Most Intense Scene in a Movie


All good people are asleep and dreaming.
The Deer Hunter The first Russian roulette scene.

Dead or Alive The first ten minutes.

Audition The last ten minutes.

Ichi the Killer The whole movie.

The Miracle Worker The slapping scene.

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Kill Bill-The whole movie.

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

SystemicAnomaly's Avatar
i thought the final battle in 8 Mile was pretty intense
I am a systemic anomaly inherent to the programming of the matrix

You know the scene I mean when I mention, When Harry met Sally; man I was so horny after that scene. Sorry, but if you were not the least bit aroused, no matter what your gender or sexual preference is then you must be dead.

I think she really did have an orgasm there, I really do....
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Registered User
Signs. Near the end in the basement where mel gibson is trying to lock out the aliens. Very tense and scary

MARATHON MAN: "Is it safe?"

the whole of the pianist is pretty intense.

also parts of once upon a time in america.
"This isn't flying, this is falling, with style!"

The scene with the adrenaline shot in Pulp Fiction, its not the most intense ever but i like it.


Theres a scene at the end of This Is England that's intense on a whole new level. It's the scene between Milky and Combo. Anybody who's seen the film will know what i'm talking about. Probably the best paradigm of masterful direction, suspense and performance all at the same time. Stephen Graham was a revelation.

The entire scene where Natalie starts verbally abusing Leonard in Memento really made the hairs on my forearms stand up even after you've watched it already because you know what she's trying to make him do...worst of all, you know that she knows that she can get away with it.

I'm shocked that none of you guys mentioned ANY of DePalma's films. The infiltration scene in the middle of Mission Impossible was a suspenceful scene.

I have a fear of torture so end of Braveheart and that scene in 3 Kings really get me.
Even thinking about them makes me shiver.

A system of cells interlinked
The montage in Requiem for a Dream which includes the shock therapy and the guys in prison.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Tatanka's Avatar
Certifiably troglodytic.
  • The Intersection Scene in War of the Worlds (2005) for all the sheer insect-y and murderous first image of the tripod's birth and blasting of people and buildings (the scene's soundtrack is half the intensity as well)
  • The first glimpse of the alien at the party in Signs.....great build up, quickly and subtly done
  • Though hokey and categorically not a "scene," the trailer to 1974's It's Alive flipped me out when I first saw it on TV, in a dark house, as a kid, alone with my mother who was just as scared by it
  • Pretty much all of Carpenter's The Thing, especially when they are tied to the couch and the whole head-spider deal

bako1's Avatar
Scarface's chainsaw

"Marathon Man" first came to mind, as already posted.

Also, the point in "Treasure of The Sierra Madre" when Bogart realizes the federales are going to kill him. "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!"

Leongunz123's Avatar
Registered User
300. Basically any battle scene was incredibly intense like nothing before done.

300. Basically any battle scene was incredibly intense like nothing before done.
You mean nobody's ever done anything in slow motion before?

Funny Games

I don't want to give anything away but if you've seen this you'll know what I'm talking about. Kid + Shotgun + Long camera hold = intense and sickening.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.