Describe yourself in 4 words.





1. different 2. older 3. intelligent 4. artistic.
I was struck by the word "older" as a descriptor.
Older than what? Everyone is older than someone else, unless you were just born this second, but by now (this second) you are now older than someone just born THIS second.

I was struck by the word "older" as a descriptor.
Older than what? Everyone is older than someone else, unless you were just born this second, but by now (this second) you are now older than someone just born THIS second.

Older than most young people here.. over 40 but younger than 60

stressing far younger than 60

Older than most young people here.. over 40 but younger than 60
Ah, older than most people HERE. (That would make me "older" too.)
Now if you went and hung out with my aunt at her retirement home, your description would include "younger."

Ah, older than most people HERE. (That would make me "older" too.)
Now if you went and hung out with my aunt at her retirement home, your description would include "younger."
Are you going to make me "rocket racoon" you again?

Sounds kinky! (Is that anything like the Richard Gere gerbil story?)
I think I know what your username refers to now.

I'd rather you guys describe me in four words, now that's a challenge!
Patient, Fun, Friendly, and Warm

Thanks Not bad either, though I'm really impatient, at least sometimes
I don't doubt it. However, from my perspective you have been on this forum an impressive amount of years, and based on my recollection I have rarely (if ever) caught you disarmed when discussing a topic.

edit: and that review count!

I'd rather you guys describe me in four words, now that's a challenge!
Intelligent, Friendly, Funny, Chef.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Intelligent, Friendly, Funny, Chef.
Ahh thanks

I try to be friendly, usually anyway. And in real life I think I'm funny or at least I try! but on the board I hardly ever make jokes as humor is hard on the internet, at least I think so.

Intelligent...nah, but I might know a thing or two about beer and pizza