

The latest research seems to suggest it's not just droplets, but can hang in the air for awhile. That said, we're obviously still learning a lot about this.

It does seem increasingly obvious that all the wiping down of tables and whatnot is more to make people feel better than to protect them, though.
Right. The virus particles are microscopic and their travelling ability is dependent on their vehicle of transmission.

If they are contained in a liquid (a droplet) they can travel a few feet and quickly fall to the ground - it's unlikely people are going to ingest the saliva of others provided they don't let people spit in their face (and now we know better than to have face-to-face intimate conversations). Masks only protect from droplets - but so does most social distancing.

But if the virus particles are contained in an aerosol form, then they can hang in the hair for quite a long time and move quite a distance. This makes aerosols a far more effective transmission method. Unfortunately masks do not protect from aerosols - in either direction.

The idea that mask wearing doesn't protect oneself from the virus, but rather it protects others from oneself is erroneous and illogical...

If the virus is atomized (carried on an aerosol such as a sneeze) it can go through a mask in any direction, especially if expelled with enough force to atomize it (turn liquid to vapor) via a sneeze.

A lot of people will not attempt to cover their sneeze or cough into their elbow when they are wearing a mask. So, in this case, mask wearing may actually be worse if those expelling a strong cough or sneeze are infected and not also trying to physically block them (and blocking methods still let a lot of aerosol through).

I have a thought for you all: If you catch the common cold or flu this winter season, then you're not protected enough from covid.
Right! I've got a co-worker who's been freaking out because a couple of children in the school system caught covid. Of course he blames Trump for not locking the country down, which he doesn't have the authority to do. Anyway, it seems that the flu is way more deadly to children that age. So are you never going to let your kids out of the house?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Right! I've got a co-worker who's been freaking out because a couple of children in the school system caught covid. Of course he blames Trump for not locking the country down, which he doesn't have the authority to do. Anyway, it seems that the flu is way more deadly to children that age. So are you never going to let your kids out of the house?
I wasn't saying a person can't protect themselves from covid. I was saying if anyone catches a cold or flu then they weren't careful enough, meaning they should be more careful. Of course nothing is 100% full proof protection.

I have a thought for you all: If you catch the common cold or flu this winter season, then you're not protected enough from covid.
That's what gets me, Rules. During these months I've socially distanced, I've isolated, I've worn a mask, practiced hygiene, taken vitamins, cleaned everything I contact, etc. Yet during this time I've had several weird illnesses. I think I might have had the C-19 with only mild symptoms as I've had like a 2-day flu with high fever (something I've never experienced before).

But even if it was only a weird cold or flu... how did I get it with all the precautions I've taken? How did I get anything?

Also, a few months back I got a weird rash on my toes that looked & acted like poison ivy. My feet are always covered and it seemed extremely unlikely I'd get poison ivy on my toes and nowhere else. (I could see if I got it on my hands or arms first).

Anyway, I found this symptom called Covid-toes. A manifestation of the virus that usually shows up in babies or those who are otherwise asymptomatic. It looks and feels like poison ivy - even itches, then burns, then makes boils like the ivy rash.

I showed it to my Dr. and explained. She literally laughed at me. I told her I wasn't bothered by the rash (which was almost gone by that time), but I'd read about the condition, and since I take care of someone in the very vulnerable category, should I maybe be tested? (My concern was for my mother if I was infected.)

She literally shook her head and just said, "No." as she chuckled at me.
I kept asking why, and suggested maybe she look it up if she hadn't heard of it.

She laughed, then said I could go see a podiatrist if the rash was "bothering" me because it might be a fungus. (It was not a fungus - it was either a nasty case of poison ivy that SOMEHOW got only on my toes - or it was this Covid-toes).

What I couldn't understand was her attitude - I told her I take care of an 88-year-old with many other conditions, but she refused to even entertain the possibility of prescribing a test for Covid-19 and literally laughed at the mention of "Covid Toes".

I wasn't saying a person can't protect themselves from covid. I was saying if anyone catches a cold or flu then they weren't careful enough, meaning they should be more careful. Of course nothing is 100% full proof protection.
Yep I hear you, and I think we agree. If you're risking getting covid, you're risking getting the flu. My co-worker thinks no lockdown means a risk for covid for his kids. Sure, but no lockdown also means risk for the more dangerous for them flu. So my point is there is always risk. Does that mean we want to live in a forever lockdown?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yep I hear you, and I think we agree. If you're risking getting covid, you're risking getting the flu. My co-worker thinks no lockdown means a risk for covid for his kids. Sure, but no lockdown also means risk for the more dangerous for them flu. So my point is there is always risk. Does that mean we want to live in a forever lockdown?
OK cool. I wasn't sure if my post was understood, but I guess it was.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's what gets me, Rules. During these months I've socially distanced, I've isolated, I've worn a mask, practiced hygiene, taken vitamins, cleaned everything I contact, etc. Yet during this time I've had several weird illnesses. I think I might have had the C-19 with only mild symptoms as I've had like a 2-day flu with high fever (something I've never experienced before).

