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The truth is in here
@Citizen Rules

Happy Days - The Lemon

After Richie and Potsie get mocked for their blue car, they decide to get a new one to impress girls. Mr. C is skeptical, but says it's ultimately his own decision. Once the car is bought however, quite a few problems pop up...

These early episodes of Happy Days focused a lot on the Richie & Potsie dynamic since Fonzie didn't have a big role yet. And this is a really funny one. I love how they try to be cocky and act like they have the coolest car ever when it's clearly a malfunctioning piece of shi't. I chuckled at Howard's sarcastic comments as Richie proudly presents it.

Fonzie's part is small, but effective. We get the first non-girl related demonstration of his talents as he fixes the rusty old car in a matter of seconds.

Later on Potsie and Richie are with their dates at Lover's Lane. Per his friend's advice, Richie attempts to smoothly lock the car door and put his arm around Betty but of course screws it up in some way and accidentally makes Potsie's date smear lipstick all over herself. His awkward attempt at kissing her is also similiarly clumsy to his kissing in the pilot. Then they can't get home since the car is unable to start, and a worried Marion sends Howard to go look for them. Her stare as she tries to guilt trip him into going is hilarious. Howard asking Fonzie for help is quite funny as well. He has to do it as discreetly as possible, but it says something about how much Fonzie respects him that he agrees to help him out at all when he usually protects his peers.

The situation at Lover's Lane reaches a disastrous peak as the car finally starts and drives away into the lake, with the girls still inside of it. Howard snarkily asking another teenager if he wants to buy a car now cracked me up.

The Cunningham family sit down for dinner, and Richie says he still thinks Potsie is a true pal, even though he's not perfect. Howard heartily says his best friend is Marion, only for her to snap back her best friend is the milk man. Marion adding "See, I can joke too" after seeing his shocked expression was a charming and funny way to end the episode.

From what I heard there is some animal aftermath. Animals being hurt is one of the few things I have problems seeing.
Me too. It makes me physically sick.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
@Citizen Rules

Happy Days - The Lemon

After Richie and Potsie get mocked for their blue car, they decide to get a new one to impress girls. Mr. C is skeptical, but says it's ultimately his own decision. Once the car is bought however, quite a few problems pop up...

These early episodes of Happy Days focused a lot on the Richie & Potsie dynamic since Fonzie didn't have a big role yet. And this is a really funny one. I love how they try to be cocky and act like they have the coolest car ever when it's clearly a malfunctioning piece of shi't. I chuckled at Howard's sarcastic comments as Richie proudly presents it.

Fonzie's part is small, but effective. We get the first non-girl related demonstration of his talents as he fixes the rusty old car in a matter of seconds.

Later on Potsie and Richie are with their dates at Lover's Lane. Per his friend's advice, Richie attempts to smoothly lock the car door and put his arm around Betty but of course screws it up in some way and accidentally makes Potsie's date smear lipstick all over herself. His awkward attempt at kissing her is also similiarly clumsy to his kissing in the pilot. Then they can't get home since the car is unable to start, and a worried Marion sends Howard to go look for them. Her stare as she tries to guilt trip him into going is hilarious. Howard asking Fonzie for help is quite funny as well. He has to do it as discreetly as possible, but it says something about how much Fonzie respects him that he agrees to help him out at all when he usually protects his peers.

The situation at Lover's Lane reaches a disastrous peak as the car finally starts and drives away into the lake, with the girls still inside of it. Howard snarkily asking another teenager if he wants to buy a car now cracked me up.

The Cunningham family sit down for dinner, and Richie says he still thinks Potsie is a true pal, even though he's not perfect. Howard heartily says his best friend is Marion, only for her to snap back her best friend is the milk man. Marion adding "See, I can joke too" after seeing his shocked expression was a charming and funny way to end the episode.

I haven't seen the early episodes of "Happy Days" in a long time. Is this the episode where Fonzie fixes Richie's car, and then he takes the hood ornament because Richie and Potsie don't have any money to pay him for the repair? (I think Richie said something like "He took the best part of the car". )
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ahh! that's a good one. I think the car was a 1947 Ford Convertible, pretty beat up, but still cool. I loved how the front seat was broke and would lean ALL the way back. Best part IMO was the scene before the car rolls into the lake when Richie and Potsie are trying to make out with their dates and the have all sorts of problems. Those early Happy Days was the best IMO! Later on they turned Potsie from a fast talking, more wordly best friend of Richie's, into a dumb guy who can't do anything right. It's really kind of sad to see Potsie go from a main character to just a walk on roll who's only point is to be the butt of jokes.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?

