By how much male roles dominate Hollywood movies?


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Who makes these quotas though? I mean one movie company is run by a different person compared to another movie company. So who is this national government boss making quotas that they all answer to?

For example in Brazil, can a TV network executive say, I don't want to be part of that quota and just not be part of it, and still have his channel cause everyone loves to watch the shows? Is there really some wizard behind the curtain that will fire the executive and have him replaced cause his casting directors did not hire enough black actors?

Or me right now... I am an aspiring filmmaker graduated from film school, and I am looking to produce and direct my first feature film that I hope would get picked up after. Do I have to hire a cast and crew of a certain number of women, or a certain number of people of a different race to make the movie, or can I just pick the people I think are the most right for the job, regardless of gender or race, and still hope the movie gets picked up?

Rock music and action movie obsessed guy,
It does not matter if it is a good or bad cast and crew. As long as Amy Schumer is not involved
Happiness is having your own library card.

I keep hearing this statement over and over. Yet those people saying it dont say anything about the fact that the playingfield was never equal to begin with. So I ask you is it truly fair to tie someone down for centuries and then say ok lets treat everyone equally? Everyone seems fine with a male dominated industry but when leveling the playingfield is suggested suddenly its "thats not equality!" Seems like endless hypocrisy to me.
Tell me the name of a single person that has been tied down for centuries. Tell me the name of one person who tied that person down for centuries. I did not. I don't know anybody who did.

When will it end? When will it be enough time? Tell me that. 2020? 2030? 2040? 2050? When?

At some point, you have to say enough is enough.

Tell me the name of a single person that has been tied down for centuries. Tell me the name of one person who tied that person down for centuries. I did not. I don't know anybody who did.

When will it end? When will it be enough time? Tell me that. 2020? 2030? 2040? 2050? When?

At some point, you have to say enough is enough.
I guess you really haven't been paying attention. Even the past year, literally everything surrounding Harvey Weinstein is proof that women are tied down by the powerful men in the industry. They make them and break them if they don't submit to their sexual desires. That's not equality.
And if you think back of the '30s, '40s '50, '60s etc and deny that women weren't tied down and mostly excluded from film making then it seems like you're willingfully ignorant.
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I guess you really haven't been paying attention. Even the past year, literally everything surrounding Harvey Weinstein is proof that women are tied down by the powerful men in the industry. They make them and break them if they don't submit to their sexual desires. That's not equality.
And if you think back of the '30s, '40s '50, '60s etc and deny that women weren't tied down and mostly excluded from film making then it seems like you're willingfully ignorant.
Yeah, I know. Democrats, the supposed champions of women, have held women down in the movie industry. They do it again and again and again. The movie industry, which degrades and victimizes women is dominated by Democrats. From Harvey Weinstein to Roman Polanski to you name him. Why are you barking at me as if I have anything to do with this? I am a conservative, who would treat women the same as men.

I haven't argued neither for nor against the quota practice. So you can take that assumption right away and wash it down the drain. The problem is the very IDEA that you think every movie is already enforcing a quota, when all they do is maybe hire a few more women or people of different ethnicities. The first new Star Wars movie introduced one more black character and one more female character, and people acted like it was the end of the world. That's not quota, it's just adding a little more diversity.
Since they introduced class war into Star Wars it is reasonable to assume that it was part of a larger social engineering Disney bs.

Theya also dedicated movie to destroying the basic ideas that mkake a Star Wars movie a Star Wars movie.

Yeah, I know. Democrats, the supposed champions of women, have held women down in the movie industry. They do it again and again and again. The movie industry, which degrades and victimizes women is dominated by Democrats. From Harvey Weinstein to Roman Polanski to you name him. Why are you barking at me as if I have anything to do with this? I am a conservative, who would treat women the same as men.
Conservatives are the ones pushing for the nuclear family which is exactly what keeps women at home. Not to mention religion. If you ever read the Bible, you'll see how misogynistic it is. Anyway, we're not here for political/religious discourse. I don't even know what your point is. First you deny that women have been held down, then you change it that women have been held down by democrats as if republicans have never been compliant in the silencing of women.

