The MoFo Top 100 Foreign Language Film Countdown

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The Passion of Joan of Arc (please god no, please let this be higher)
Parasite (this is probably higher, but I'd be okay with it showing up here since it's going to show up somewhere)

If we're going as back as 1927, I'd say Metropolis or Sunrise if it's this early. Or maybe Abel Gance's Napoleon?

A small clue for tomorrow's films: I'm fairly sure that these two films have the biggest gap in years between them of any of the pairs I will be posting.
Battleship Potemkin and Parasite.

René Clément's 1960 film Purple Noon with Alain Delon.
Wasn't on my list, but I'd love to see it to place on the list.

I'll go with Haxan, because that was the oldest film on my list.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The Mirror is a movie I need to see again because I have loved a few Tarkovsky but this one didn’t quite hit. Does have one of the coolest long shots I have ever seen and that’s reason enough to revisit.

Watched Knife In The Water recently for a HOF. Very cool tone and setting. Didn’t love anything else about it.

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Mirror is indeed poetic, mysterious and beautiful with perhaps some of Tarkovsky's most spectacular imagery. It's much easier for me to watch and get into than any of his since the early '60s.

I always found Knife in the Water more of a practical exercise and a political statement than a real movie but it's a technical marvel. Polanski had to do all kinds of tricks to get it passed untouched by the Communist censors.

Zip votes from me so far.

What was the political statement?

two great films that didn’t quite make my list. i had a few other tarkovskys on there though
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
What was the political statement?
Commentary about repression in Poland expressed by subtle interactions or vague dialogue/visuals between the characters which seem obvious to me but apparently went over the censor's heads.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched Knife in the Water a while back, (I don't remember why, but it was before this countdown was announced, so it was probably nominated in a HoF), and it was okay, but I thought it was overrated. It was kind of boring for most of the movie, but it got better in the last half hour. A couple of things that I didn't understand were:

WARNING: "SPOILERS about the ENDING of "Knife in the Water"!!!" spoilers below
1) why the knife was so important to the young guy, (after all, it's just a knife), and
2) why he lied about not being able to swim, and then hid when the other two people tried to rescue him from drowning.

I haven't seen The Mirror.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

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Quality-wise, I think this is the best MOFO countdown yet. Seen them all although theres quite a few need a rewatch, so might do that soon.
From my list so far theres been Exterminating Angel, Marienbad and Red Angel.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, I'll definitely be interested to see what ends up being the "worst" film on the list. Can't think of any obvious candidates at the moment, at least.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Yeah, I'll definitely be interested to see what ends up being the "worst" film on the list. Can't think of any obvious candidates at the moment, at least.
For me, probably Cries and Whispers or Stalker

****Runs and hides******

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Commentary about repression in Poland expressed by subtle interactions or vague dialogue/visuals between the characters which seem obvious to me but apparently went over the censor's heads.
I saw that movie twice, and to me it was a story about a couple featuring a man who probably saw himself in the younger man, and general competition.

63 points, 4 lists
84. Vampyr


Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1932


Nicolas de Gunzburg, Maurice Schutz, Rena Mandel, Sybille Schmitz

63 points, 6 lists
83. Roma


Alfonso Cuarón, 2018


Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira, Diego Cortina Autrey, Carlos Peralta

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