everybody so clueless about film


Does anybody else find it almost impossible to find people who share their passion for film, quite often if somebody claims they love movies after I say I do, I will ask them the last one they saw and it's always ****ing Alien and they have to think about it for 10 minutes, if I try to watch a film with somebody that's not spoon feeding you thrills and storyline and takes a bit of effort, they say something like "This is weird".. every time I go in HMV there's idiot chavs walking around with a copy of "Snatch" or "Goodfellas" like the only two movies that exist... or confused people picking up great perhaps more obscure titles, looking briefly at cover at putting it back down uninterested and then finally settling on Deadpool 2... I never expect different anymore, it's so ****ing predictable. I had one friend a while back where we could get in discussion about film for hours but I moved away and not much in contact anymore, sorry for this rant but in HMV this morning and it was the same ****ing sorry scene. If I hear one more person tell me the last movie they watched was Alien, I think I will walk away from them because I am sick of hearing it.
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

I'd be far more concerned if everyone was saying the last movie they watched was Titanic or Avatar tbh, at least Alien is a ****ing fantastic fillum.

Welcome to the human race...
At least with Snatch and Goodfellas you could (admittedly in bad faith) assume that they like them for the wrong reasons (like thinking the latter is a "cool" gangster movie like the former), but yeah, not sure how much you can judge people for watching Alien.

I know what you're saying tbh, Beyond.

Some people I know say they like movies, then when asked what was the best film they saw recently they come out with "I loved R.I.P.D. Was so much fun"

Then I ask if they've seen some entry level fantasy and horror stuff, like The Lost Boys, Poltergeist, even Alien or Blade Runner... and they say no

every time I go in HMV there's idiot chavs walking around with a copy of "Snatch" or "Goodfellas" like the only two movies that exist... or confused people picking up great perhaps more obscure titles, looking briefly at cover at putting it back down uninterested and then finally settling on Deadpool 2...

This reminds me of the thread I started on Mockbusters.
Like, the Asylum crap that copies other movies.

Old girl had picked up a copy of Battle Of Los Angeles... which is the mockbuster rip-off version of Battle: Los Angeles... and I pointed out to her that she'd probably picked up the wrong movie.
I picked a copy of Battle: Los Angeles off the shelf and she then realised what I was talking about.

Old lady mind, and it's not her fault really as she was buying a movie for a family member. Obviously hadn't ever heard of The Asylum.

I wish people told me the last film they watched was Alien. I do take your point though.

This might just do nobody any good.
The last movie I watched had an alien in it. I’m on the good list?

I'm going to watch Alien now... then come back in 2 hours and post in here again saying I've just watched Alien.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I'd be far more concerned if everyone was saying the last movie they watched was Titanic or Avatar tbh, at least Alien is a ****ing fantastic fillum.
I think I like Titanic and Avatar, possible better than Alien, but is that bad of me ?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
No, I haven't seen them in a couple of years at least. The last movie I watched was Lorenzo's Oil, and watching Downfall now.

I think I like Titanic and Avatar, possible better than Alien, but is that bad of me ?
That sounds truly diabolical.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well I have my reasons, but why is Alien such a classic compared to Titanic? Avatar is a popcorn movie, and still fun, but not as good as Titanic for me.

Here are some of my favorite movies that I would put in my top ten of all time very likely, unless these movies are less than Alien as well

For A Few Dollars More
The Skin I Live In
The Truman Show
Slumdog Millionaire
12 Angry Men
The Battle of Algiers
Terminator 2

Trouble with a capital "T"
Does anybody else find it almost impossible to find people who share their passion for film?...
Yes, and you're one of them. You don't begin to share my passion for film and the type of movies I love...But guess what? That's OK, because I don't share your movie passion either...No two people will relate to cinema the same way. It's human nature.

You might try to get your friends to watch a movie that you admire and they've never seen. Who knows, maybe they'll then get the movie watching bug and have a whole new life experience...stranger things have happened.