The Village


Did anyone see the documentary on M Night on Sunday on the Sci Fi Channel? Let me know what you thought of it if you did!!!!

Originally Posted by roadbetween
Did anyone see the documentary on M Night on Sunday on the Sci Fi Channel? Let me know what you thought of it if you did!!!!

I only got to see a few minutes of it. Does anyone know when it will be back on?
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

A system of cells interlinked
I watched for as long as I could, but it was pretty bad. Reminded me of the Blair Witch scam sci fi pulled, but in this one, nothing happens. Actually, nothing happened in the Blair Witch special either, but it semed more interesting at the time.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I watched "Buried Secrets of M. Night Shyamalan" on Sci-Fi and it was about how Night actually talks to ghosts, and his thing about water is that he fell through ice on a lake and drowned as a kid, and when he was rescued he was clinically dead and stuff. But every time Night would be asked about it, he answeres were hidden by conviniently placed audio problems. It was also said that Johnny Depp was cast as Mel Gibson's character first for Signs, and they interviewed him about it. It wasn't very good for a documentary.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

it was a mocumentary! just a whole promotional stunt for his new movie the village.
but it did freak me out in some places in the mocumentary.

I've gotten several silly emails from what I presume are very young people who are convined that the special was completely real. A couple have even gone so far as to argue with me and insist that it's legit after I linked them to a article detailing the Sci-Fi Channel's admission.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

With opening night a few days away,the anticipation that I have been feeling for this movie is at a fever pitch.The only thing is,is that I can just kill myself for reading this entire thread..sigh.I know its my own fault,I should have stopped when I realized what it was I was reading.Honestly,if this is really how the film ends, this would be really disapointing.IMO of course.Regardless of how the movie ends,I'll see it with an open mind and see if it actually works.Here's hoping for some really evil creatures beyond the borders.

Bruce Campbell Groupie
Really wanna watch this movie, gotta feeling I'm really gonna like it.
Gimme some sugar!

Lets put a smile on that block
This is without a doubt my most anticipated film of the year. Shyamalan hasnt failed me yet!
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

I'm a big fan of Shyamalan's films too -- so i'm REALLY looking forward to seeing this as well.

I just read the review for the film on where the critic says that this is Shyamalan's best film yet -- which is great news. I'm also looking forward to seeing Bryce Dallas Howard -- he's had nothing but fantastic things to say about her.

I'm trying to get into the sneak peak that they're having here tonight -- hopefully I'll be successful.

Thursday Is Best
..... well i saw the movie a few days ago, and maybe its just me but i hated it. i really dont want to ruin anyhitng to anyone cuz the trailers made sure that u have no idea what this movie was about untill you saw it. ill say one thing: it is a very strict love it or hate it movie. if you are expecting a typical scary movie about creatures and are expecting those apects then ur atthe wrong movie. thats all im going to say. but im glad that i went to the matena(Sp?) cuz for me it really wastn worth it. i was very disaponted, the storyline is good, but its not the type you would expect after seeing the trailer. i htink the trailer is misguiding....
"The stage is set to rip the wings from a butterfly" - Thursday

The Adventure Starts Here!
I don't understand why folks still go into Shyamalan movies with so many preconceived notions. After SIGNS, haven't people learned to go in with open minds, willing to be led wherever Shyamalan wants to take them? For those of you who've seen the movie, don't you agree that the trailers HAVE to take you that way, HAVE to do what they do? Isn't that a lot of the point? What else could the trailers do?

I also think if you went into the movie with the ending spoiled for you already, you'd have a very different experience. I made sure NOT to expose myself to spoilers and I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. Shyamalan played with us, and I played back by going in eyes innocently wide open. I didn't let the trailers lead me down a rabbit trail but instead *knew* I could be in for *anything* with this guy.

I would have thought at least that much about the guy was obvious by now.