I might be addicted to MoFo'ing


Could Yoda, the man in charge remove me, do i really have to say something about the former President, i'm a Canadian btw, so it wouldn't sting the right way.

I need to watch as many movies as i can, Movie Forums must not get in the way of that. You know dear people, that i never ever got the hang of communication, i always felt that my film love was born and thrives best in solitude, the most i should put out there is a record of what i watch, which is what Letterboxd is for.

If i can go, i thank you all for a pleasant visit, i wish you all the best life has to offer, and may there be plenty of great films to see on the way.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Dude's just passionate about cinema. Been there, done that.

At one point you decide that you have to give up everything to have enough time for movies.

So of course you wouldn't want to waste time on MoFo, going outside or checking the news. Your film mania is so strong you decide to dedicate your whole life to it.

It kinda eases off after the 10,000th film.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Well, I strongly recommend against making hasty decisions like that. You can leave MoFo and get back in a year or two, but after you're banned, it's the end.

And MoFo works quite well as a break between watching your 5th and 6th film of the day, so I wouldn't completely resign from posting here anyway.

Plus you can inspire others by posting about the films you watched - something I do rarely due to a similar mindset of never having enough time for anything but movies.

The change I saw in myself, though, is that I no longer regret doing something else, like spending time on MoFo or taking a walk. I simply see those as breaks from movie-watching that allow me to rebuild my excitement for films.

The trick is not minding
If all you have is films, it’s too much of an Ivory Tower Existence. Go out and experience the world. Don’t just merely watch it pass by on the screen.

Henh?! Who the hell is Jeff?! Youre not addicted to MoFo cause I don't even know who you are. If you're addicted to this place then you'd never leave. Ever. Camo and Sexy Celebrity, now those were 2 true MoFo crackheads. They couldn't leave even when they wanted to......in fact....they might still be here now cue twilight zone music

LOL .... comments making my evening during my 11th film of July 1st, true most were short films. I spoke with Yoda, i'm gonna practice self control, and catch up with Minio in total films watched, the Last Laugh will be MINE

The trick is not minding
Why do I get the feeling Jeff is Mr Minio?
I know I’m not the only one who thinks this. I know of one other who believes this. Anyone else?

A system of cells interlinked
Why do I get the feeling Jeff is Mr Minio?
I know I’m not the only one who thinks this. I know of one other who believes this. Anyone else?
There is only one Mr. Minio!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I feel obliged to say this as no one else has.

"Gooba gabba, gooba gabba. One of us. One of us. One of us."

Welcome to Mofo.

Could Yoda, the man in charge remove me, do i really have to say something about the former President, i'm a Canadian btw, so it wouldn't sting the right way.

I need to watch as many movies as i can, Movie Forums must not get in the way of that. You know dear people, that i never ever got the hang of communication, i always felt that my film love was born and thrives best in solitude, the most i should put out there is a record of what i watch, which is what Letterboxd is for.

If i can go, i thank you all for a pleasant visit, i wish you all the best life has to offer, and may there be plenty of great films to see on the way.
LOL, you’ve only been here 26 days! At least stay a month!
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.