Eddie Murphy as The Riddler in the Next Batman


I heard that this is true

Anyone hear this as well?

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Someone in my class were talking about Johnny Depp for the part. Don't know whether they had a source or whether they were just talking about it. But Johnny Depp would be ideal in my opinion.
As for Eddie Murphy - I seriously hope not.
The Freedom Roads

Both Depp and Murphy have been rumoured for this part, as have other casting 'decisions' and not just for The Riddler. The truth is that no one knows. The most likely reason for that is that nothing's even been planned yet. Nolan seems to have contracted, what I call, 'Cameronism' which is when a director makes a film so big that it dwarfs him and he's scared to do anything commercial anytime soon. I wouldn't mind betting that, if there's another Nolan Batman (which there probably will be in time) that it'll be 3-4 years and at least a couple of films for Nolan, away. IMO, until you start hearing about a good script, I'd take all casting rumours with a pinch of salt... And a big one at that.

Well: I for one know for sure that Bane will be the next "major villian" and he will be played by none other than - drum roll -...............................

Timothy Hutton

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I seriously hope Eddie Murphy doesnt play the riddler in the next movie, somehow I dont think he would be able to pull it off
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Piledriver's Avatar
Registered User
This is too funny! Someone actually believes Eddie Murphy is going to be the Riddler in any movie, never mind the next Batman flick? Sorry, that isn't happening. Ever.
"Vader...You Must Confront Vader..."

This is too funny! Someone actually believes Eddie Murphy is going to be the Riddler in any movie, never mind the next Batman flick? Sorry, that isn't happening. Ever.
Pile said it for me....
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I think that Murphy is playing the Riddler in the upcoming sequel Not Another Superhero Movie...
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Piledriver's Avatar
Registered User
I think that Murphy is playing the Riddler in the upcoming sequel Not Another Superhero Movie...
I'd be surprised if that even happened. I mean this is Eddie Murphy people, not some decent actor. Its obvious that Dane Cook should be the Riddler in the next "Not Another Super Hero" movie. Because he is the best and all....

Both Depp and Murphy have been rumoured for this part, as have other casting 'decisions' and not just for The Riddler. The truth is that no one knows. The most likely reason for that is that nothing's even been planned yet. Nolan seems to have contracted, what I call, 'Cameronism' which is when a director makes a film so big that it dwarfs him and he's scared to do anything commercial anytime soon. I wouldn't mind betting that, if there's another Nolan Batman (which there probably will be in time) that it'll be 3-4 years and at least a couple of films for Nolan, away. IMO, until you start hearing about a good script, I'd take all casting rumours with a pinch of salt... And a big one at that.

i totally agree with this

FUNNYMAN EDDIE MURPHY will play The Riddler in the next Batman movie, The Sun can reveal.
The Beverly Hills Cop star, 47, has been signed up by British director CHRISTOPHER NOLAN to reprise the role played by JIM CARREY in 1995’s Batman Forever.

Gotham villain ... Eddie Murphy
The surprise move follows speculation linking Pirates of the Caribbean star JOHNNY DEPP to the part.

The film, set for a 2010 release, is being developed under the working title Gotham.

Execs have also signed up rising Transformers star SHIA LABEOUF, 22, to play Robin.

CHRISTIAN BALE will return as Bruce Wayne, while MICHAEL CAINE will again play Bruce’s assistant Alfred.

Meanwhile, Brit RACHEL WEISZ is said to be up for the Catwoman role.

Insiders also revealed to The Sun the flick will end on a cliffhanger over whether Batman survives a blast at Wayne Towers.

Nolan had been tight-lipped about the future of the Batman films after being rocked by the January death of HEATH LEDGER — tipped to receive a posthumous Oscar for his role as The Joker in The Dark Knight.

A film insider said: “Chris wasn’t sure if he wanted to do another movie but as soon as he decided to, he got the wheels in motion.

“Eddie’s a fantastic addition. Everyone’s excited to see what he does as the Riddler.”
This is from a British newspaper article so the rumours are true, but if it will happen? Only time will tell.
Oh leggie blonde you got it goin on
wanna see you wearin that thong thong thong,
see you get it on till the break of dawn
mermermer... panties on.

Welcome to the human race...
From what I've heard about it, The Sun is a joke of a newspaper.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The Sun paper is a bit hit and miss like all newspapers but if the guy has heard the rumour i was just stating that the story is out there.

Sorry dude i can't post a link until i have 10 posts it won't let me

Haha i don't want to seem like i spamming the message bored, i know i only joined today but i really enjoy the site and would like to hang about without getting kicked.

My fav movie is a two way between Usual Suspects & Goodfellas

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Nice choices.

A Danish comedy show spoiled the ending of The Usual Suspects for me. I think I would have enjoyed it more, if I didn't know the ending. It was ingenious though.

Nobody would think that you're spamming when you're chatting with the other members, mate.