Is it allowed?


unlike a DO NOT STEAL sign; every state has a law against theft... including laws on shoplifting, breaking and entering, trespassing, armed robbery, piracy etc. that is why convenience store owners do not need to put up a sign because there is a law, a written document that says it is wrong or unlawful. but is there a law that forbids theater jumping? that one i am really curious to know.
It is a law that you cannot sneak into shows of any sort for which the owners are charging admission. You are asked for a title and time when you purchase a movie ticket. Your ticket will almost invariably have that same title and time printed on it. There is no way to misinterpret the fact that you are buying admission to that specific showing at that specific time. Seems pretty simple to me.

like there is no law saying sneaking food into theaters is wrong, there is always a sign in every cinema or theater i have been to saying that 'bringing of food is not allowed'. again that makes it clear.

so i guess the only rule is...'follow your conscience'. if you feel it is wrong the do not do it. most would agree that it is wrong (including me), it is just sad that majority do not know if there is documented rule or not. From the various responses here, i gather that we only 'feel' it is wrong and not really know that a rule exists. no offense.
I don't take offense, so I hope you won't, either, when I say that I find your reasoning fairly ridiculous.

They require you to pick a showing, for crying out loud! That's the ballgame, right there. Anything else is an obfuscation. You tell them what you want to purchase, and they tell you the price. Next time, try saying not "One ticket for Spider-Man," but "One ticket for every movie you have, please." See if they quote you the same price.

The fact that theaters trust people to come and go without watching over them like hawks is a nice little perk of the experience, not an excuse via which we can take advantage of them.

i think the only way to look at this is: if 'others' do it, that does not make it right... but that does not make it wrong either.
No, what makes it wrong is that you're paying for one thing, and then taking more. It is wrong completely independent of how many people do it.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
unlike a DO NOT STEAL sign; every state has a law against theft... including laws on shoplifting, breaking and entering, trespassing, armed robbery, piracy etc. that is why convenience store owners do not need to put up a sign because there is a law, a written document that says it is wrong or unlawful. but is there a law that forbids theater jumping? that one i am really curious to know.

I couldn't find a specific law and I wouldn't think there would need to be one. As has already been stated; the ticket states very clearly states price of admission for a specific movie. Do you really need a specific law to tell you that going into another movie is not allowed? Come on. I think that the law against theft has this covered. I also think your maybe looking for a loophole.

What we are really looking at here is ethics. I am fairly certain that I could sneek into a theater without being caught. I wouldn't do it, because it's wrong. I don't need a law to make that decision for me.

By the way, yelling fire in a theater is against the law. I find it really sad and pathetic that there was a necessity for that law. Who would do that? (Unless, of course, there was a fire.) Apparently enough people to warrant such a law.

One final thing. Ignorance of the law is not a valid defence, so sign or no sign, you are expected to know and obey the law. People are also expected to have the common sense to interpret these laws.

My life isn't written very well.
We can boycott concessions by not purchasing them; a theater has no clear, matching recourse to take against people who sneak in a free show.
Oh! But that delicious buttery smell is hard, really hard to resist. Subliminal messaging for your nose. "I'll take the Jumbo Combo, and please throw in one of those cheesy pretzels!"
Cha-Ching! Capitalism? Ha! More like Popitalism!
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
OK so it's wrong. But is it right to charge $8 for a lg popcorn, $6 for iced down soft drinks and $3 for a "family-sized" Kit KAt? The combination I've just described costs pennies to make, and I'm sure a reasonable profit would still cut the bill in half!
Who's really getting ripped off!?
I hope that's an exageration. Where the hell sells concessions for that much?

cinema_nomad's Avatar
Beam me up, Scotty !
Come on people... we are on the same side here. i also only watch what i paid for. @yoda.. none taken . my reasoning may be ridiculous but i am pretty much sure that most would agree somehow that i have a point no matter how foolish it may be.

that is why i started this topic with a dumb question. i myself have searched all over and yet i have not found an answer that really satisfied me. i admit it is down right dumb and stupid... but for a dumb question like that, there should be an easy answer; don't you think so?

personally my conscience tells me that it is wrong and unethical but what would be my basis for it? the ticket? that is why, i am looking for answers; something solid to hold on to. Something to tell me that i was right NOT to do it after all.

and for me to look for a loophole.. i do not have to because it is already there - wide open it is just a matter of showing times . as i said i have seen people do it and yet they don't get kicked out or that nobody minds. and of course we all know that the cinema people know that this sort of thing exists and yet i do not see people apprehended or kicked out and worse not even a sign to warn people who may just attempt to do it. so I guess they do not really care, may be because it does not really affect their bottom line (do they make profit from popcorn or kitkat, perhaps? ). If they can put up a sign saying 'bringing of food in the theaters is not allowed' then why can't they put a sign for jumping from one movie to another? Come on.. they have to put a sign for the 'bringing of food' anyway...

yes, i agree... ignorance of the law excuses no one. that is why i am asking because i do not want to be ignorant of this law if ever there is one or if this is covered by another law.

hmmm how do i put this... i see it just like the no smoking law where it is illegal to smoke in enclosed areas (applicable in some states) even in bars and night clubs. it already a law in some states and yet, bar owners still put a sign that says NO SMOKING. Or on the lighter side, like coffee from Starbucks... why do they put a sign on their paper coffee cups that 'Contents is HOT'? Precisely... just to warn people... just to make sure that they do not forget and break the law or scald their hands.

anyway... i rest my case... thank you all for the explanation and for the good and healthy discussion... thanks again so much.