Conservatives are the ones pushing for the nuclear family which is exactly what keeps women at home. Not to mention religion. If you ever read the Bible, you'll see how misogynistic it is. Anyway, we're not here for political/religious discourse. I don't even know what your point is. First you deny that women have been held down, then you change it that women have been held down by democrats as if republicans have never been compliant in the silencing of women.
Hey, you mentioned Harvey Weinstein. I was just pointing out that he, among all of the other people in Hollywood who have been blacklisted lately for being misogynistic, are Democrat.

Conservatives have almost no pull whatsoever in Hollywood.

And, yes, women are not held down in general, but insofar as they have been held down, they are held down by Democrats. So, put that in your pipe and smoke it; it is reality.

Hey, you mentioned Harvey Weinstein. I was just pointing out that he, among all of the other people in Hollywood who have been blacklisted lately for being misogynistic, are Democrat.

Conservatives have almost no pull whatsoever in Hollywood.

And, yes, women are not held down in general, but insofar as they have been held down, they are held down by Democrats. So, put that in your pipe and smoke it; it is reality.
Ah so now your logic is women have NOT been held down but let me site some cases where "democrats" have been holding them down. And as a republican I will do nothing to help. Cant have it both ways. Either theres an issue or theres not. And no need to play a shell game between the word "men" and the word "democrats" either. Its about the folks in power which you just showed in YOUR OWN example to be men.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Yeah, the Weinstein stuff is a non-sequitur. You can't say it doesn't happen, then say "Democrats do it." Obviously some people are going to sputter about this because they're tribalistic, but it should be clear by now that for many people the sexual assault stories are transcending those political lines. Certainly not for enough people, but for some.

That said, the attempts at counterarguments aren't always much better:

Conservatives are the ones pushing for the nuclear family which is exactly what keeps women at home.
Saying something (like the nuclear family) is valuable is in no way synonymous with mandating it, and if someone does want to raise a family, that's their choice and there's nothing wrong with it.

And it takes some serious mental gymnastics to look at rampant sexual abuse and somehow not connect it to the myriad progressive ideologies which have been trying to convince people, for decades, that sex is no big deal.

Who makes these quotas though? I mean one movie company is run by a different person compared to another movie company. So who is this national government boss making quotas that they all answer to?

And it takes some serious mental gymnastics to look at rampant sexual abuse and somehow not connect it to the myriad progressive ideologies which have been trying to convince people, for decades, that sex is no big deal.
Why is sex a big deal?

I've got a few answers (though it feels weird to be asked that about the thing that is literally responsible for the creation of every person), but for now I'll just give one that's kinda on-topic:

Sex is a big deal because it's intimate enough that it can become traumatic at a moment's notice. Any situation with that potential should be taken seriously.

Trouble with a capital "T"
And if you think back of the '30s, '40s '50, '60s etc and deny that women weren't tied down and mostly excluded from film making then it seems like you're willingfully ignorant.
The 1930s movies were powered by big movie starts, many of the biggest draws were women and the movies were made to feature them. Ever hear of Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Carole Lombard, Greta Garbo, etc.

And if you think back of the '30s, '40s '50, '60s etc and deny that women weren't tied down and mostly excluded from film making then it seems like you're willingfully ignorant.
The 1930s movies were powered by big movie starts, many of the biggest draws were women and the movies were made to feature them. Ever hear of Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Carole Lombard, Greta Garbo, etc.
Film making

Im not a moron of course I’ve heard of those.
If you feel talked down to by CR's question, I think the people these were addressed to probably feel the same way:

Have you ever been to college/an office?
You must be really insecure
Someone needs to redirect this man to the OP again and remind him of the gender imbalance through history.
it seems you took a psychology class in 1950 and never opened your eyes for anything ever since.
have you never heard of the nurture vs nature debate

Yoda has a working memory and a forum that makes it easy to see all of someone's posts in a thread.

Yoda also notices when people deflect points with non-sequiturs.

And he hates referring to himself in the third person.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Yoda has a forum with a function that makes it easy to see all of someone's posts in a thread.
Yoda should know such function is very desirable (to see only your own posts, obviously, not somebody else's).

EDIT: Apparently it's been available for a long time now and I'm just a dummy!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.