The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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They're both decent but if I gotta say something then The Prestige isn't Nolan's best and Casino Royale isn't the best Bond, neither are even close. Also, Dodgeball is great!

"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

1. XXXXXXXXXXX (makes it)
2. XXXXXXXXXXX (might win it to CR chagrin)
3. XXXXXXXXXXX (makes it)
4. XXXXXXXXXXX (makes it)
5. The Prestige (2006)
6. 28 Days Later... (2002)
7. XXXXXXXXXXX (won't make it)
8. Paprika (2006)
9. XXXXXXXXXXX (makes it)
10. Cast Away (2000)
11. Finding Nemo (2003)
12. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
13. XXXXXXXXXXX (we'll see)
14. Sunshine (2007)
15. XXXXXXXXXXX (might win it)
16. XXXXXXXXXXX (won't make it...but should have)
17. XXXXXXXXXXX (won't make it)
18. XXXXXXXXXXX (might win it)
19. Moon (2009)
20. XXXXXXXXXXX (might make it)
21. XXXXXXXXXXX (won't make it)
22. XXXXXXXXXXX (won't make it)
23. XXXXXXXXXXX (won't make it)
24. The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
25. Brand Upon the Brain! A Remembrance in 12 Chapters (2007)

Prestige is the first top five film to make the list...

OK, I never do this, but what the hey.

#1. Totally making it.
#2. Very good chance.
#3. Sin City (47)
#4. I predict this will be number 1.
#5. Likely gonna make it.
#6. I have good reason to confirm this appearance.
#7. Yi Yi (49)
#8. Good chance, but I expected it to show up in the latter half instead of the first.
#9. I may eat my Queen shirt if this doesn't get top 10.
#10. Casino Royale (37)
#11.Totally making it.
#12. It had little chance of getting in the bottom 50. If it ain't gettin' in then, it's not gettin' in now.
#13. Million Dollar Baby (57)
#14. Totally making it.
#15. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (53)
#16. Pretty good chance of getting in.
#17. Also a pretty good chance.
#18. Definitely
#19. Also definitely.
#20. Iron Man (83)
#21. Probably has more of a chance than most movies of the decade.
#22. Pirates of the Caribbean (63)
#23. Decent chance.
#24. I don't expect this to make it, but I hope it does.
#25. Good chance.

I forgot the opening line.
38. The Prestige : This ought to be one of my favourite films - it puzzles me why it isn't. The inclusion of David Bowie in the cast should have been the final domino which knocked it into classic territory for me. Perhaps I just need to sit and take it all in again. I mean, I can see it's greatness, but I just never have an urge to watch it over again or have really fond feelings about it. Great story, direction - and Nolan's films always sound like they have a deep and ominous gravity. I might need to sit down one day and give The Prestige another really proper go. As I've said before, I'm a big fan of Bowie, so his role as Nikola Tesla always brings a great deal of joy - and the plot machinations in the film's final act did grab me a great deal. So whether it's a general dislike for magicians, or if it's because Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale aren't at the very top of my favourite actor list, this film just doesn't have a hold on me at the moment. I love most of Christopher Nolan's films (Tenet being a big exception) and this is one of his good ones - so it makes no sense to me.

37. Casino Royale : I'd seen every James Bond film from The Living Daylights onwards at the cinema when I went to see Die Another Day, and when the credits rolled on that one I decided that was it for James Bond and me. Even though the whole franchise was getting a rejig, I'd completely severed ties, and so didn't go see Casino Royale at the movies. It was a mistake. Casino Royale not only reinvigorated the James Bond series, it turned out to be one of the best Bond films ever made. So I did end up going to see Quantum of Solace on the big screen, and when that ended I thought to myself that I just couldn't win. But anyway, Royale was the much needed transformation which broke all the rules and introduced us to Daniel Craig's Bond, who has endured despite some middling efforts. The free running action segment at the start of the film proper is perhaps the most exciting I've seen in a Bond film. Chris Cornell's "You Know My Name" worked perfectly for me, and the pre-credits sequence plus the credits themselves still give me goosebumps. This and Skyfall are endlessly rewatchable, as James Bond films should be. I considered this for my list at length, but in the end it didn't quite make it. Still glad to see it here.

Seen 52/64
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

So whether it's a general dislike for magicians . . .

I like The Prestige, but it's a film whose craft I admire but which never quite touched my heart.

I also, not on purpose, spotted something that turned out to be a pretty big plot element, but didn't get it at the time and was instead very confused by it and why the filmmakers had made a certain choice.

Casino Royale was a fun movie to see in the theater. The one torture sequence is a bit too intense for it to be a frequent rewatch.

Another two films not on my list but that I'm fine seeing make the overall countdown.

current list. everything else has less than no chance of showing up

02. 100% showing up
13. Waking Life
16. 100% showing up
22. Dancer in the Dark
25. Funky Forest: The First Contact

The second movie from my list!

Casino Royale is my #5. I know it's very high, but I prefer to be honest with the movies I really love then put movies that have more artistic merit. Casino Royale might be my favorite action movie and it's a movie I watch regularly since I'm 10 years old. The chase scene at the beginning, Mads Mikkelson as Le Chiffre, Eva Green which were among the female figures which help me awaken my sexuality while I was young. This film is significant for me not only for its intrinsic qualities, but for the fact that it's one of the few films that I love since I'm young.

