Rate The Last Movie You Saw


This had an ending that had me just speechless.

Milk (2008)

Vibrant and interesting telling of the rise of Harvey Milk (and abrupt end). Penn is in his element here and is charming as the self-effacing gay rights activist.

LOVED this movie

Whoops! Meant to reply on the film Rosetta".

This had an ending that had me just speechless.

Rain Man (1988, Barry Levinson)

Touching road trip family drama with excellent performances by Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise.

The Crow (1994, Alex Proyas)
Alex Proyas is a director with an eye for cool stylish visuals. I realized it once again when I watched his earlier work, Spirits of the Air, Gremlins of the Clouds, a while ago. The Crow is another striking example of his visual genius.

The Crow (1994, Alex Proyas)
Alex Proyas is a director with an eye for cool stylish visuals. I realized it once again when I watched his earlier work, Spirits of the Air, Gremlins of the Clouds, a while ago. The Crow is another striking example of his visual genius.
I liked The Crow very much. I'm just looking at his filmography and I'm surprised at the meagre amount of films he's directed. Dark City looked good too as I recall. Some of the casting is probably what let down Gods of Egypt.

Harry Dean Stanton: Partly Fiction (2012) Sophie Huber

The life of the probably best character actor ever. Love you. We are nothing.

Midnight Cowboy (1969) John Schlesinger

This is why Dustin Hoffman is my favorite American actor, this is it. After The Graduate the media said that was just a lucky performance of a young actor, he came back and did this. Alongside with Taxi Driver, probably Seven this is the most accurate, beautiful filming of any big city.

Rain Man (1988) Barry Levinson

I have to say sorry to the great Daniel Day-Lewis, and Tom Hanks but this is the best handicap performance ever.

Roma (2018) Alfonso Cuarón

The plot is not oscar worthy, was not the point anyway, the picture is my pick for the best of the year. Very good cinematographic angles also.

Synecdoche, New York (2008) Charlie Kaufman

Charlie Kaufman all over the movie, and by that I mean one hundred percent honesty, but I really made an effort to finish it out of respect I have for the director, the point is interesting though, forget rooted ideas like how you should live a life and just live it.

Manchester by the Sea (2016) Kenneth Lonergan

A recent movie with good drama? YES. I mean, a director have to know I can't know he want me to get sentimental. Casey Affleck fits perfectly.

Interstellar (2014) Christopher Nolan

Very interesting plot with a perfect drama by the great Matthew McConaughey. For me to like sci-fi, it always needs some kind of peper.

We Were Children

A documentary drama about the abuse of the Indigenous children of Canada forced to reside in a Catholic Residential School.

The Cardboard Lover [aka Her Cardboard Lover] (Robert Z. Leonard, 1928)
Still figurine out exactly how I feel about this silly but rather amusing piece

You mean me? Kei's cousin?

Psycho-Pass (2015) - First Time on FunimationNow

I thought the first two seasons of the Psycho-Pass series were frickin' amazing, so it probably goes without saying that I was eager to see how the follow-up movie turned out. It doesn't disappoint. It's every bit of a worthy follow-up to the two seasons that came before it, a natural extension of the story presented there and a great lead-in to the upcoming season three. The animation by the team at Production I.G is stunning. As a result, the gore is every bit as realistic as what came in the first two seasons and those without an iron stomach will probably want to steer clear of Psycho-Pass, both the movie and the series. With that said, the gore is story-appropriate in showing how messed up this world and this system is rather than gore just for the sake of gore. Some thrilling action doesn't hurt, either. The story by Gen Urobuchi and Makoto Fukami is an engrossing one, exploring just how flawed something like the Sibyl system is and what happens when that system is abused. Also, almost nothing is ever as it seems in the Psycho-Pass universe and that holds true here as well, Urobuchi and Fukami throwing the audience plenty of curve balls throughout its 114-minute running time. Like the series, it's also a great detective story, which is one of the things that immediately drew me to the Psycho-Pass universe to begin with. Much like he did for the series, Yugo Kanno gives an excellent musical score. On top of this, Funimation has produced an excellent English dub where much of the cast who dubbed the series has returned. Much like she was in the series, Kate Oxley is excellent as Inspector Akane Tsunemori, the incorruptible detective with a perpetually clear Psycho-Pass (which is interchangeable with crime coefficient in this universe) who flies out to the fictional Southeast Asia Union (SEAUn) to find out what's going on when her former partner is linked to a guerilla movement. So is Robert McCollum as Shinya Kogami, an ex-Enforcer and Akane's former partner whom she and her team allowed to flee Japan in order to escape assassination by the Sibyl system at the end of season one and who is helping to overthrow SEAUn's corrupt government. Josh Grelle, Cherami Leigh, Lindsay Seidel, Z. Charles Bolton, Lydia Mackay, and Mike McFarland are also excellent as Nobuchika Ginoza, Mika Shimotsuki, Yayoi Kunizuki, Sho Hinakawa, Shion Karanomori, and Teppei Sugo, who comprise the rest of Akane's team. Jason Liebrecht is also great as Colonel Nicholas Wong, as is Major Attaway as mercenary Desmond Rutagand, both making for some properly menacing villains. So is everyone else and the dub script is completely natural. All things considered, I really enjoyed Psycho-Pass and I don't have a problem recommending it to anyone who likes a good detective story - with some deeper themes thrown into the blender in this case - and can stomach the violence, although I'd recommend watching the first two seasons first lest someone gets lost while trying to understand the movie. With all that said, I can't wait for season three.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

The World Before Your Feet (2018)

This is a unique documentary for its simplicity. Matt Green is chronicled walking the approx. 8000 miles of each and every street in the 5 boroughs of New York City. But, far from dull, it shows how much we miss by spending our lives behind the wheel of a car. Even people living in neighborhoods oftentimes haven't a clue as to what is beyond their beaten paths.

NYC is a mammoth cauldron of fascinating buildings, gardens, parks, shops, and, of course people. During the 6 years Green took to complete the journey, his reports showcase a plethora of these subjects.

The film almost puts the viewer into a Zen type awareness of the things around Matt Green, and by extension, creates interest in ourselves for a similar experience.

Asked why he did this, Green states that he really does not know. But, for the viewer, by the end of the film we might all be able to identify with him.

Running time: 1' 35"
Amazon and other streamers
Doc's rating: 8/10

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