MoFo Discord


Have spent the past few hours getting a Server up and running on Discord.
I run a Server already for an online game, so I know the ins and outs of the process... and a friend of mine, and Yoda have helped me test out the settings and all seems to be working.
It's a very simple Server, but may get a little more refined as time goes on.

What you will need:

Go here: and follow the online instructions.
You’ll either end up with a shortcut on your desktop… or the other option is to use Discord’s own online App to access the Server.
These choices are all in the site, and part of the “joining process”.

To sign up to MoFo Discord, you will need an email address attached to your Discord Profile, for instance, the one you use for MoFo itself.
This is just a security thing to keep things clean and safe.

For the Voice Channels, you will need a Microphone.
Ear/headphones are optional, and they do help with cutting down on Echo-feedback, but they’re not too important.

You will also need the proper Link to the MoFo Discord Server… which will change as time goes on.
The security settings in Discord change the Link every few days… so I will post in this thread every now and then with the “fresh” Link, or, will post it up as needed, whenever new people wish to join
The good thing is that once you’ve joined the Server, you don’t need the fresh link every time you want to log in. The Link is only for new people wishing to join the Server for their first time.

Please use your MoFo Username when joining, so we know who you are
If you are already on Discord, you will be able to change your MoFo Discord Nickname so when you log into the Server, you can use your MoFo Username.

And that’s it.

What you can and can’t do: Rules!

On MoFo Discord, you will be able to chat via the Text Channel. A live updating Text system, similar to the way the MoFo Chat works.

And, the main attraction, you can use the Communal Voice Channels and talk in real time to other MoFos.
You can also hold Private Voice Calls, via the Private Messaging page, where you can talk with other MoFos, and not have anyone else either join in or even know you’re talking with each other. Kinda like the Voice Call thing on Skype.

However, at the very start, you will need to be “made a member” by one of the MoFo Discord Admin Team before you can use the Communal Voice Channels, but you can still post in the Main Text Room called “Welcome To MoFo”.
Once you have been made a member though, you will be able to access all the other functions on MoFo Discord: From the Text Channel, to the Communal Voice Channels.

You can have a personalised avatar as well, but not an animated Gif, unless you buy a Premium Account. So basic JPG and PNG avatars of your choice are the way to go.

Posting Pictures and posting Links will be allowed in MoFo Discord, but please no pornography or spam stuff.
Not that I don’t trust you guys, but for the PG-13 MoFo default, let’s keep things clean and safe.
Posting swearing on Discord will also be scanned by the in-built Discord Moderation Bot, to try to hold back on bad language.
MoFo is kept PG-13… so MoFo Discord will be the same

I will though be pushing for MoFo Discord to be used for Voice connection with other MoFos, rather than for text.
There will be numerous Community Voice Channels, and only 1 Text Channel.
The main reason for having the Server is to chat directly to other MoFos.

The current Link for the Server:

So, happy chatting!

Link has changed. It does this every couple days.
Don't worry though if you're already on MoFo's channel/server, this link is only for people wishing to join for the first time.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
@The Rodent I think it'd cool if you edited the first post every time the link changes. I imagine this thread will have multiple pages in the future, and people trying the link in the first post will be confused.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Good times. Hope some more Mofos will give it a go. More accent talk would be fun and if you are lucky my son will call me out in front of you.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
@Swan you have to join up on here
The bloody quack doesn't want to. Even saying we post naked pictures of Jessica Chastain there didn't work.

Bump... link is still the same

We now have 2 music bots as well in case it's ever needed. Still quiet in there at the moment though

Saturday bump!
One thing I was thinking of trying, is a MoFo Movie Weekend... and using only Discord voice chat.
If it happened, it wouldn't be for a while yet. Would need a lot of input on the idea and planning ahead would be a major factor to get things sorted.