How Important Is Popcorn?


Movie Forums Extra
Yum movie pop corn the best

You ready? You look ready.
Speaking of popcorn, I just remembered an amusing story.

My friend usually buys a tub of popcorn (the kind with free refills) when we see a movie. Anyways, he gets his tub and we get to the top row and suddenly he slips and spills his tub of popcorn all over the row in front of us. I mean, the entire thing was emptied right across 3 or 4 seats, so I tell him to just go get a refill and he turns and looks at me with a serious face and goes, "You know, I don't think I want popcorn now."

I nearly split my side from laughter.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

is thouroughly embarrassed of this old username.
I am very anti-popcorn. I realized that I spent 6$ on popcorn that I never eat, so I just started it getting a drink only. Of course this was hard because I always want popcorn for the first 10 minutes of the movie, but I've trained myself to not need it.

If their was no popcorn during a movie, I would not know what the hell to is just how it is. Every movie I watch I HAVE to have popcorn..

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RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
YUM! Has to have lots of butter on it too.
Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

I am half agony, half hope.
I'll do popcorn every 5 movies or so, with lots of salt and butter flavored oil. It's a bit thrilling knowing how bad it is for me with all that crap on it. I'm living on the edge!
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

Johann von Goethe

I like popcorn with extra butter… Right now my time is limited and I have to squeeze in movies when I can... so sometimes the popcorn and coke end up being my lunch or dinner…

I am a creature of habit because very little has changed since I posted that... I still have to have popcorn... but only ask for extra butter once in a while... the Coke is now a diet one... and it still ends up being lunch or dinner...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I was drawn to this thread because I just had a rare occasion where I actually ate some popcorn (cause someone gave it to me without me asking...)

It's good at movie theatres, but the microwave kind sucks. So boring. I can't ever finish the bowl. The only reason I ate a lot just now is because I've been dieting and I guess my body was in heaven.

Speaking of dieting, movie theatres are so obscene. Here we have a place where you sit down for hours and gorge on fattening food. If movie theatres aren't gonna become obsolete thanks to the possibility of downloading new movies for free off the internet (illegally)...

You just know that OPRAH is gonna try to close every movie theatre door in the country for good!

"Hi, I'm Oprah and I just put on an extra 100 pounds. Today we're gonna be talking about obesity in America because if I have a problem, America has a problem. We're gonna talk about how movie theatres are helping people get fat. Now, people probably can't afford to buy the popcorn at movie theatres - and we're gonna talk about why on the next Oprah - but we all still buy it, DON'T WE?!"

[The audience agrees.]

"I think what we should do is close every movie theatre chain in the country if they aren't gonna put exercise equipment in the theatres and remove the snack bar."

[Either of Oprah's ideas becomes a reality.]

I gots to have popcorn I mean it I gots to. It has to have butter. ALOT of butter.

And it's important 'cuz.....well it's popcorn and it goes well with a movie.

I've never been a big fan of popcorn although I did like crackerjacks. Worked in a movie concession stand when I was a kid and made a lot of popcorn when they still had popcorn machines. Now most movies just buy it already popped in bulk and reheat it--not very tasty. When I was popping corn at the movie, we cooked it in butter-flavored coconut oil. If someone wanted extra "butter", I'd just pour on more coconut oil. No concession stand is going to use real butter because it's too expensive. I cooked--and burned--so much popcorn that I got to where I couldn't stand the smell of it.

Also never liked the popcorn flakes and hulls that get stuck in one's teeth when one eats popcorn. Never cared for swabbing up popcorn hulls when kissing a girl at the drive-in. (Swapping cherry sours was a different story, however.)

On top of that, a lot of people as they age get these "pot-holes" in their yards of colon, and undigested popcorn hulls and seeds along with nuts and sunflower seeds and such have a way of getting into those openings, and staying there until they start to decay and fester, which can turn into a real health problem requiring surgery. People with that condition should avoid popcorn litterally as though it were poison.

I suddenly hate popcorn!
Popcorn is a lot like sausage--one should never watch it being made or the autopsy of a person who has eaten it.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I rarely eat popcorn at the movies, but do make it at home. It's a no-go at the cinema because I have the bladder of a sparrow and I hate missing parts of the film while I go pee. And obviously I can't have popcorn without having something to drink.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

I hate popcorn with a passion... It always gets stock in my teeth//

I like popcorn with extra butter…
And little salt packets.
What makes popcorn taste even better, when it's accompanied by soda...
Those big ones.
If anyone has found a GOOD microwavable popcorn (for those movies at home) I'd love to hear what...coz I need to find a good one.
Mrs. Darcy just told me to tell you to try Jolly Time.
2. if i get a big tub of popcorn i have to get a big drink, and if i get a big drink then i'm going to have to piss before the end of the movie. and i hate getting up to go pee during a movie because it inevitable means i'm going to miss one of the best parts.
I know what you mean.
Please don't pick up my cup during the film.
It might be warm.
Kettlecorn popcorn and wine!
Or peppermint schnapps.
I gots to have popcorn I mean it I gots to. It has to have butter. ALOT of butter.
And it's important 'cuz.....well it's popcorn and it goes well with a movie.
I like those theaters, that have a butter machine where you can hold down the red button.
Man, you can hose that popcorn down.

"If you can't be funny be interesting."
Harold Ross

One man for the job but the right man
Well with movie ticket prices these days, i dont even think about spending alot extra for popcorn either lol im a cheapo :P