Is Leonardo DiCaprio the best actor in the world RIGHT NOW?


Happy New Year from Philly!
It is very difficult, and in a sense impossible, to reach to a satisfactory conclusion in the face of such a question. I do honor you as such a question has emerged in your mind.
To speak the truth, the sky has presently been ornamented with brilliantly glowing stars. It is not possible, I am sorry to state, for me to select anyone from the following:
Anthony Hopkins, Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Jack Nicholson, Daniel Day Lewis and many more.
At times these actors have stunned me with the strength of their talent.
You're from India yet you haven't mentioned Amitabh Bachchan the great leading man of the past forty years or Irfan Khan, an excellent character actor, 'King' Khan himself, the Tom Cruise of India or any other Indian star.
Louise Vale first woman to play Jane Eyre in the flickers.

To be honest, all the Heath Ledger praising gets on my nerves. Yes, he showed some promise towards the end of his career with two great mainstream performances (Brokeback, The Dark Knight). At the same time, he did piles of movies like A Knight's Tale, Lords of Dogtown and 10 Things I Hate About You. He could have been an excellent actor, but he didn't live long enough to take his career anywhere.

Just because someone died young, it doesn't automatically make them one of the greatest actors of all time. James Dean was truly great (although Brando was greater), and River Phoenix was brilliant too. Heath Ledger was good.
I was recently in an independent comedy-drama about post-high school indecision. It's called Generation Why.

See the trailer here:

No, he's not....

Lwo is a very goode, perhaps great, actor. But to say he is the best right now when other actors include names such as Morgan Freeman, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Robert DeNiro, and Anthony Hopkins, among many others, is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

To be fair, though, he is really, really good.

To be honest, all the Heath Ledger praising gets on my nerves. Yes, he showed some promise towards the end of his career with two great mainstream performances (Brokeback, The Dark Knight).
Almost as much as all the Jack Nicholson praising, who showed promise early in his career with some avant garde performances (Easy Rider, Carnal Knowledge).

Sorry, gotta disagree with you... I think Nicholson deserves all the praising he gets.
ALthough Jack is still capable of great performances (see The Departed), he is more often a caricature of himself.

I guess I'm the only one who thought his performance in As Good as it Gets was horribly overrated.

Well, ontop of The Departed and As Good As It Gets, look at About Schmidt... one of his career-topping performances.

Unfortunately, the film industry is often unkind to older actors, no matter how legendary they are (see De Niro, Brando, Dustin Hoffman). It's not a matter of their acting ability... you can't really "lose" that. I think it's more a case of having nothing to choose from.

No, Can't really pick a best but Daniel Day Lewis would be a good start. I really like Leo. Basketball Diaries was a reat movie, Departed was excellent and he made a real good Howard Hughs but I just can't give him the top spot.

ALthough Jack is still capable of great performances (see The Departed), he is more often a caricature of himself.

I guess I'm the only one who thought his performance in As Good as it Gets was horribly overrated.
No, you're not the only one. Personally I thought the whole film was horribly overrated, but then, I thought it was crap, so even mild praise would've been overrated, IMO.

Right now? i think the best actor is Matt Damon. although Leonardo DiCaprio is great too.

A system of cells interlinked
O agree, on both counts.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Making a difference
me like Leonardo's acting very much but I can nt say he is the best actor. one of the best sound better

Making a difference
You're from India yet you haven't mentioned Amitabh Bachchan the great leading man of the past forty years or Irfan Khan, an excellent character actor, 'King' Khan himself, the Tom Cruise of India or any other Indian star.
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Semper Fooey
No way.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Registered User

what a question. How can one person be the best actor in the world? It's way too subjective an opinion. S'not like it's the fastest runner in the world
To be honest with you mate, what the hell do we talk about on here that isn't insanely subjective? The thread clearly asks for your individual opinion since thats all you can really give anyway. If you use that logic on a regular basis you'll find yourself killing nearly every active thread on the forum. The only thing you could have said that would have been less productive would be "I don't know, I haven't seen every film released in the last 2-3 years". Some things go without saying. Jump through the loop hole and think of somthing interesting to bring to the table.

I hope I haven't offended you, but your comment was as pointless as it was silly.

As for the thread "rite now" kills it for me. I don't really know who's working "rite now" and who I can include in any potential choice. As for Leo, I'm going to go ahead and say he had one hell of a 2010 with shutter and Inception. I can't think of an actor who had a better 2010.
I wouldn't steal a car, but I'd download one if I could.