boy in Nazi Germany, trying to conceal that he is Jewish, joins the Hitler Youth.

4: "Der neunte tag" (The ninth day) 2004
In World War II, after a period in the concentration camp Father Abbé Henri Kremer gets a nine days leave for his mother's funeral. the SS Gestapo lieutenant Gebhardt tries to persuade Henri, to convince the local bishop to give-up resisting to the Germans and write a letter to the Vatican & convince the Pope to support Hitler and the Nazi regime.

5: "mein fuhrer" 2007
The bastard love child of Chaplin's Great Dictator & Mel Brooks' The Producers

6: "Hitler-the rise of evil" (this one's English) 2003
A unique slant, profiling the life of Adolf Hitler as a child and his rise through the ranks of the National German Workers' Party prior to World War II.

7: "Conspiracy" (this one's English) 2001
A dramatic recreation of the Wannsee Conference where the Nazi Final Solution phase of the Holocaust was devised.

8: "Die wanseekconnferenz" (the final solution) 1984
A precise, real-time (exactly 85 minutes - the length of the actual event) reenactment of the infamous Wannsee Conference..

9: The boys from brazil (This ones English) 1978
A Nazi hunter in Paraguay discovers a sinister and bizarre plot to rekindle the Third Reich. inc josef mengele

10: Talvisota (the winter war) 1989
Russia attacked Finland in late November 1939. This film tells the story of a Finnish platoon of reservists...

11: Anonyma-Ein frau in berlin (a woman in berlin) 2008
A woman tries to survive the invasion of Berlin by the Soviet troops during the last days of World War II.

12: Mothernight (this ones English) 1996
An American spy behind the lines during WWII serves as a Nazi propagandist, a role he cannot escape in his future life as he can never reveal his real role in the war.

13: Die brucke (The bridge) 1959
n 1945, Germany is being overrun, and nobody is left to fight but teenagers.

I hope this helps.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Some good movies, oberstgruppenfuhrer, especially The Bridge, but who is YOUR favorite movie Nazi?
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We've gone on holiday by mistake
hmm... That's a good question, i've never really thought about that before.
You do list some very good names and roles, my favorite though, would have to be ralph fiennes as amon goeth, from schindler's list, he is the personification of evil in that movie, the character is made so we can hate him. Not exactly the most original take on movie nazi's (a character who represents the nazi's 100% in actions, motives, everything), but an effective character none-the-less

Some good movies, oberstgruppenfuhrer, especially The Bridge, but who is YOUR favorite movie Nazi?
With out a doubt the most believable Nazi would have to be Bruno ganz as Adolf Hitler in "der untergang" (the downfall)

And then Ralph fiennes as Amon goeth in "shindlers list"

The worst played Nazi (and subsequently the worst played Hitler) was robert carlyle in "Hitler-The rise of evil"

Although the film it's self was quite good.
Although short and in accurate in places. When you've seen pretty much all there is to see on the third Reich you take what you can get lol
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The best nazi I have ever seen has to be Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds.

WARNING: "Inglorious Basterds" spoilers below
He nailed the performance and gave a different type of ending, where he tried to defect not remain loyal to nazi party.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
dsl21f please use the spoiler tag.

Although some very important Third Reich films have been left out, maybe because they, like "der untergang" (the downfall) are in German with English subtitles. They are as follows:
For a second there I thought you were going to list films that are actually Third Reich films, those that were made when those pieces of ***** were in power...Like this one called The Eternal Jew:

"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Sudoku Blackbelt
Ed Harris' portrayal of Maj. Konig, a German sniper, in Enemy at the Gates (2001) was pretty good.

Although, I don't know if the character was a member of the Nazi Party, or simply a German soldier.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Will Ferrell in The Producers. I can't bring myself to say I have a "favorite Nazi" but he was just drop dead funny.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


That's a really good point you've made quint I think a lot of the time it's forgotten that a German civilian or German soldier and a "Nazi" aren't necessarily one in the same!

As for the comment by "Harry lime" about "Nazis" being pieces of ****!
Well that's a matter of opinion, one which can only truly be expressed by those that lived through those 12yrs in 1933-1945 when the NSDAP came to power And began what they believed would be the 1000 yr Reich.
As far as "The eternal jew " from 1940 goes..
(which is late as far as propaganda films go) Could you of picked a more obvious film to comment on?
If you truly know your stuff why not go for,

"der sieg des glaubens" (Victory of the faith) 1933

"Triumph des willens" (Triumph of the will) 1935
Which was made to replace
"victory of the faith when Hitler ordered the arrest and execution of "Ernst rohm" Head of the SA, and all mention of him inc this film to be erased!

"SA-mann brand" 1933 or

"Tag der feiheit-unsere wermacht" (Day of freedom-our armed forces) 1935


"Hitler junge quex" (Hitler youth quex) 1935

All of which are great examples of Third Reich propaganda at it's best!

You may have your opinion of Hitler and his general staff of the "NSDAP" and "SS" but he did do a lot of good for Germany and the German people in those few years he was in power particularly in the early years!
no one's denying he didn't lose it towards the end and become complacent with his dream in stead becoming obsessed with power and his obsession with the Jews being responsible for everything that was wrong with Germany! But I do believe you also have to look at the fact things were different in those days and Hitler gave the German people something to believe in, when they had nothing. They'd lost the war, resulting in the "versailles treaty" then there currency bottomed out. leaving them needing a wheelbarrow full of cash just to buy a loaf of bread! then came the crash in the 20's. These where a people that needed firstly some body and something to believe in, then secondly somebody to blame (the Jews) Hitler gave them both.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Let me ask you, since you just brought it up. Would Germany have gotten better commercially and nationally if Hitler didn't win those early elections? Would his rivals have been that bad and continue to drag Germany down or could they have brought them up with a positive attitude without all the ridiculous racism crap? I'm asking because I will check it out but I'm interested in your opinion because you seem pretty knowledgable. At what point and date do the German people have to take responsibility for Hitler?