Putting that aside I really believe that with Goldfinger it's the best Bond and one of the best action movies ever made. Super tense, beautiful cinematography, a thrilling ending.

So I'm glad it made the list!
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I like The Prestige, but it's a film whose craft I admire but which never quite touched my heart.

I also, not on purpose, spotted something that turned out to be a pretty big plot element, but didn't get it at the time and was instead very confused by it and why the filmmakers had made a certain choice.

First, Bowie touches everyone's heart. Second, Bowie alone makes it an excellent movie. C) You can't make statement (bolded) and leave us hanging on it. Next, it was Bowie!??!

That said, the last bit felt like a re-re-RE-reveal too far. But Bowie compensated and saved the world.

The Prestige is a good movie for me but I actually like the other magic film that came out the same year much better.

I loved Casino Royale, as I loved most of all the Bond films. Some lesser than others but this was a great shot in the arm for the franchise. Still need to see the latest two Craig Bond films. I voted for neither of these films.

#5. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 63
#8. Unbreakable 62
#10. Million Dollar Baby 57
#22. Fantastic Mr. Fox 70
#20. Iron Man 83
#21 Finding Nemo 44
#23. The Descent 80
#25. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 76
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."


The Prestige

Did you know that...
  • Christopher Nolan pitched the idea of the film to his brother Jonathan while walking around Highgate? This is the opposite of when Jonathan pitched the idea of Memento to Christopher while on a road trip.
  • Most of the film was shot on location and several scenes use natural light?
  • Sam Mendes was originally interested in doing the film, but Christopher Priest, author of the novel, chose Nolan instead?
  • Josh Hartnett was considered for the role of Robert Angier?

Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!


Casino Royale

Did you know that...
  • actors like Karl Urban (other commitments), Henry Cavill (too young), Goran Višnjić (couldn't handle British accent), Sam Worthington, Dougray Scott, Alex O'Loughlin, Julian McMahon, Ewan McGregor, Rupert Friend, and Anthony Starr were considered or screen-tested? Cavill was the only one in serious contention, apparently.
  • Daniel Craig read all of Ian Fleming's novels and talked to Mossad and British Secret Service agents to prepare for the role?
  • the scene where Vesper Lynd cries in the shower after killing someone featured her only in her underwear? Craig argued that someone in that situation wouldn't stop to take her clothes off and the scene was rewritten. It was also shot in one take.

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

You should've paid attention to him
You should've been with them
Things would be different now
If you had fulfilled what he dreamt

Go ahead and do the math
Why did you had the nerve
Nobody could've written this
He could've nailed the serve

Don't be so fast with things
Don't disappear again
Just be strong and flexible
And don't burn bridges then

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

You should've paid attention to him
You should've been with them
Things would be different now
If you had fulfilled what he dreamt

Go ahead and do the math
Why did you had the nerve
Nobody could've written this
He could've nailed the serve

Don't be so fast with things
Don't disappear again
Just be strong and flexible
And don't burn bridges then
Downfall and The Departed

Hint, hint...

WARNING: spoilers below

You should've paid attention to him
You should've been with them
Things would be different now
If you had fulfilled what he dreamt

Go ahead and do the math
Why did you had the nerve
Nobody could've written this
He could've nailed the serve

Don't be so fast with things
Don't disappear again
Just be strong and flexible
And don't burn bridges then
Requiem for a Dream
The Royal Tenenbaums

1. 97%
2. Gladiator (2000)
3. Collateral (2004)
4. 99%
5. 96%
6. 100%
7. Ocean's Eleven (2001)
8. 98%
9. Casino Royale (2006)
10. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
11. 89%
12. 89%
13. No chance
14. No chance
15. 98%
16. 50%
17. 30%
18. Sin City (2005)
19. 95%
20. 90%
21. 30%
22. 100%
23. 96%
24. Snatch (2000)
25. 89%

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Requiem for a Dream
The Royal Tenenbaums

1. 97%
2. Gladiator (2000)
3. Collateral (2004)
4. 99%
5. 96%
6. 100%
7. Ocean's Eleven (2001)
8. 98%
9. Casino Royale (2006)
10. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
11. 89%
12. 89%
13. No chance
14. No chance
15. 98%
16. 50%
17. 30%
18. Sin City (2005)
19. 95%
20. 90%
21. 30%
22. 100%
23. 96%
24. Snatch (2000)
25. 89%

Well done guesses. I screwed that one up entirely.

It's been a while...

I've only seen three of the last ten movies. Or four, I'm still not sure. 28 Days Later is a pretty decent zombie film, even though I prefer the slow zombies. Gladiator is OK, I guess. It's been ages since I saw it last time so I can't say what exactly bothers me in it, but I've been sort of let down both times I saw it. Casino Royale felt weak, bloated, and boring when I saw it. I'm still aiming to rewatch all the Bonds, so I'll get a chance for a second opinion. No votes, obviously, from me.

And yeah, I think I've seen The Prestige but I can say for sure. At least it's all mixed up with The Illusionist, and I have no idea what happens in which. I have this vague idea that The Illusionist was the one I liked better, but maybe I'll just don't count The Prestige seen at this point.

Seen: 31/64