But even if it was only a weird cold or flu... how did I get it with all the precautions I've taken? How did I get anything?
It's a good question, same as Cricket asked how far and how long do we take lockdown...especially if people are still catching colds/flus...On the flip side if all covid measures were taken down the numbers of cases and deaths would go way up. And that's why I think we do have lockdown is to 'manage it'. People are still going to get it, but if the numbers stay low enough there will still be hospital beds for the serious covid cases. Though I've read some states think that this winter with rising covid cases hospital beds might have to be rationed.

It's a good question, same as Cricket asked how far and how long do we take lockdown...especially if people are still catching colds/flus...On the flip side if all covid measures were taken down the numbers of cases and deaths would go way up. And that's why I think we do have lockdown is to 'manage it'. People are still going to get it, but if the numbers stay low enough there will still be hospital beds for the serious covid cases. Though I've read some states think that this winter with rising covid cases hospital beds might have to be rationed.
My thought is to go as far as we can to protect the vulnerable and let everyone else live their lives. But it's just an uninformed opinion.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Also, a few months back I got a weird rash on my toes that looked & acted like poison ivy. My feet are always covered and it seemed extremely unlikely I'd get poison ivy on my toes and nowhere else. (I could see if I got it on my hands or arms first).

Anyway, I found this symptom called Covid-toes. A manifestation of the virus that usually shows up in babies or those who are otherwise asymptomatic. It looks and feels like poison ivy - even itches, then burns, then makes boils like the ivy rash.

I showed it to my Dr. and explained. She literally laughed at me. I told her I wasn't bothered by the rash (which was almost gone by that time), but I'd read about the condition, and since I take care of someone in the very vulnerable category, should I maybe be tested? (My concern was for my mother if I was infected.)

She literally shook her head and just said, "No." as she chuckled at me.
I kept asking why, and suggested maybe she look it up if she hadn't heard of it.

She laughed, then said I could go see a podiatrist if the rash was "bothering" me because it might be a fungus. (It was not a fungus - it was either a nasty case of poison ivy that SOMEHOW got only on my toes - or it was this Covid-toes).

What I couldn't understand was her attitude - I told her I take care of an 88-year-old with many other conditions, but she refused to even entertain the possibility of prescribing a test for Covid-19 and literally laughed at the mention of "Covid Toes".
I doubt it was covid, I've had lots of weird rashes and such...BUT the Dr should have never laughed at your suggestion, that's just wrong.

I doubt it was covid, I've had lots of weird rashes and such...BUT the Dr should have never laughed at your suggestion, that's just wrong.
Weird thing - today I read an article called "11 signs you may have already had Covid-19" and one of the signs was that "your toes were a mess" with a rash on them that itches & blisters called "Covid Toes."

I like how the article says, "if you're concerned, talk to your doctor." I did and she just laughed at me and refused to prescribe a test.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Weird thing - today I read an article called "11 signs you may have already had Covid-19" and one of the signs was that "your toes were a mess" with a rash on them that itches & blisters called "Covid Toes."

I like how the article says, "if you're concerned, talk to your doctor." I did and she just laughed at me and refused to prescribe a test.
You should've flipped your doctor a 'big toe'!

Your doctor sucks, the medical system sucks, unless you have a bucket load of money for premium health care, as opposed to drive-through fast food health care.

As an aside, you can buy home covid testing, though I think that only covers if you currently have it, not if you had it and recovered. I like to know myself if I had it, I think I might have.

You should've flipped your doctor a 'big toe'!

Your doctor sucks, the medical system sucks, unless you have a bucket load of money for premium health care, as opposed to drive-through fast food health care.

As an aside, you can buy home covid testing, though I think that only covers if you currently have it, not if you had it and recovered. I like to know myself if I had it, I think I might have.
They had a Covid testing program in my area that you could drive to (it was at the local DMV), but in order to qualify to receive a test you had to have a set of symptoms - which was kind of weird because it had to be a combination of high fever & a bunch of different flu-like symptoms and / or trouble breathing with accompanying symptoms (seems like if you had these, you probably shouldn't be out driving). Or a prescription from a doctor.

The message was clear if you didn't have a combination of symptoms or a prescription, then you'd be turned away. But that was a few months back - don't know if the program is still being run.

That new UK lockdown sounds intense.
Nobody but themselves to blame. Speaking to one of my bros there back in the summer it was like we were talking about 2 different pandemics. He didn’t even own a mask.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trump's Indian fan who had built a temple installing an idol of Trump which he worshipped daily , died due to cardiac arrest on hearing of Trump's coronavirus positive status .