There are those who call me...Tim.
Seeing Mr Bronson from Grange Hill playing Hitler in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade always makes me smile

Another shout out to Bruno Ganz from me, he was brilliant in Downfall. In fact there was a pretty awful moment about halfway through my first viewing when I realised I was starting to feel sorry for Adolf Hitler. It wasn't a nice feeling at all but credit to the guy for his performance.

On a bizarrely lighter note, I loved Christoph Waltz as Colonel Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds. The man is evil but oh so very camp at the same time, like a Nazi version of Peter Mandelson.
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

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You may have your opinion of Hitler and his general staff of the "NSDAP" and "SS" but he did do a lot of good for Germany and the German people in those few years he was in power particularly in the early years!
no one's denying he didn't lose it towards the end and become complacent with his dream in stead becoming obsessed with power and his obsession with the Jews being responsible for everything that was wrong with Germany! But I do believe you also have to look at the fact things were different in those days and Hitler gave the German people something to believe in, when they had nothing. They'd lost the war, resulting in the "versailles treaty" then there currency bottomed out. leaving them needing a wheelbarrow full of cash just to buy a loaf of bread! then came the crash in the 20's. These where a people that needed firstly some body and something to believe in, then secondly somebody to blame (the Jews) Hitler gave them both.
Oh, the ambiguity of history!

The same sorts of things can be said of Mao and he killed degrees of magnitude more than Hitler for the same reason: paranoia/scapegoating. But I suspect Mark is asking the correct question when he asks whether or not these were necessary products or even necessary paths of realization of either country's radical pushforwards into modernity.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

Could you of picked a more obvious film to comment on?
I didn't really comment at all on the film, I liked the poster. I know a bit on the subject but obviously not as much as your average Neo-Nazi.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
1. Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa in "Inglorious Basterds"
2. Michael Byrne as General Vogel in "Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade"
3. Ian McKellan as Kurt Dussander in "Apt Pupil"

For a second there I thought you were going to list films that are actually Third Reich films, those that were made when those pieces of ***** were in power...Like this one called The Eternal Jew:
I didn't really comment at all on the film, I liked the poster. I know a bit on the subject but obviously not as much as your average Neo-Nazi.
@ "Harrylime" You make no sense at all! then call me a "neo nazi" for being knowledgeable on a subject I've spent many, many hours studying. Through books, websites, and documentaries.. (not just buying in to what I've watched in the latest American film) because I have a healthy interest in history. From all sides of the globe and over many centuries! so don't get your knickers in a twist just because some one points out when your trying to be cleaver!!!

@ "mark f" Thats a very hard one to answer as we will never know,, but I think we can clearly say the answers yes.. eventually but how long would it of taken! It wasn't just about the war and the racism! hitler managed to get back terratory that the germans had lost in the "versailles treaty" German speaking territory that was then under foreign leadership! and he managed to liberate these territory's with out firing a single shot. Then he began hs building projects creating jobs by the thousands.
So at this point the people are behind Hitler 100% He gave the people a sense of belonging by giving uniforms, ranks to every body, from post men to motor core (Germany equivalent to the AA). The German people liked this it made them feel like a nation again,, strong.
As far as the racism thing goes, It's like today in Britain people moan and complain some behind closed doors and others more openly about immigrants coming over taking all the jobs, housing ect, ect Thats all it was in Germany in the 20's and 30's.
Untill Hitlers own experiences had left him with a strong anti semtic hatred, and once he was in the position where the people belived that he knew what was best for the "German" people as a whole. and never publicly addressing the situation with the Jewish community's, even after "the night of broken glass" he was absolved of any part of it in the eyes of the people that didn't wish to believe there "fuhrer" was systematicly murdering 1000's of people. And by giving him self absolute power he was in the position to play god with who and by what means he liked! This is where a great leader/ and architect gets crossed with a homicidal bully!
So know these here not necessary for Germany greatness they was a by product of an ignorant population, a power hungry government and an increasingly unstable leader!

"So know these here not necessary for Germany greatness they was a by product of an ignorant population, a power hungry government and an increasingly unstable leader!"

"meant to read"
so no these where not necessary for Germany greatness they was a by product of an ignorant population, a power hungry government and an increasingly unstable leader!

He didn't actually call you a Neo-Nazi, but if he did, I think it was probably spurred by your avatar and your tentative defense of Hitler in post #90, not by your knowledge of Nazi-related cinema. Though it's kind of hard not to paint a picture based on all three.

By the way I watched that "Churchill the Hollywood years" 2004 last night

By far the funniest portrayal of Hitler and the Nazis I've seen.
Well worth watching

Anthony sher- as Adolf Hitler
David schnieder- as Josef Goebbels
steve o'donnell- as Hermann Goring
Miranda Richardson- as Eva Braun
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unbelievable.. small minded or what!!! the avatar is NOT a swastika! or am I mistaken?
My views are un bias,, un like some?
And My knowledge goes far beyond Third Reich cinema.