The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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I forgot the opening line.
30. Hot Fuzz : I watched Hot Fuzz in preparation for this countdown, and after being a little disappointed with it when it first came out, this time I enjoyed it immensely and thought it was overflowing with great ideas and brilliant casting. There are so many great characters in the town of Sandford, to which PC Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) is sent - played by Timothy Dalton, Jim Broadbent, Edward Woodward, Olivia Colman, Paddy Considine and Bill Nighy - there are others I will have missed. It's one of those quotable films that never misses a moment to push home something funny, and winds up telling an over-the-top and outrageous tale. Why was I let down the first time I saw it? It could have been the inevitable comparison between this and Edgar Wright's (and Simon Pegg's) previous Shaun of the Dead, which is a classic. I've well and truly been converted as far as Hot Fuzz goes, and reckon it stands on equal footing to the first film in the so-called 'Cornetto trilogy'. It couldn't break into my top 25 list though, in which many such excellent films had to be cut - but I'm very glad to see it sitting so high on this list.

29. Let the Right One In : The pool scene in this is a great example of horror done in exactly the right manner. I've seen this film a few times, and it's one of those films I like a lot but just isn't in my top bracket of list-worthy films. It fits easily inside my top 100 for the decade, and possibly inside my top 50 though. If I had to nominate a vampire-based film as one I prefer over others, it's this one - there's something atmospheric and otherworldly about it which sets you on edge and increases the fear factor when something horrible is happening. Otherwise, it's a really sweet story about a friendship developed by an old person in a little girl's body and a young boy who lacks confidence in himself. Well, sweet if you ignore all the bloody murdering that must be done so the vampire can feed. Anyway, I hope it's director, Tomas Alfredson, can overcome his The Snowman debacle. I'm tempted to watch that film, just to find out what is so wrong with it. This film has the snow, but it's way, way better.

Seen 60/72
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Anyway, I hope it's director, Tomas Alfredson, can overcome his The Snowman debacle. I'm tempted to watch that film, just to find out what is so wrong with it.
It sounds like a lot of it was just horrible luck with logistics and planning, and then having to cobble something together that wasn't totally shot.

I really enjoy this video about it: (EDIT!!!! The video gives away major plot points from the film. Sorry I didn't put this warning originally. If you haven't read the book or want plot twists preserved, you might skip this until you've seen it.)

Loved Hot Fuzz but ultimately voted for another by this team. Still, it is a hilarious movie that I think about often. Yarrp! My favorite bit of dialogue: "The greater good!" "Shut it!"

Let the Right One In is an awesome movie and despite everything grim that goes on before it, the final scene on the train makes me smile and gives me a big lift in spirit. Again, voted for neither but so glad to see them on here.

#5. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 63
#8. Unbreakable 62
#10. Million Dollar Baby 57
#18. The Royal Tenenbaums 35
#22. Fantastic Mr. Fox 70
#20. Iron Man 83
#21 Finding Nemo 44
#23. The Descent 80
#25. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 76
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Loved Hot Fuzz but ultimately voted for another by this team. Still, it is a hilarious movie that I think about often. Yarrp! My favorite bit of dialogue: "The greater good!" "Shut it!"
Now that you mention it, another bit of trivia I read is that there's not a single time where that line, "the greater good", isn't said twice.

Now that you mention it, another bit of trivia I read is that there's not a single time where that line, "the greater good", isn't said twice.
Yeah, one character says it and the whole group gathered around repeats it. So often that Pegg lets lose with his "Shut it!"

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched Hot Fuzz for this countdown because several people mentioned it in the recommendation thread, so I figured that it had a good chance to make the countdown, but it didn't seem like my type of movie, so I didn't have high expectations for it. I didn't love the movie as much as most people do, but I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. It was much better than I expected, but it didn't make my list.

I haven't seen Let the Right One In.
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26 Locks

Eternal Sunshine
Dark Knight
There Will Be Blood
City of God
Inglorious Basterds
No Country for Old Men
Children of Men
Return of the King
Donnie Darko
Pans Labyrinth
Wall E
Two Towers
Spirited Away
Kill Bill 1
Shaun of the Dead

The real question is what the hell those last 3 are....if you go by Millennium list, it could be Talk to Her, A History of Violence and Wonder Boys. But I wouldn't call those locks. Maybe Shawn of the Dead will be a lock now that Hot Fuzz is here.
And the last 2 I predict (although admittedly 2 people told me about it) are In the Mood for Love and O Brother Where Art Thou. We have our 28.

I was so eager about Hot Fuzz and the fact that so many people didn't like it or hadn't even seen it, that I forgot about the other entry!

Let the Right One In was not on my list, but I think it's a great film. It truly uses its small budget to its advantage and understand the importance of the core story at hand. It's a very sweet and gentle story, only strengthened by its vampire element, which doesn't overpower the story the film wants to tell. Beautiful film.

26 Locks...
Shaun of the Dead
I wouldn't say those are locks. I suspect your list is shy more than just two.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I really think I nailed the last 28. The only question mark for me is O Brother but there's a pretty damn big Coen fan base here. At one point I thought Ratatouille was a miss but I really don't think so anymore. Fountain has a lot of fans here, never seen it myself though.

A system of cells interlinked
I think The Fountain missed its chance at this list when it didn't appear in the initial 25 titles. Did McClane submit a ballot? It was probably his #1 if so. That said, it's not a well-loved film on the site aside from a few MoFos that really dig it.

As for the next films, Downfall and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.

I doubt that second film is even remembered, let alone makes this list, but the clue makes sense.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell