Any Directors/Actors You've Boycotted?


Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
If so, who, and for what reason?

I have not -- if the work is great, I don't care how bad the person is, I'll support it. Talent is too rare for me to boycott anyone.

I don't think i could ever boycott a director either, but i would be lying to you if i said my views on Roman Polanksi's films were not somewhat tainted.

I will never pay to see a film with Sean Penn in it ever again. When you protest America on foreign soil and intentionally advocate anti-American views it's unforgivable. Jane Fonda for the same reason.

Currently, Meryl Streep is on my s**t list for her hate mongering. As is Joss Whedon for hate mongering AND his abuse of women.

I usually don't partake in boycotts and usually even if I dislike a certain celebrity as a person or disagree with their views I can still seperate them from their real-life persona and enjoy what they do as an entertainer. But one director who I refuse to support in any capacity is Victor Salva. The fact he's a free man and allowed to make films after his disgusting crime is beyond reprehensible. He belongs in a prison cell, not on a film set.

Welcome to the human race...
I will never pay to see a film with Sean Penn in it ever again. When you protest America on foreign soil and intentionally advocate anti-American views it's unforgivable. Jane Fonda for the same reason.

Currently, Meryl Streep is on my s**t list for her hate mongering. As is Joss Whedon for hate mongering AND his abuse of women.
What exactly do you define as "anti-American views" and "hate-mongering" in this context?

In any case, Sean Penn's still abused women so it's easy enough to disregard his work.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

If so, who, and for what reason?

I have not -- if the work is great, I don't care how bad the person is, I'll support it. Talent is too rare for me to boycott anyone.
Not a director or actor but a writer: Steven Moffat, the outgoing showrunner of Doctor Who. During his time in control of the series I finally stopped watching for good, for reasons that are too involved and complicated to go into.

Registered User
Not a director or actor but a writer: Steven Moffat, the outgoing showrunner of Doctor Who. During his time in control of the series I finally stopped watching for good, for reasons that are too involved and complicated to go into.
Are you coming back for Chibnall?

Are you coming back for Chibnall?
I'm not I'm afraid . I liked his story Dinosaurs on a Spaceship because it gave Matt Smith everything to play as the Doctor – and Smith delivered in spades.

I don't boycott anything in life. Maybe bad-industrial-television-food, but that's the only thing I can remind of.

What I do, and I think most people that enjoy a good film does, is trusting a given director to provide us something we are expecting, and from there we start to follow there work and almost blind-trust that what they do is worth wise. Some of us might overvalue a film based on that assumption.


Boycott as in not watching anything they do because they are not great actors.. heck yes..

Ben Stiller is one of them

I like the idea of valuing talent first, Matt. It s a rare gift, to the artist & the audience. And it would have been MY loss if I boycotted actors like Shirley MacLaine who I found to be a pretentious, spoiled princess in television interviews, but I would have missed one of my favorite films, Steel Magnolias. And she did a fine job in that part too.

So I tend to overlook the supposed flaws of actors who annoy me or directors with opposing political views.But as Shadow said referring to Salva s heinous acts, I do draw the line somewhere and child abuse is the line. I think Woody Allen should be in jail, and since we found out what a smug letch he is, I ve never watched him again. No loss.

Trouble with a capital "T"
No, I don't boycott directors/actors because of their personal lives. That would be too SJW...which is soooo 2017
By this definition I boycott crappy movies.
I boycott crappy movies too. Why watch a crappy movie when there's like a 100,000 good ones to see.

I wouldn't say boycott, but at this point, I'm somehow not exactly comfortable watching anything with the involvement of Kevin Spacey and Roman Polanski.

I have 'boycotted' a lot of directors in the sense that I will go out of my way to avoid watching their films: Ron Howard, Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Joss Whedon, Jon Favreau, Quentin Tarantino (lost me at Django), etc.. there are a lot more actually.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
From now on I boycott director @Swan, because he called me a goober.

I will stop boycotting his work once he made a film belonging to the Miniowave movement.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

From now on I boycott director @Swan, because he called me a goober.

I will stop boycotting his work once he made a film belonging to the Miniowave movement.
You are a goober.