The Vision of Escaflowne (1996)

So I saw the film Escaflowne a while back and it immediately made me want to check out the series; it doesn't disappoint. This show does everything right from Shoji Kawamori's story to the animation to the great cast of characters all the way to the legendary Yoko Kanno's musical score. I love that it pulls off melding mecha with-sword and-sorcery and it never wears out its welcome during its 26-episode run. Funimation's English dub is also a great one. Haruhi Fujioka (and Maya Ibuki) herself Caitlin Glass is excellent as Hitomi Kanzaki, the girl who finds herself in a strange world called Gaea where Earth is called "the mystic moon." She's considerably different here from how Escaflowne (which I enjoyed just as much, unlike some other fans) depicted her. Interestingly enough, in Japanese, the character is voiced by Maaya Sakamoto who also voices Haruhi Fujioka. Aaron Dismuke is also excellent as Van Fanel, the king of Fanelia from Gaea. He and Hitomi play off of each other very well. While their relationship was just about the sole focus of the film, the series takes time to look at all the other characters and all their relationships. So are all the rest, including Tamaki Suoh himself Vic Mignogna as Van's older brother Folken and Dr. Akagi herself Colleen Clinkenbeard as Milllerna, and the dub script is completely natural. With all that said, I can see myself revisiting both the series The Vision of Escaflowne and the film Escaflowne many times in the future.

Sailor Moon Crystal (2014-2016)

I'd heard of Sailor Moon before, but I'd never actually seen any of it and thought it was probably pretty silly. Well, upon seeing this show, I can see why Sailor Moon is so popular. Guess I was wrong. I may not have been a fan in the past, but Sailor Moon Crystal made me a fan. The story is excellent, the battle between good and evil is a compelling one, there's a great cast of characters, the animation is absolutely stunning and we get an amazing musical score courtesy of Yasuharu Takanashi. If I have a bone to pick, it's with changing the theme song in season three. It's not that the new theme song is bad, but Moon Pride is so perfect, it seems like a sin to change it. Viz Media has also given us an excellent English dub. Mitsuha Miyamizu (and Audrey Burne) herself Stephanie She is perfect as Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon, the crybaby who must cultivate her strength and try to grow up when saddled with protecting the universe from evil. Kate Higgins is also excellent as Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury, the whiz kid who is the team's strategist and this fan's favorite Sailor Guardian. So are Cristina Vee as Rei Hino/Sailor Mars, the priestess and Amanda C. Miller as Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter, the strong one who also has a green thumb. Cherami Leigh rounds out the inner guardians as Minako Aino/Sailor Venus who awakened before the series opens and became a famous crime fighter known as Sailor V. Robbie Daymond who some will remember as Shoya Ishida in A Silent Voice is also great as Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask, Usagi's love interest who has lost all of his memories. So are all the rest and the dub script is completely natural. I can definitely see myself rewatching Sailor Moon Crystal many times in the future.
Snow White with the Red Hair (2015-2016)

This is another good one. It's got a great story and a great cast of characters. The music is great, too. Funimation's given us another great English dub here. Natsuki Shinohara herself Brina Palencia is excellent as Shirayuki, the titular pharmacist whose red mane nets her more trouble than she bargained for when a prince decides he wants her as his mistress, which prompts her decision to leave home. Josh Grelle is also excellent as Zen Wisteria, the prince from a neighboring kingdom who becomes Shirayuki's friend and, eventually, something more. Credit also has to go to Hikaru Hitachiin ("It's time to play the 'Which one is Hikaru and which one is Kaoru?' game!") himself Todd Haberkorn as Raji, the prince from Shirayuki's who starts out arrogant and cowardly but eventually grows to rise above his faults. So are all the rest and the dub script is completely natural. All things considered, I really enjoyed Snow White with the Red Hair and I can definitely see myself coming back to it in the future.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Happy Days - Richie's Cup Runneth Over

Potsie invites his friend Richie to his cousin's stag party. He agrees, but is worried about getting drunk. Potsie and Fonzie give different advice on how to avoid letting alcohol affect the body, but it proves useless when he gets drunk anyway...

At the beginning, Ralph Malph pulls a prank on one of the waitresses outside Arnold's. When she goes to serve a customer, a mannequin has been placed inside a car. When she nudges it on the shoulder after no response, its head comes right off and she screams. Her shocked reaction is funny, but it becomes even better when it's followed up a few minutes later. Ralph gives Potsie a head and tells him the lame pun that it's a good way to "get a-head". He throws it in the trash where the lady sees it again and lets out the same loud scream.

Despite its reputation as inoffensive family viewing, Happy Days didn't stray away from some of the more adult aspects of growing up. In this case, drinking. As usual, Potsie is shown as a well-meaning, yet ultimately not the brightest friend. First he forces Richie to drink excessive amounts of milk only for Fonzi to tell him it's actually olive oil that helps against alcohol (rarely for Fonzie however, he turns out to be wrong too). Then he misses the entire party he was hyping up being passed out. That's what makes his character so fun though. He wants Richie to look cool in front of others, but at the same time doesn't want him to get into trouble with his parents.

