What are you doing at this very moment?


Sitting in a hotel room in Manhatten, getting ready to go and see " Spamalot " the stage play based on Monty Python's Holy Grail film, come back, I'll bite yer head off!!!!
Blue Man group tomorrow night, then it's a fun filled weekend of partying NYC style!
I am so envious Have a great time
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

as usual i am jamming smoking and drinking!

The Killer (all time fav)

Best American Lite style lager (fact)

No intro needed !!!
Is there someone inside you?
Who is it?
I don't know.
Is it Captain Howdy?

Welcome to the human race...
Thinking about whether or not to go watch Kikujiro. Probably will, I think.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Just about to bath the
What a coincidence. This dog is about to take a bath, too. I've been damn lazy today, and damn proud. Now watch, I'll stay up all night, and work out of guilt.

I'll stay up all night, and work out of guilt.

Another reminder of my sex life.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

You mean this isn't normal for you?
Yeah, but I've been so lazy today, I don't think I should be so wide awake right now. Usually, the more I sit here, the sleepier I get. If anything, I'm getting more wired. Maybe the difference is, I'm usually working my butt off, then I come here for a break, long enough to realize how tired I am. I haven't done anything today, so I reckon I shouldn't be tired. Shame on me!

Yeah, but I've been so lazy today, I don't think I should be so wide awake right now. Usually, the more I sit here, the sleepier I get. If anything, I'm getting more wired.

For me (I am my own best/worst critic) it is not how hard I work, or how tired I am. or how much I think I did, it is: what did I do today to make a difference? I can tell by your quirks and your great sense of humor that we are a lot alike. That may be an insult, sorry if it is . You have high standards and it is tough for you to feel happy at the end of the day if someone does not tell you so. I do not mean me or anyone outside your immediate comfort zone, but if no one says thank you or gives you a hug or whatever, it seems like you are just taken for granted. Trust me you are not taken for granted, you are loved and in a pinch I bet most of your "close-ones" know this too.

Just went to get a late nite snack of leftover Mother's day cake and some milk. Opened the cabinet for the cups and behold:

Xerxes our male cat taking a nap. Have to wash all the cups now.

For me (I am my own best/worst critic) it is not how hard I work, or how tired I am. or how much I think I did, it is: what did I do today to make a difference? I can tell by your quirks and your great sense of humor that we are a lot alike. That may be an insult, sorry if it is . You have high standards and it is tough for you to feel happy at the end of the day if someone does not tell you so. I do not mean me or anyone outside your immediate comfort zone, but if no one says thank you or gives you a hug or whatever, it seems like you are just taken for granted. Trust me you are not taken for granted, you are loved and in a pinch I bet most of your "close-ones" know this too.
Thank you, sweetie, and no, it's not an insult. hehe I agree. I remember back during the holidays, I PMed you, making sure you knew I was just teasing about my posts. You said you have had the same worry at times. That is why I use smilies. I doubt I would ever use any, but I figure they help people know I am just acting the fool.

Well, I have vacuumed, done laundry, piddled here, and there. I'm still wide awake. I suppose I'll make my next game, real fast. Real fast means I'll be done sometime in the next few hours.

Damn, today's high is now only 65, and cloudy. That sucks!

The People's Republic of Clogher
What kind of person does a round trip of 120 miles looking for a new PSU for his PC?

This idiot, that's who.

Still, this one is super quiet and has more rails than Crewe Junction.

Whatever rails are...
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Right now I'm on my 4th cup of coffee... and wondering how long it is going to take me to clean the mud off my boots this time... and if I should even bother...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

glad to be back on this site after a few weeks away. Had exams so had to resist the internet in furtherance of my education. But finished yesterday so glad to back! Oh ya i am also HUNGOVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment is free but facts are sacred