1917 (2019)


1917 2019 Directed by Sam Mendes

Two young British soldiers during the First World War, are given an impossible mission: deliver a message, deep in enemy territory, that will stop their own men, and Blake's own brother, from walking straight into a deadly trap.
Director: Sam Mendes
Writers: Sam Mendes, Krysty Wilson-Cairns
Cast: Teresa Mahoney, Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Madden

I've always loved the war movies, well I could give it a try, hope will worth the time.

Well, Mendes did nice work directing Skyfall and Spectre, so hopefully this will be a good film. This is evidently Mendes' first writing project, but it sounds like a good story, good cast. Fingers crossed...

At the height of the First World War, two young British soldiers, Schofield and Blake are given a seemingly impossible mission. In a race against time, they must cross enemy territory and deliver a message that will stop a deadly attack on hundreds of soldiers—Blake’s own brother among them.

Haven't seen it yet, reading mixed reviews about it here, DoubleD gave it 2,5 popcorn bucket..? But 10 nominations at the 92nd Academy Awards.


Haven't seen it yet, reading mixed reviews about it here, DoubleD gave it 1,5 popcorn bucket..? But 10 nominations at the 92nd Academy Awards.

It's good. It's cliched and predictable. But it's so technically impressive it is worth the watch.

It's good. It's cliched and predictable. But it's so technically impressive it is worth the watch.
Alright on it, will try to watch all best picture noms before February 9th.

I saw this last night.


Hands down, best picture for me.

Best Director? Lock!
Best Cinematography? Lock!

This movie is above Dunkirk or Hacksaw Ridge in so many levels!


I gave 9/10 to Joker as well, but this movie will win over Joker without a doubt.

Please do yourself a favor and watch this on IMAX!!!
You talkin' to me?

Registered User
Is it correct its one continuous take?

⬆️ Apparently.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Nah, there's some cuts. It's just got really long ones and uses some tricks so it looks and feels continuous:

This behind-the-scenes video illustrates some of the challenges they faced, from making sure the late-day lighting remained consistent as the story unfolded to disguising the transitions between cuts. “What cuts?” Mendes answered coyly when asked about techniques for hiding them.

Welcome to the human race...
Not to mention how

WARNING: "1917" spoilers below
there's a scene about halfway through where the main character is knocked out during the daytime, the film cuts to black and when he wakes up it's nighttime.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

doubledenim's Avatar
What’s the worst you eva done for a burger?

This movie is above Dunkirk or Hacksaw Ridge in so many levels!

Maybe I won't watch Dunkirk.

Legend in my own mind
Visually stunning. Superb cinematography, but doesn't get near SPR or Hacksaw ridge in terms of acting or story for me.
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Didn't care for Dunkirk either.

Just came back from 1917, expected a bit more tbh, hard to keep expectations low with this much Oscar hype going on at the moment. But the cinematography, sound design, score, directing and screenplay were all great.

⬆️ I posted elsewhere that I will either love it or hate it. If I don’t believe in the characters, I will hate it.

Edited my TOP 100 WAR Movies list, 1917 gets a spot at #45.
For comparison, Hacksaw Ridge: #25 and Dunkirk: #79 (right behind Dolph Lundgren's Red Scorpion ).