Best Alfred Hitchcock Film


Vertigo and the birds! Amazing movies

Vertigo for me.

I've always loved Strangers On A Train

"Birds" is really excellent I think. Those crows on the Jungle Gym are sooo creepy.
Some of his English ones are alright too, like "The 39 Steps".

And of course there's Pyscho, but that's just great because of the way it influenced film in such a huge way (And I do think it is a great movie).

BUT I haven't seen "Vertigo" !!!! *Shoots self in head* I'm guessing that its highly reccomended???!!!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Alright so at this point I've seen five Hitchcock films, what ones should I see next?

These are my rankings for Hitchcock so far:
1. Rear Window
2. Dial M for Murder
3. Vertigo
4. Strangers on a Train
5. Rebecca

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
If I were you, I'd watch them this way...

1. Psycho
2. North by Northwest
3. Rope
4. Frenzy
5. The Birds
6. Notorious
7. Family Plot
8. To Catch a Thief
9. The Trouble With Harry
10. The Lady Vanishes
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

He's one of my top three favourite director's so you know I had to do a Top 25.

01. Vertigo (1958)
02. Rear Window (1954)
03. North by Northwest (1959)
04. Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
05. The Birds (1963)
06. Rebecca (1940)
07. Strangers on a Train (1951)
08. The 39 Steps (1935)
09. Notorious (1946)
10. Psycho (1960)
11. The Lady Vanishes (1938)
12. The Trouble with Harry (1955)
13. Dial M for Murder (1954)
14. Suspicion (1941)
15. Lifeboat (1944)
16. I Confess (1953)
17. Rope (1948)
18. The Wrong Man (1956)
19. Marnie (1964)
20. Saboteur (1942)
21. Frenzy (1972)
22. Spellbound (1945)
23. The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1927)
24. Under Capricorn (1949)
25. To Catch a Thief (1955)

As everyone has named their favorites (mine are North by Northwest and Vertigo) make sure to avoid Jamaica Inn. It is so bad it's...bad.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I saw North by Northwest a few days ago. I can't quite decide whether I think that is my favorite Hitchcock film so far or Rear Window, but I'll keep it as Rear Window for now.

Updated Hitchcock Rankings:
1. Rear Window 8.5
2. North by Northwest 8.5
3. Dial M for Murder 8
4. Vertigo 7.5
5. Strangers on a train 7
6. Notorious 6.5
7. Rebecca 6

Just wondering what one I should watch next

I saw North by Northwest a few days ago. I can't quite decide whether I think that is my favorite Hitchcock film so far or Rear Window, but I'll keep it as Rear Window for now.

Updated Hitchcock Rankings:
1. Rear Window 8.5
2. North by Northwest 8.5
3. Dial M for Murder 8
4. Vertigo 7.5
5. Strangers on a train 7
6. Rebecca 6

Just wondering what one I should watch next
I'm assuming that's everything you've seen of Hitchcock's. I'd quickly check out one of his earlier works such as The 39 Steps or The Lady Vanishies just to simply get a taste of something different budgetary wise and how he was able to create moods and atmsopheres and really not use big name actors to his benefit. Then I'd go to Psycho or Frenzy.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The other thing to remember about Hitch, aside from the fact that you have to watch Psycho, is that some of his films are so far out (Vertigo) that the fact that you already like it so soon is telling.

The other thing to remember about Hitch, aside from the fact that you have to watch Psycho, is that some of his films are so far out (Vertigo) that the fact that you already like it so soon is telling.
I have too agree with Mark f the first time I saw Vertigo on my grandma's recommendation I really didn't fully get it. It's his most rewarding film in my opinon and therefore my favourite of his.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
You know what's weird? On my first viewing I didn't think Vertigo was that great but I really want to watch it again and I believe that I will end up liking it even more.

You know what's weird? On my first viewing I didn't think Vertigo was that great but I really want to watch it again and I believe that I will end up liking it even more.
Out of curousity what worked and didn't work for you. did you find it rather unbelievable story wise, did you not fully connect to the characters. i'm very interested. What worked the imagry, the colors, the camera movement, the mood, the story.