Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Toy Story 4 (2019)

Finally a Pixar Movie worthy of the hype. Why? Because it was relatively more sophisticated than their earlier movies. It had several relatively complex characters with well constructed motivations and without being dehumanized villains or simplistic heroes. The humor was also smarter than in previous Pixar movies and they actually started to really explore the absurdity of its fantastical world (such as grappling with the concept of how sentient toys become sentient). Overall the best Pixar movie since UP or perhaps even the best of all as it has their strengths without their weaknesses.
Yeah Toy Story 4 was great, but wouldn’t put it at their best (maybe Ratatouille or Wall-E).

Gemini Man (2019)

Better than I expected given some of the hate this movie is receiving, this movie was a pretty good time. There are things that are noticeably bad like the editing and dialogue, but it works as a dumb action flick. The story never grips you as much as the actors sell it though

The Last Black Man in San Francisco - 2019

I knew I had something special the other night. This rating means this goes right to my favorite films of all time, and my favorite film this year so far (since I over evaluated my insomnia on Joker).

A film about something I'm experiencing, right across the ocean, in Porto, Portugal called gentrification, and you'll understand that makes me angry, and I don't like being angry. If I start talking about this film I'll never shut up, so I'll use my three favorite lines and just talk about them. One other reason for me to like this film is that I find it very Zen like, and one of the symbols of Buddhism is the lotus flower. The lotus flower grows in the swamps, and the thicker the swamp, the more the lotus will bloom, and I find that a very good unconscious analogy.

A guy hitchhiking Jimmy in a car he stole from him
'Cause see, Jimmie, you never really own sh*t. This car ain't mine. But it never was yours. You never own sh*t!

That's something I agree totally with, and that's one of the reason I don't get attached to material things. They aren't mine, nothing is. I never had a sense of ownership, of entitlement.

I believe that you could make this place yours. I really do. But if you leave it's not your loss. It's San Francisco's. F*ck San Francisco.

That's the biggest thing this people haven't yet understood, this people that prey on originality and genuineness, what made those places appealing in the first place are the ones the city is casting away. Out of there struggle and survival came pure and great creativity, out of those yoga practitioners, vegan eaters plastic people comes plastic, emptiness. There philosophies and rhetoric mean f*ck all, and they've understand that.

Dude, I've been saying for months, let's just move to East LA. This city's dead. Nah. Seriously, f*ck this city.
'Scuse me? You don't get to hate San Francisco.
I'm sorry, what? Yeah, dude, I mean... Sorry, but I'll hate what I want.
Do you love it?
It's... I mean yeah, I'm here. But do I have to love it?
You don't get to hate it unless you love it.

That's why I say this is very zen film, the yin-yang. I'll probably review this film years to come.

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Leto (2018)

Well this was pretty cool! I knew next to nothing about Viktor Tsoi or Kino and thankfully it didn't matter. This is an excellent biopic on one of the founding and most influential Soviet rock movements. But its also so beautifully shot and filmed in black in white. Aside from the Kino tunes etc which were great, there's also music from Lou Reed, Bowie and a great scene involving Psychokiller by he Talking Heads. Recommend watching this one if you can.

Another Earth (2011)

Didn't I already watch this?

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

2nd re-watch...this movie still had me LMAO through most of the running time. Andy Samberg is a comic genius. This new millenium This is Spinal Tap is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.

Solid! I watched almost every film Gloria Grahame made and The Big Heat was one of favorites.
Having a throwback crush on Gloria at the moment , currently editing my 50's list and I think I like In A Lonely Place a bit more.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Having a throwback crush on Gloria at the moment , currently editing my 50's list and I think I like In A Lonely Place a bit more.
In A Lonely Place would rank high on my list too. It won the Film Noir HoF that I hosted a few years ago.

In A Lonely Place would rank high on my list too. It won the Film Noir HoF that I hosted a few years ago.
Rightfully so, it's a great Noir. Hosting a Noir HoF for myself right now , next up Kiss Me Deadly or Leave Her To Heaven.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Rightfully so, it's a great Noir. Hosting a Noir HoF for myself right now , next up Kiss Me Deadly or Leave Her To Heaven.
Oh geez! You're making me wish I was watching some classic noirs. Love Kiss Me Deadly and Leave Her To Heaven is in my Top 10 Profile movies.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
El Camino
Loved it, but can't rate as it doesn't stand much as a movie on its own. You really need to have the Breaking Bad series under your belt before taking this one for a drive. I enjoyed it very much and thought it was a better end cap than the recent Deadwood finale, though completely unnecessary. I don't think anything happened that was important enough to justify its creation, but it was still nice to have one more episode to watch.

I am Wrath
Silly, silly, silly, but I enjoy me some revenge flicks! This one is full up on pointless violence, bad acting, and inexplicable decision-making but you get a great regular viewing of Travolta's hair plugs. When Christopher Meloni showed up, he just made the movie totally enjoyable fully aware of its B-level cheese. He played his part as straight as possible which, in and of itself, was almost comedic and I half expected a line reference to Happy!, the flying blue pixie unicorn thing. But that didn't happen, so...

No Way Out
For the most part, this was a fun movie. A very young looking Kevin Costner plays Navy Lieutenant, Tom Farell who joins the Secretary of Defense staff by introductions through his old college buddy. Things turn foul when he becomes smitten with Susan Atwell (Sean Young) only to learn that she is also his boss' mistress. Seduction, mystery, murder, and a government conspiracy are all on Farell's shoulders when asked to investigate his lover's murder without implicating himself. It felt appropriate for its release date and was fun enough with the flirty charisma of both Costner and Young playing off of each other on screen. It was not as tight as say The Firm, but it was not bad at all. I was ready to toss it away when done, to quickly forget it but the last few minutes provided a very nice Gotcha! moment from out of nowhere. For that, it gets a decent
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Having a throwback crush on Gloria at the moment , currently editing my 50's list and I think I like In A Lonely Place a bit more.
I too love "Place", maybe more than "Heat"-- although "Heat" strikes me as slightly more noir-ish.

I share y'all's love for Grahame. The camera loved her too, even in her bit part in It's a Wonderful Life...


'Joker' (2019)

OK so while it IS a pastiche of Taxi Driver and King of Comedy, it is also very well made. Phillips rather nails the dynamic of early 80s Gotham's uprising and the birth of Joker. J Phoenix is unsurprisingly excellent. What I liked about it was that the onus was put on character and human traits rather than ram home action scenes, superpowers and CGI.

There is one scene in particular (flashback to his mother in the asylum) that is chilling in it's sinister nature. And the violence that happens off screen is masterfully done, with the power of suggestion creeping into the viewer's mind very nicely. I don't buy into the whole comic book franchise movie scene but this did feel alot different.

The lovely teals and reds also help fit the sleazy underbelly atmosphere. Great sound design and score too...the gun shots sounded terrifyingly real. There are a couple of things that don't really add up, mostly script wise, but would be spoilery to mention, and would seem a bit petty as they don't really affect the whole film.

7.5/ 10

Moonlight (Barry Jenkins, 2016)
Thought well of the first two acts but interest really waned in the third for me

Welcome to the human race...
Zombieland: Double Tap -

looks like the franchise got double-tapped
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

If Anne Hathaway has played a better rôle than this, I don’t know what it was. (She’s made some horrible movies.) Re-watch of a very good movie.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

If Anne Hathaway has played a better rôle than this, I don’t know what it was. (She’s made some horrible movies.) Re-watch of a very good movie.
Wow, we finally agree on something.