Terminator 4: Potential Hit or Definite Flop?


A system of cells interlinked
You mean Sarah Conner?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
? Everyone has been about that bitch mother and john.
You mean the kid who is the future of the world? and the person who taught him?

GOD! How stupid of them to make a movie about them!
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

ReservoirPup's Avatar
Stuck in the middle with you.
Well they could spice it up a bit. I say screw the damn movie. They already have the TV show and if they make a movie do something different. I'm tired of the same old "I have to protect you and I have to fight this advanced robot trying to kill you." I'm sorry if I offend anyone but IMO Terminator is dead and should stay dead.

who's gonna be the new Terminator? i think they need to do something fresh for the movie to catch on ya' know?
Well, not to be a dick but you just stated two posts before this one that you hope the movie doesn't get made. So really, what do you care who is going to be in it? And (brace yourself) but the plan is for there to actually be 3 more Terminators not just one.

I say bring it on, I hope they make 10 more.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I say bring it on, I hope they make 10 more.

This is Bat Country!
I resent the bitch mother comment, Sarah Connor is the ultimate mother..whether it be Lena Heady or Linda Hamilton!
Im trying to listen to the new Robert Palmer Tape..But Evelyn, my supposed fiancee keeps buzzing in my ear...

ReservoirPup's Avatar
Stuck in the middle with you.
Screw Sarah Conner. They could've at least gotten a hot chick to play her. Not those ladies that looked 49 y/o.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Screw Sarah Conner. They could've at least gotten a hot chick to play her. Not those ladies that looked 49 y/o.
okay.... there are so many statements wrong with that....

ReservoirPup's Avatar
Stuck in the middle with you.
Hey man, I call it as I see it. Those chicks were not attractive at all. They might as well be 49 y/o, that's my 2 cents worth.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
on a non-mean note; I just love the name McG I mean... I think I am going to name my kid that

This is Bat Country!
No way reservoir pup. Totally the right choices.

ReservoirPup's Avatar
Stuck in the middle with you.
I don't care what's wrong with it! Bottom line, if they make this movie I want a Major league IV. That's the point. I've calmed down now. I took my shots.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I don't care what's wrong with it! Bottom line, if they make this movie I want a Major league IV. .
Yes because Major Leage II and III were such raving sucesses

ReservoirPup's Avatar
Stuck in the middle with you.
Yes because Major Leage II and III were such raving sucesses
It's comeback time. Get Berenger,Sheen, and all the other cast members who aren't dead and we can make the damn movie ourselves. Who's with me!?

ReservoirPup's Avatar
Stuck in the middle with you.
Oh, I'd also like to apologize for last night guys. No hard feelings?