Movie Scenes that you wished you didn't see


The boot camp scene in Full Metal Jacket bothered me. I didn't like seeing Pyle getting picked on because I believe he was developmentally disabled.
God, the whole training part of the movie really got to me. Pyle's treatment bothered me for obvious reasons, but to see all those people being dehumanized... It was pretty creepy.

The Ring (American) sucked, but there was this one scene in it that stuck with me. The main character was at her niece's funeral, and her sister was telling her about how she found her daughter's body. There's no foreboding music, no warning at all - they just flash an image of her opening the closet and seeing her distorted corpse. Images of that body staring at me from across the room at night haunted me for a long time after seeing that...

The entire Saw series

In a lot of horror movies the end scene is usually a let down, but it's not like i wish i didn't watch it. I'm glad I watched the rape scene in irrevestible and the **** eatting scenes in salo.

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
All Scary Movie sequels, Saw series and Lord of the Rings.

Those are movies, not scenes. I had to delete a bunch of posts from this user; they were just trying to draw attention to some fairly spammy links in their signature.

And you're still totally wrong about LOTR.

The Uninvited Guest or its original title El habitante incierto

The movie is really good and interesting, but a little wonky.
In short its about a guy who's girlfriend walks out on him, then one day lets in a stranger to use the phone, the he disappears (the stranger). So our main character freaks out and thinks the guys is literally living in his shadow. Well some stuff happens and he finds himself doing the same thing as the stranger but with the neighbor next door who just happens to be paralyzed from the waist down. So when she can't see him, he's making himself at home in her house.

Now with all that, the movie sounds very interesting, except for one part.

At some point the paralyzed woman decides fun with herself while the guy is hiding under her bed. Upon hearing everything, he figures what the hell and has some self fun as well.
This goes on for about 5 minutes, but it seemed like an hour.
Very awkward and something, I didn't have to see.
To make it worse, I was watching this movie with my boyfriend and parents. My parents and I were just laughing at who wrong it was, the boyfriend was beyond uncomfortable with the whole scene and the fact we made him watch the movie.

He now refuses to watch movie with my parents, since the movie we saw before that one was Hard Candy

The last scene in Casino, the thugs brutally bludgeon dude to death using a bat, roll him into a shallow grave still breathing and with horrific injuries. During this his brother (Joe Pessi) is made to watch knowing full well this is soon to be his own fate. It was too realistic, my body gets achy just thinking about it.

Well I saw Paranormal Activity in theaters. Then I watched a deleted scene from the movie on It was absolutely hilarious.

I regret seeing Salo by Pasolini. I felt sick in my stomach for a whole week.

And the rape scene in American Me. All my male dorm mates (who've seen the movie before) tactically went for tea, during that scene.
I don't believe in God, but if I did, he would be a black, left-handed...saxophonist.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Saving Private Ryan -- when Pvt. Mellish gets killed by the German soldier, screaming "No, No, No". That was harsh.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

not any particular scene but the whole movie elephant by Gus Van Sant, its not disgusting just scary that 2 teenagers can have the capacity to kill that many people and not think twice, and the last part if i had to say a part the whole last scene *SPOILER* when the kid kills the black guy and the principal
an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

Pretty much anything by Quentin Tarantino tops my list of brain bleaching moments, but I have to say Inglorious Basterds tops my list.

I made it through the first 5 minutes of the movie and was cringing when they shot up the hiding spot under the floor...but I decided to stick it out...

Then a short time later we get to the scene in the woods with the baseball bat...yeah..i was done...

I always try to give a director the benefit of the doubt, especially if I hear rave reviews about a new project, but seriously...I think I'm done with Tarantino movies.
Herr Zeller: Perhaps those who would warn you that the Anschluss is coming - and it is coming, Captain - perhaps they would get further with you by setting their words to music.
Captain von Trapp: If the Nazis take over Austria, I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that you will be the entire trumpet section.

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Lot of Pink Flamingo, especially Divine blowing her son.

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the whole of clockward orange the best part of that movie is when the credits roll at the end

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