A belated introduction


I should have come to this part of MoFo first, but perhaps i had need of some exposure to the climate first.

I am just a hermit living on disability, living with dad, preparing to inevitably live alone, my brother is helping me there, he's smart with finances and stuff.

Up until 2004, i was just a regular movie lover, but then i started to watch Internationally and it was revolutionary, it started with Werner Herzog's commentary on Nosferatu, and officially began with the purchasing of Fellini's Roma on January 7, 2005.

My movie watching comes in spurts these last few years, and these last few days i expressed a somewhat juvenile desire to watch more than i am able, for the physical side effects of watching on my computer, which is the only way i can stream hurts my eyes and head. (We have old tvs here and we're not rolling in the dough). Streaming is still a boon activity for me however, and hope to watch plenty more on a regular basis.

My other solitary passion is reading, i have a well stocked kindle, and i just flit around from ebook to ebook happily for hours on a good day like this, it helps me feel like i'm not falling apart mentally.

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
Welcome to MoFo
Did you know that in the 1980s movie PREDATOR the titular character was not originally portrayed by Kevin Peter Hall. It was in fact Jean-Claude Van Damme donning a much more insect inspired full body suit before he left the production which then led to the recasting and redesigning of the famous hunter.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
If your TV is old, meaning this old:

Then I can't give you any advice.

But if you have any settings whatsoever available, I definitely recommend fiddling with them. Switch the Picture Mode to Film and reduce Contrast and Brightness. And, importantly, turn off Backlight. If the picture is too dim due to external factors, it's better for your eyes to change the external factors and not the TV settings if possible. For example, use dark roller blinds on all your windows and doors (if they have windows in them).

(I mean, your computer's monitor should have some options like this, too.)

If your eyes still hurt after all these modifications, use eye drops.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Gonna try with light dimmed on the computer, if this works, well i owe ya one buddy!!!

If your TV is old, meaning this old:

Then I can't give you any advice.

But if you have any settings whatsoever available, I definitely recommend fiddling with them. Switch the Picture Mode to Film and reduce Contrast and Brightness. And, importantly, turn off Backlight. If the picture is too dim due to external factors, it's better for your eyes to change the external factors and not the TV settings if possible. For example, use dark roller blinds on all your windows and doors (if they have windows in them).

(I mean, your computer's monitor should have some options like this, too.)

If your eyes still hurt after all these modifications, use eye drops.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Gonna try with light dimmed on the computer, if this works, well i owe ya one buddy!!!
You can experiment with it, plus if your eyes hurt right now, it'll take some time before they stop, so it might give your test false results. I actually dimmed my TV too much and I'm now trying to make it a little bit brighter step by step (literally 1/100 of Contrast and Brightness a month) and my eyes hurt a little bit even after such minuscule changes. I think I got where I want it now, though. My eyes hurt a little bit but maybe it's all about getting used to it. When I'm at somebody else's place and watch TV for more than 5 minutes, my eyes start burning. Some people have their TVs set to the max. I have no idea how come they don't end up with conjunctivitis. Oh, that's because they don't watch 10 movies a day.

A system of cells interlinked
Hello and welcome!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

You ready? You look ready.
keep an eye on your local craigslist and facebook marketplace. you can easily find TVs on there for less than $50 because no one wants a 10 year old LCD these days. even tho they are better built than the new junk on the shelves

and hello! welcome welcome