Worst Movie In Your Collection?



it would have to be "chances are" with robert downy jr, i used to adore the daughter in it when i was a kid but looking at it now i cant believe i ever liked it but i put that down to the fashion back then, i cant beleive girls used to wear trousers up to there armpits, it makes there arse look like its by there knees compared to these lovely ladies in hippsters now adays

Robin Hood
Prince of Persia

Paranormal Activity

Keep on Rockin in the Free World

Why do I do this? First and foremost, I'm a collector. I love expanding my DVD and Blu-ray collection when I have the money to do so, and it's going to be worth thousands some day (I'm 19 right now and my collection is already a decent size; I can't imagine a decade or two down the road).

Don't kid yourself bout your collection being worth mongo cash.

I wish i had a dollar for every person that stocked up on Disney VHS releases for collectable value.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Don't kid yourself bout your collection being worth mongo cash.

I wish i had a dollar for every person that stocked up on Disney VHS releases for collectable value.
remember how well that worked for beanie babies?

Worst one? Hmmm. Napolean Dynamite, bad, yet so funny.

I've mentioned it before, but (as Swan and Movieman both well know ), I never rent/Netflix/burn. I have nothing against renting or Netflixing, but I simply buy every movie I watch (with the exception of movies I see at the theater/at friends' houses, although I often buy movies I see at such places sooner or later anyway--the ones, of course, that I like). Since I'm not a money tree, so I can afford to do this, I often wait for good sales and/or price drops (I don't get new releases too often as a result).

Why do I do this? First and foremost, I'm a collector. I love expanding my DVD and Blu-ray collection when I have the money to do so, and it's going to be worth thousands some day (I'm 19 right now and my collection is already a decent size; I can't imagine a decade or two down the road).

Also, buying makes more sense than renting/Netflixing to me because, if I buy a movie I end up not liking (which I do now and then), I simply sell it on Amazon or eBay. By doing this, I get back a portion of what I bought the movie for, so--ultimately--it's exactly as if I'd rented it in the first place, only I had the option of keeping it...something I wouldn't have the choice of had I rented or Netflixed.

I'm not trying to change anybody's mind, here, but this is the way I choose to obtain movies I watch. And...you asked!
1) That collection will probably be worthless once a new medium comes out.
2) If you use Netflix, the cost of Netflix per month is only a fraction of what a DVD/Blu-Ray disc would cost; assuming you watch at least 2 movies per month. With that said, Netflix is still the better buy rather than buying EVERY movie you fancy watching.....and if you enjoy a certain movie, then you have the option of buying it; hence the function of Netflix is to allow you to sample movies (at a very minimal cost) before committing anywhere between 15-30 dollars on them.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'm too lazy to see if I've already replied in this thread but my worst are Traffic, Fun with Dick and Jane, and the horrendous Still Waiting.

Registered User
It's called Doctor T and the women or something like that. It's so lousy it's painful. If I ever want to hurt someone I will make them watch that movie.

It's not in my collection anymore though. It wasn't worthy of the shell space.

'Night of The Zombies II'. It is so horrid that I can't bring myself to toss it out. I've wanted to many times, but....it's just THAT bad, lol.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I'm too lazy to see if I've already replied in this thread but my worst are Traffic, Fun with Dick and Jane, and the horrendous Still Waiting.
by Traffic do you mean the mini-series with Elias Koteas?

and i will assume you mean the dreadful remake and not the original, which had some charm.

JarHead.. I was waiting for the war thing happens..but until the end..such a disappointment for me.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
as for my collection, i tend to get a lot of movies as gifts. The stinkers, i just re-gift as stocking stuffers.

recent examples:

Haunted Heart, Beautiful Dead Soul
luckily these went out the door with the ex husband.... anything to do with Santa Claus!! how many times can one human being watch Christmas movies when its not December??