

Oh really? I haven't had a chance to read it, but I have heard it was good. I don't really like the Joker that's all messy, I grew up on BATMAN: TAS re-runs and the "cleaner" Joker by Mark Hamill, where he looks more like a clown scares me more than Ledger ever will.
I loved that show as a kid, I just think the Joker is cooler when he seems more evil. Like in The Killing Joke, I've also heard that he was like that in Arkham Asylum I haven't had a chance to read that one yet though. But from the pictures I've seen, he just looks plain freaking dirty in Brain Azzarello's Joker.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I've also heard that he was like that in Arkham Asylum.
Arkham was kind of a bore, but Dave McKean drew the Joker very scary. Like a psycho murdering Jay Leno. Haven't read the Killing Joke though, not an Alan Moore fan.

(just on a comic note Lennon thinks you ALL should read Justice Society of America's current and former arcs.)
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Arkham was kind of a bore, but the Joker was scary. Haven't read the Killing Joke though, not an Alan Moore fan.

(just on a comic note Lennon thinks you ALL should read Justice Society of America's current and former arcs.)
I love Alan Moore, mainly for Watchmen though. And I'll be sure to check that other one you mentioned out sometime soon, if I can find it that is.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I love Alan Moore, mainly for Watchmen though. And I'll be sure to check that other one you mentioned out sometime soon, if I can find it that is.
Well as long as we're talking:

Justice Society of America, Criminal, The Punisher MAX series, Punisher War Zone (Current Ennis mini-series) Justice League of America, Kingdom Come, and many others.

Well as long as we're talking:

Justice Society of America, Criminal, The Punisher MAX series, Punisher War Zone (Current Ennis mini-series) Justice League of America, Kingdom Come, and many others.
I've been wanting to start of The Punisher after I ended up loving the 2004 movie so much, I also really want to start on Wolverine and X-Men in general. I think Spider-Man is just overrated though, I don't get why eveyone seems to love him so much. I also want to start on The Justice League sometime, I mean I'm gonna get to it sometime, that's inevitable, because Batman is part of the Justice League.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Oh and WATCHMEN, is being re-released right now, all twelve single issues they're on like number three and are coming out each week until the movie comes out I belive. Could be wrong about that though.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
because Batman is part of the Justice League.
Yeah but beware, he plays a very little part in the first story arc, in the hardcover JUSTICE.

Oh and WATCHMEN, is being re-released right now, all twelve single issues they're on like number three and are coming out each week until the movie comes out I belive. Could be wrong about that though.
Yeah I know, I saw the first issue on a Watchmen merchandise store online, I think it was apart of the DC comics website. My Watchmen fan-boyism is really making me want to pick them up, but I want to spend my money on other comic books and movies right now, instead of slowly rebuying something I already own.

Yeah but beware, he plays a very little part in the first story arc, in the hardcover JUSTICE.
I will, but Superman is my second favorite comicbook character, so seeing as they're both in it, I'm pretty sure I'll be happy.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Yeah I know, I saw the first issue on a Watchmen merchandise store online, I think it was apart of the DC comics website. My Watchmen fan-boyism is really making me want to pick them up, but I want to spend my money on other comic books and movies right now, instead of slowly rebuying something I already own.
Yeah good point, to catch up with the current run of Justice League it is like 3 harcovers at like $25 a piece.

Yeah good point, to catch up with the current run of Justice League it is like 3 harcovers at like $25 a piece.
Yeah, so I got stuff like that to buy, and I still got like a long list of DVD's I still want to get.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I will, but Superman is my second favorite comicbook character, so seeing as they're both in it, I'm pretty sure I'll be happy.
Ew I never like Superman, I mean he has every superpower imaginable, there's like no challenge unless you get kryptonite.

(PS, Justice Society kicks Leagues A$$.)

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
And if you're asking, my favorite character is The Punisher, He can get shot, and half the time he's getting his butt kicked but handles it like a pro. My second favorite is probably Wildcat (my avatar) I loved him in The Next Age. He's not like Green Lantern and Flash, he isn't reponsible or polite, he's good at two things, fighting and training people to fight.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Oh My God.

Vertical Gunn is turning into Meadwad.

EVERY critic said that the first 22-minutes of Watchmen is the BEST film they have EVER seen??

Does that sentence even make sense?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

First, how can I cuss you out, without cussing? I just You out? And what about Fox claims? How they want some distrubution rights and if they do, they won't have power to change anything? The worst they could do is give it a bad release date. And I was telling you that these lawyers weren't just "punk-asses" because they've been to school longer than you, and most likely aren't punks at all...
True, I stand corrected, Lennon.
But you have to admit it does get kind of irritating when it's about once every 2 months somebody has to go to court with Zack Snyder's Watchmen.

Oh My God.

Vertical Gunn is turning into Meadwad.

EVERY critic said that the first 22-minutes of Watchmen is the BEST film they have EVER seen??

Does that sentence even make sense?
You really are a schmuck on wheels.

Why do the characters in this look like Silver Surfer and prototype Batman parodies?

I mean, the film craft looks really good but the story looks incredibly generic.