The Ethics of Consuming Media in Bad Ways or as a Bad Person


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i’m reminded of a NPR voice telling white people to not attend opening showings of Black Panther 2. they made, what i thought, was a well constructed and valid point as to why. but i thought their vibe was kinda cringe.

these days i got a low bar for expectations. as long as you ain’t exploiting someone else i’ll consume the media. if i found out afterwards there was exploitation involved i’ll feel icky for a minute, but then i’ll go on living.

Trouble with a capital "T"
i’m reminded of a NPR voice telling white people to not attend opening showings of Black Panther 2. they made, what i thought, was a well constructed and valid point as to why. but i thought their vibe was kinda cringe...
Is that the same incident that Corax was referring too? Corax can you expand on that some?

I never heard of any of this until now as I don't do social media. But I'll bite, just what did the NPR say that was a 'well constructed and a valid point' as to why whites shouldn't attend the premier of Black Panther 2? And how was their vibe 'kinda cringe'? Seriously I don't know a damn thing about this.

To anyone: What was the reaction to that? Did whites stay away? Were there protest? Or?

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@Citizen Rules: i prefer when NPR plays opera but unfortunately i don’t get that here

anyways, i think they were talking about people trying to scalp movie tickets to opening showings of it for like hundreds of dollars, which is definitely super unethical and exploitative. and in the process of talking about it a speaker talked about how movies have largely been made for white audiences by white crews and actors. and that Black Panther 2 was a major milestone for representation and industry firsts (there were like 6 or 7 crew roles they referenced). and they made the argument that the openings were going to be celebrations and white people would be taking seats from those who wanted to be there.

the cringe aspect was how they presented it. it was very much “**** you and the horse you rode in on”. besides, a movie like that is gonna get shown like 20+ times in one day in the smallest of theaters. so it seemed a little over the top.

Is that the same incident that Corax was referring too? Corax can you expand on that some?
Right, this was the Wakanda film and there was a demand made by a social media activist which got picked up by the rest of the internet commentariat (largely to deride it) and then it was magnified by normie pundits looking for the rage-click of the day. See here for the thing that I think started it all.

The filmmakers made no demand. The actors made no demand. Theaters were not race-carding people. I don't think it made any difference at the box office. The demand, however, was made by a self-styled activist who does have hundreds of thousands of followers and sides were taken on the matter. I don't recall anything on NPR, but it would be just like them to bring in some "expert" to explain why it's not such an insane idea.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
You can hate me, but if I ever make a film, I'll allow only people with good taste to watch it. Everybody would have to undergo a long taste survey before they could place their unworthy eyes on my masterwork. Can you imagine normies protesting against that? The Normie Anti-Discrimination League would crucify me!

Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

You can hate me, but if I ever make a film, I'll allow only people with good taste to watch it. Everybody would have to undergo a long taste survey before they could place their unworthy eyes on my masterwork. Can you imagine normies protesting against that? The Normie Anti-Discrimination League would crucify me!

Dear Board,

I don’t want to belong to any club that would have me as a member.

Sincerely yours,
Groucho Marx.

I misread his initial post. But it still stands in regards to him, I'm not just going to accept his take on some story because he references it. He consistently misrepresents things for the sake of his argument.

"I misread his post, but it's still his fault, because he's bad."

--Memelord Gravedigger, 2024

"I misread his post, but it's still his fault, because he's bad."

--Memelord Gravedigger, 2024
My bad. I should have claimed that it was impossible to understand what you meant. You know, the stunt you always pull when you're called out for your consistently awful reading comprehension.