It's 29 now mark, did you see that? 29.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Of course it's not allowed..Though some can do it if they get caught..well,there's a certain punishment for that..

Come on people... we are on the same side here. i also only watch what i paid for. @yoda.. none taken . my reasoning may be ridiculous but i am pretty much sure that most would agree somehow that i have a point no matter how foolish it may be.

that is why i started this topic with a dumb question. i myself have searched all over and yet i have not found an answer that really satisfied me. i admit it is down right dumb and stupid... but for a dumb question like that, there should be an easy answer; don't you think so?

personally my conscience tells me that it is wrong and unethical but what would be my basis for it? the ticket? that is why, i am looking for answers; something solid to hold on to. Something to tell me that i was right NOT to do it after all.

and for me to look for a loophole.. i do not have to because it is already there - wide open it is just a matter of showing times . as i said i have seen people do it and yet they don't get kicked out or that nobody minds. and of course we all know that the cinema people know that this sort of thing exists and yet i do not see people apprehended or kicked out and worse not even a sign to warn people who may just attempt to do it. so I guess they do not really care, may be because it does not really affect their bottom line (do they make profit from popcorn or kitkat, perhaps? ). If they can put up a sign saying 'bringing of food in the theaters is not allowed' then why can't they put a sign for jumping from one movie to another? Come on.. they have to put a sign for the 'bringing of food' anyway...

yes, i agree... ignorance of the law excuses no one. that is why i am asking because i do not want to be ignorant of this law if ever there is one or if this is covered by another law.

hmmm how do i put this... i see it just like the no smoking law where it is illegal to smoke in enclosed areas (applicable in some states) even in bars and night clubs. it already a law in some states and yet, bar owners still put a sign that says NO SMOKING. Or on the lighter side, like coffee from Starbucks... why do they put a sign on their paper coffee cups that 'Contents is HOT'? Precisely... just to warn people... just to make sure that they do not forget and break the law or scald their hands.

anyway... i rest my case... thank you all for the explanation and for the good and healthy discussion... thanks again so much.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I see what you're saying about the technicality of the issue, but as I said before, I think the fact that you are required to choose a specific showing settles the matter. Your ticket clearly states what it is you're buying, and it's not general access to all theaters on the premises. If you could simply say "one ticket, please" you might sorta-kinda have a point about the rule not being explicit, but you can't; you're required to pick a specific film, and a specific showtime, so there's no mistaking what it is you're purchasing. The law that stops people from sneaking into admission-based areas also protects theaters from theater-jumping.

By the by, here's an interesting blog entry about how diehard moviegoers might be driving up the price of popcorn. I don't think the entry's reasoning quite fits the entry's title ("Why is popcorn so expensive at the movie theater?"), but it's fairly interesting, anyway.

Or, you can just go straight to the article being quoted.

It's not allowed or encouraged, of course. But if you want my permission, you've got it. I haven't theater hopped since I've moved to Portland. Partially because most of the theaters I attend regularly aren't very conducive for it and partially because there haven't been multiple movies showing at once that I was overly interested in. Or I haven't had the time for back-to-back movies.

When I lived in Maryland I theater hopped regularly, especially at the Muvico Egyptian 24. It's a gigantic, cavernous place that looks like the set from Raiders of the Lost Ark. With twenty-four screens, even on a slower day it is quite impossible for the staff to keep track of who is coming and going from where. Plus I'd usually get a large bucket of popcorn, which has free refills. So between the movie I paid for and the one I was going to for free I'd load that sucker up again. Now even if somebody kinda was paying attention, they'd see me coming from concessions with a pile of popcorn and it looks like either I just got there or I'm rushing back into a screening.

Another key is to do this when you're by yourself or maybe with one other person. If a gang of five or six of you start going from one theater to another, you will get snagged. Especially if you're loud, dumb teenagers. As well you should.

I don't feel any need to rationalize my theater jumping, but if forced to the fact that I paid for six to ten movies in an average month and usually visit the concession stand leaves zero guilt that on some of those visits I'd occasionally see a second flick.

But to each their own. And yes, if you do get caught depending on the circumstances, the theater and how much you piss off the staff that day you may wind up banned from ever coming back. So hop at your own risk.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Holden, You are most definitely the man. Is that what's going on here? Do you need permission? Consider it given I guess. Honestly, when it comes right down to it you can do anything you want in this world as long as you're willing to pay the price.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Is it allowed to watch 2 or more movies in a cinema when you only paid for one?

What you've just said, is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

I have never theater hopped for the following reasons.
  • my back starts to stiffen up after one movie.
  • I have usually loosened the armrests and possibly bent the seat out to accommodate myself, and it's a little embarrassing.
  • the sound is so loud, I need to go home and decompress.
  • I'm too lazy to go to another movie.
"If you can't be funny be interesting."
Harold Ross

Originally Posted by cinema_nomad
Is it allowed to watch 2 or more movies in a cinema when you only paid for one?

What you've just said, is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
OH, that's beautiful.
Quite possibly one of the greatest quotes of all time.
There are better ones though, just to please everyone who'll go "NO IT'S NOT! [insert quote here] IS BETTER!"
+ Rep appreciated

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
  • I'm too lazy to go to another movie.
U.S.A U.S.A. U.S.A.!