At the party, Richie reluctantly joins a drinking game after Potsie gives him some olive oil to gulp down beforehand. Needless to say, this doesn't help since Potsie blacks out while Richie's drunk out of his mind. The dancing girl who's spoken of as taking her clothes off at every party, doesn't do that at all. At most she teases the boys and dances seductively (Potsie's disappointed reaction when he's told this afterwards is amusing). Richie tries to speak to her, but can't make anything coherent come out of his mouth.

When Richie stumbles home with the dancer girl, we have the best scene of the episode where Howard shows how much he truly loves his son. Despite not exactly being approving of his drinking, he only wants to make sure he's okay and thanks her for taking him home. Even when Richie blurts out that she dances out of a cake he's still not mad at him. Instead he takes up upstairs, helps him get his clothes off, tuck him in and gets him cups of coffee. Marion helps out a little as well, brewing the coffee in the kitchen. She's more visibly concerned and anxious, yet just as patient and caring. I was choking up with laughter at how Richie acted being drunk, but found Howard's efforts in trying to get him well very endearing.

Joanie is cute when she proudly proclaims how her big brother is growing up.

Chuck gets a few funny moments when he goes around bouncing with his basketball, Howard tiredly lamenting that it's the only way he knows how to communicate.

Even though I've never gotten wasted myself, I have to commend how realistically the episode depicted the consequences of drinking without hammering the moral message into the audience's heads.

9.5/10, rounded up to

Trouble with a capital "T"
Eh, screw it.

@Citizen Rules Check out my new review, man
Good review and one of the best episodes of Happy Days. The first season had some realistic teen activities happening in the Cunningham household. Later they wouldn't have done this episode. Are you watching all the shows in order?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah. I got the first 6 seasons on DVD a few weeks ago, so I'm watching all the episodes in chronological order.
Cool, that's what I did too, then I went looking online for season 7-11. Those episodes are out there if you look and worth watching.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Meh, the streaming quality on those episodes is pretty awful. I think I'll keep hoping for DVDs of those seasons to come out, even though now there doesn't seem to be much progress being made.

Rats!!!! I just found out they are cancelling one of my favorite 'talk' shows - The Steve Harvey Show. I really enjoy this show, maybe a
bit ' old -fashioned ( non-p.c.?) - but funny, warm, at times heart touching, and easy to watch.

I love the segments where Steve gives his take on how to solve problems - for dating disappointments, long time couples with a challenge, and folks facing life's minute and large stumbling blocks.

Here's an example:
A women is asking Steve how she can deal with her bf who is on again off again, charming then distant, he loves her, he 's afraid to commit-

Steve asks her:
" Do you know how to ride a horse?"

She replies, "Well yes I do"

Steve: " Well I want you to saddle up that horse......and ride away !"


I will MISS this show.

To the network execs who cancelled this fun and down home show:

Boo. Hiss. Phooey!!!

Has anyone been watching HBO/BBC Years and Years? Six-part mini-series. I’m not as enamoured as many many people seem to be, but I thought it was pretty good. Very well-acted. Supposed to be dystopian, but I found it only to be moderately so. More so in the final episode.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
SpongeBob SquarePants - Party Pooper Pants

SpongeBob is excited to throw his first really big party. He's got tons of friends coming over and a whole list of fun planned. But his idea of fun is clearly different from the rest of them...

Season 3 is known for being where the specials really started taking place, containing a total of three. This is the first of them.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I quite enjoy the Patchy the pirate segments. It's clear Tom Kenny has a blast playing the role. I thought the somewhat dark joke where he accidentally punctures the area filled with water the mermaid needs to be in to survive was pretty funny. Mistaking dynamite for a flute and practically blowing his body off was amusing too.

The story with SpongeBob throwing the party had its moments. Patrick mistaking Mr. Krabs for Patrick (yes, it really is that dumb), Larry looking at himself in the mirror which turns out to be an image of a real lobster, SpongeBob coming up with the utterly boring idea of reading a comic strip outloud and Patrick giving the phone to an ice sculpture of SpongeBob in a punch bowl. The song at the end was cool as well, with some interesting visual animation.

The reason why this is one of the weakest classic episodes however is that SpongeBob is unusually unlikable. It feels out-of-character for him to care more about his silly schedule than his friends having fun. It almost felt like the script was originally written for Squidward. Yet at the end when Patrick tells him the party was great, he's happy that they loved the party. But he could see that they were having fun before and tried to stop it anyway. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but oh well.

Despite these flaws, Party Pooper Pants is still enjoyable. It does break the streak of the 10 amazing opening episodes, but it doesn't lack in entertainment value. I would give it a 7.7/10.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Writing SpongeBob off as a simple kids show is doing it a huge disfavor. For the first three or four seasons, it was one of the cleverest and funniest comedies on televsion. There's a reason why it's gained so many adult fans. If anything, I love it more now than when I was a kid. Like the best Nick shows, it has the perfect combination of silly and more adult humor.