Comic Book Movies


favourite comic book movie
3 votes
0 votes
Fantastic Four
11 votes
Iron Man
4 votes
The Incredible Hulk
2 votes
2 votes
Superman Returns
2 votes
1 votes
25 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
I voted for Spider-Man, meaning I voted for the entire Spider-Man trilogy.

I would've voted for Unbreakable. Shyamalan was really at the top of his game with that one.

The Dark Knight should definitely be here. As well as Kick Ass.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

I picked Iron Man since its one of my fav movies, Though some of the blade movies was also good

Anyone have an opinion on Watchmen, cause frankly I liked it. That one would get a vote from me. Also I agree with most on The Dark Knight, that was brilliant. Blade, also amazing. Unbreakable was fantstic too, love Samuel as the villian, superb!

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superman is my favt comics so thumbs up for superman, thumbs up for brandon routh

Is white trash beautiful
Im not much of comic book movie kind of gal but I did really enjoy Hellboy. Ron Perlman and Selma Blair did a great job,plus Selma Blair is just a lil cutie.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Ron Perlman as Hellboy is arguably the best casting of any of the comic-leads to date.

inspired really.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Holly you know im not big on comic book films so I think Hellboy was kind of lame. I do agree Selma Blair is a sexy girl. If I had to pick one comic book film I would go with Burtons Batman (1989). Jack was just to classical as the Joker.

Everything this guy plays is pure gold. So as for Dex this IMO is the best casting for a comic book character. Everyone I know loves the Ledger Joker so I may be alone on this but this is just my opinion.

Is white trash beautiful
Holly you know im not big on comic book films so I think Hellboy was kind of lame. I do agree Selma Blair is a sexy girl. If I had to pick one comic book film I would go with Burtons Batman (1989). Jack was just to classical as the Joker.

Everything this guy plays is pure gold. So as for Dex this IMO is the best casting for a comic book character. Everyone I know loves the Ledger Joker so I may be alone on this but this is just my opinion.
I do agree with you Plainview but batman was not one of the choices silly, I chose hellboy out of the poll! But you are right Burton's batman is great

A system of cells interlinked
If it was about Superhero films, I would have gone with Unbreakable as well..
I think it's the best superhero film that isn't from a comicbook, second best would be Darkman.

But I think Ludi wants this thread to be about comic adaptations, but seriously Lud, why did you pick these movies?
But Unbreakable IS a comic book movie - it has actual comic books in it, which are the central focus of the story. Did ya...see it?? As a matter of fact, it's more purely about comics than ANY of the films on the list. The entire premise of the film is Mr. Glass attempting to fit real world events into a comic paradigm to justify his existence. It;s the epitome of the comic book film, which also happens to be a personal account of the origin of a hero and a villain.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

A system of cells interlinked
Holly you know im not big on comic book films so I think Hellboy was kind of lame. I do agree Selma Blair is a sexy girl. If I had to pick one comic book film I would go with Burtons Batman (1989). Jack was just to classical as the Joker.

Everything this guy plays is pure gold. So as for Dex this IMO is the best casting for a comic book character. Everyone I know loves the Ledger Joker so I may be alone on this but this is just my opinion.
But this is so NOT a great comic film in so many ways. Nolan put these pieces of junk to shame. Burton is NOT a great director. His art direction is pretty damn good tho, he should stick to that. Jack's Joker was pretty terrible, too.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
So as for Dex this IMO is the best casting for a comic book character. Everyone I know loves the Ledger Joker so I may be alone on this but this is just my opinion.
Well this may be a nitpick on my part i don't know, but in my opinion you are talking about a choice of performance, what i am saying is, if you look at the comic, or heck even the animated series of Hellboy, you might be forgiven in thinking the creators based the depiction on Perlman.

But this is so NOT a great comic film in so many ways. Nolan put these pieces of junk to shame. Burton is NOT a great director. His art direction is pretty damn good tho, he should stick to that. Jack's Joker was pretty terrible, too.
I think the Dark Knight sucked a@# so its all a matter of opinion. I didn't mind Batman Begins but then again I have never really read or been into comic books ever, so who am I to compare any of the films to the books. All that I am saying is that Burtons Batman was my favorite.

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The Hellboy films are probably the best as films, but I've had a soft spot for Ang Lee's perplexing Hulk ever since I first saw it.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

I think the Dark Knight sucked a@# so its all a matter of opinion. I didn't mind Batman Begins but then again I have never really read or been into comic books ever, so who am I to compare any of the films to the books. All that I am saying is that Burtons Batman was my favorite.
Ok I am correcting myself Dark Knight did not suck a@# but I didnt really care for the film.

I enjoyed a bunch of these, but I really think Ang Lee's Hulk is the most ambitious and entertaining superhero movie. That's my pick.

I saw this when it came out and liked it, but didn't really remember why. I basically agree with those who think this is fair to middling as an Ang Lee Melodrama, though I'm leaning towards fair. This might be his most purely visual film however, with a constant barrage of exciting and novel transitions and uses of split-screen and collage. It borrows heavily from some of DePalma's thrillers such as Dressed to Kill but goes even further with a seemingly endless series of ways to combine images. Many of these -- such as the bit where an exploding oxygen canister pingpongs between several "panels" -- are pretty sophisticated, while others (Jellyfish in the desert?) are quite lyrical and mysterious; it requires a bit of effort but I never found it tiresome. Compare it to the split-screen of Doctor Octopus's tentacles in SpiderMan 2.

It also tends to go for unusual camera placement with interesting uses of space to really bring home the unusualness of Hulk as he interacts with his environment. Like a far-away shot of him running along the side of a giant sand-dune while sliding down it.

If I have a complaint I think there are a couple of awkward set-ups (like the final confrontation between father and son) and the female love interest was a bit of a miss, in spite of the parallel father-daughter relationship to add a counterweight to the Banner family drama. Connely also just seemed not to bring much other than a pretty face to her character leaving Nick Nolte to pretty much steal the show much of the time, as he's clearly an actor able to deploy his entire body and soul, even in a somewhat camp role like this. The other big "full-body actor" in this is Ang Lee who donned the motion-capture suit to act out the big green monster of the movie. Maybe that is also why he was able to get the Hulk's interactions with the environment to be so physically seamless.

I've heard a couple people complain that they found the Freudian "subconscious mumbo-jumbo" of the film to be pretentious and overblown, and extra hard to take with the straight-face that the movie seems to demand. I guess I'm neutral on this, I didn't find it to be a particular strength or weakness, not enough to strongly influence my rating in either direction. To me the story almost seemed like a half-apology/half-celebration for the oddness of the form. Nick Nolte's mad scientist character practically says as much in his confession about what motivated him to experiment on his own flesh and blood.

I'd probably rate it just above average for the story, but I truly feel this is a must-see for anyone who is interested in the cinematic form. That it's a big pile of brightly-colored pop-fun didn't hurt it any. With me, at least.

they should make vigilante