The MoFo Top Film Noir Countdown - Preliminary Thread

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Trouble with a capital "T"
What about High Sierra by Raoul Walsh? I've came across it today and wonder if to watch. Does someone consider it for the ballot?
IMDB says it is from 1940 / Wikipedia says 1941
Ah High Sierra, the film that made Bogart & Ida Lupino top billed stars. I considered it for my ballot, though my ballot is pretty crowded with potential noirs.

I've noticed with alot of films that IMDB and Wiki have different release years, but for High Sierra it doesn't matter as it still qualifies. Good film, I rewatched it recently, though I prefer the remake from 1955 with Jack Palance in the lead, I Died a Thousand Times.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's time to get off your bar stool and start thinking about your noir voting ballot!

We have 1 month left before the deadline to send your voting ballot, February 25th

Okay, I think these films are Noir: Humoresque, Key Largo and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
I couldn't find them on the imdb labeled as Film Noir but I found them on a list on Wikipedia.
Are we counting these as Noir or not?

The trick is not minding
Okay, I think these films are Noir: Humoresque, Key Largo and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
I couldn't find them on the imdb labeled as Film Noir but I found them on a list on Wikipedia.
Are we counting these as Noir or not?
Been years since I’ve seen Key Largo, so my memory isn’t fresh, but I’ve seen The Treasure of the Sierra Madre enough time to say a firm no.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Okay, I think these films are Noir: Humoresque, Key Largo and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
I couldn't find them on the imdb labeled as Film Noir but I found them on a list on Wikipedia.
Are we counting these as Noir or not?
According to the 1st post guidelines:
"At Wiki it needs to say 'noir' or 'film noir' in the movie's first section in the first or second sentence....Mentions of noir further down the Wiki page won't count."

I just checked and as you said none are tagged noir at IMDB.
At Wiki the only one that is tagged noir in the first section is Key Largo.

Key Largo - yes
it can be voted for.
Humoresque - no

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - no

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
OK, some of my recent views in the scope included:

first time seeing:
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946)
Suspicion (1941)
Woman on the Run (1950)
Ace in the Hole (1951)
Gilda (1946)
The Big Heat (1953)
The Wrong Man (1956) (rewatch, one of my favorites)

So, quite unexpectedly, my ballot already exceeds 20 titles. As a matter of fact, initially, I've wondered how to reach 15 films that I like.
I need two or three more to round it to 25 but honestly, I'm a bit tired of this. No matter of the always superb cinematography, most of that stuff is not quite watchable nowadays. For now, I'll save my thoughts.
Anyway, I have ten great flicks on my list plus twelve decent enough to vote for...

"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946)
Woman on the Run (1950)

Loved both of those. I seen Woman on the Run (1950) last year and forgot about it when working on my ballot. So now I'll have to consider it for my ballot. Glad you mentioned it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Did you get my private message? I sent it, but it isn't appearing in my 'sent items', so I'm nor sure.
Yup. I just got up and logged into MoFo and seen your message. I sent you a reply. Thanks for sending in a ballot!

And just sent mine in to Citizen. Looking forward to it.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Trouble with a capital "T"
Only 2 weeks to go until the deadline!!! Get those ballots in...and stop procrastinating...

The Rules and Procedures
  • IMDB & Wikipedia are used to determine noir eligibility. Film noirs released from 1940 to 1959 are eligible. At IMDB if they are tagged 'noir' or 'film noir' anywhere on the page. At Wiki it needs to say 'noir' or 'film noir' in the movie's first section in the first or second sentence. Mentions of noir further down the Wiki page won't count.
  • Release dates are based on IMDB or Wiki. Short films and documentaries are excluded.
  • You're submitting a voting list of what you consider to be your personal top 25 noir films that you've seen, from 1940-1959 ranked in order, numbered 1-25 with 1 being your favorite on down to 25. Partial lists with no less than 10 movies on it will be accepted after February 1st.
  • *Important* this countdown is not able to use the new ballot submission tool. So you will submit your voting list to me by private message with the title "[Your Username] - MoFo Film Noir List
  • Type out the full movie title as shown on IMDB or Wiki AND include the year. Don't abbreviate the title or leave words out such as 'The' or 'A'. If you do, it can cause problems when I add up the list.
  • You must be a member for one month before submitting a list.
  • The deadline to send your list in is February 25th I won't be extending the deadline beyond that date.
  • All lists are final, once I receive it I can't take revisions so make sure you're happy with your list rankings. Look it over and over again, until you're happy with it.
  • Don't post your list here or you'll be taken to a police station and beaten badly! Keep 'em private.

working on my list as we speak. one question: has there been any ruling on orson welles’ Mr. Arkadin (aka Confidential Report)? it’s listed as noir on imdb but the opening section of its wiki makes no mention of genre whatsoever. if we wanna be strict about it then we have to exclude it, but it’s also basically just a technicality simply because the wiki is more focused on the production than the content of the film. i don’t remember everything about the movie but in my memory it’s pretty film noir-y.
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Trouble with a capital "T"
working on my list as we speak. one question: has there been any ruling on orson welles’ Mr. Arkadin (aka Confidential Report)? it’s listed as noir on imdb but the opening section of its wiki makes no mention of genre whatsoever. if we wanna be strict about it then we have to exclude it, but it’s also basically just a technicality simply because the wiki is more focused on the production than the content of the film. i don’t remember everything about the movie but in my memory it’s pretty film noir-y.
Mr. Arkadin aka (aka Confidential Report) is eligible, it's a noir. All a movie has to be is to be tagged noir on either IMDB or Wiki, but it doesn't have to be tagged noir on both.

Thanks for the message Citizen. I haven't seen many (or even few) noirs. So will sit this one out.
I will, however, follow the countdown to make a watchlist of movies that look interesting.

Good luck with the hosting.

Thanks for the message, Citizen, I'll be sitting this one out but will still follow the countdown and see what makes the list. Not a big fan of the black and white stuff, yes I prefer my movies in color form

Predicting now that the top 6 will be Citizen Kane, Casablanca, 12 Angry Men, Sunset Boulevard, Rear Window and The Third Man. While judging by how the top 100 for the forties and fifties countdowns went. All 6 movies are in the top 3.

Good luck hosting, I'll be checking in here and there when the countdown starts
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