More EU Madness!


Thanks, Cap! This is a classic retort! Your dissection of the psychological bent of the poster is profound and right on the proverbial money. Hear! Hear!
Here's the thing - I think Yoda tried to outline what kind of behaviors would result in threads being closed (in his Controversial Topics guidelines thread). But it seems some people may be purposefully engaging in those behaviors BECAUSE they want to see this and other threads closed as well. Now I'm not including people who seem to actually debate the issues, but those more interested in antagonism & personal insults than debate.

- unofficial deputy MovFov Monitorator, Alternate-Universe Cap

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Some people derive a sense of power by being able to say "Hey, I'm one of the ones who got your discussion closed down! I shut you up! I have power on the Internet!" ...
I had NOTHING to do with the terrorist thread being closed. Yoda is his own man, and gave the reasons why it was closed.

Unknown to you, my only PM on the subject to Yoda was about a week ago when I asked him to reopen the terrorist thread, as I believed it would help stop the spread of hostile-baiting threads and at least keep it confined to one thread.

But like I said Yoda is his own man, and he didn't take me up on my suggestion. See how wrong you are about my intentions.

Not addressing this to you, Rules, but as with the terrorist thread - the same people who complain about the views expressed and the very existence of the thread itself (and who call for or would just love to see it closed) are the ones who keep coming back and replying or arguing or bumping. It's like they can't help themselves.

If they weren't interested in the topics (or their desire to see them closed down wasn't at the level of an obsession) then they'd be on other threads - like the people who actually ARE NOT interested and ARE on other threads - never feeling upset by reading about things they truly are not interested in.
I addressed all of this already in this post (zero replies; sensing a pattern?). Shorter version: merely provoking responses is easy if you don't have any standards for how thoughtful or substantive the resulting discussion is. A troll provokes responses, too, but it does not follow that people therefore enjoy being trolled. It's argumentative clickbait.

Some people derive a sense of power by being able to say "Hey, I'm one of the ones who got your discussion closed down! I shut you up! I have power on the Internet!" They (meaning not all but some - and it's pretty easy to tell who's who) continue the conversation and keep driving it toward antagonism and then cry foul that the topic and any discussion thereof should be shut down.
What drives these conversations towards antagonism are:
1) Phrasing things in the most confrontational or incendiary way possible (like, say, suggesting you sympathize with murderers, or that your ideas will doom civilization).

2) Brushing off or ignoring thoughtful counterarguments.
When these things have not been present, discussion has continued without much incident. When they were introduced more, it broke down.

Rules asked for it to be removed from Now Playing because 1. he was frustrated at seeing it there constantly which 2. concerned him it was all guests were viewing on a movie forum and it might be turning them away. You know that.

No one can force the forum owner to close a thread. He/She is the arbiter and makes the decision, and rightly so.
What I'm asking is what did you mean in this post:
That's interesting. Who crowed about getting the thread closed. The only person I saw crowing was accusing the person you replied to of getting it closed, which was blatantly incorrect.

When you say "crowed about getting the thread closed" do you mean who called for it to be closed or who complained about it being closed.
(I certainly protested its closure.)

You can't win an argument just by being right!
But it seems some people may be purposefully engaging in those behaviors BECAUSE they want to see this and other threads closed as well.
Do you mean like your rudeness to the forum owner with your incorrect insults about censorship?

I had NOTHING to do with the terrorist thread being closed. Yoda is his own man, and gave the reasons why it was closed.

Unknown to you, my only PM on the subject to Yoda was about a week ago when I asked him to reopen the terrorist thread, as I believed it would help stop the spread of hostile-baiting threads and at least keep it confined to one thread.

But like I said Yoda is his own man, and he didn't take me up on my suggestion. See how wrong you are about my intentions.
I agree with everything you said here (except the last sentence). Did you notice that I started off the post you quoted saying I wasn't addressing this to you, Rules? Because I remember you only suggested the thread be moved out of the Now Playing menu. I was agreeing with your observation that this thread has taken on a more personal tone than that other one - but provided reasons why that will happen unless all non-movie topics are banned - or if topics begin to be selectively banned and that's a slippery slope.

I also agree that the terror thread should be reopened - give the "phobes" their own little place to corral - let anyone not interested look at a million other threads (if they're able). Hopefully without more terror attacks, that thread would die down on it's own as was the pattern for the couple years it was open in the past.

Look what happened here, by the way: Don said something, I replied. No response. Not from him or anyone who agrees with him. A day passes, Captain repeats the exact same arguments, and Don reflexively cheers it on. Meanwhile, the response I posted has yet to be addressed by either of them, and actually has to be repeated.

What more evidence do you need that this isn't about persuasion, discussion, or debate? Substantive replies don't just get ignored, but the things they were replying to get repeated and echoed, with not the slightest attempt made to address them. QED.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I agree with everything you said here (except the last sentence). Did you notice that I started off the post you quoted saying I wasn't addressing this to you, Rules? Because I remember you only suggested the thread be moved out of the Now Playing menu. .
So if you knew what happened why did you ask me what Rules did?

Your question exactly

You're saying that CR only asked that the terrorism thread be removed from the "Now Playing" section (but never called for it to be closed)
Looks like your regular flaming to me.

Rules was gleefully accused of getting the thread shut down and you just fueled that rumour.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I agree with everything you said here (except the last sentence). Did you notice that I started off the post you quoted saying I wasn't addressing this to you, Rules? Because I remember you only suggested the thread be moved out of the Now Playing menu. I was agreeing with your observation that this thread has taken on a more personal tone than that other one - but provided reasons why that will happen unless all non-movie topics are banned - or if topics begin to be selectively banned and that's a slippery slope.

I also agree that the terror thread should be reopened - give the "phobes" their own little place to corral - let anyone not interested look at a million other threads (if they're able). Hopefully without more terror attacks, that thread would die down on it's own as was the pattern for the couple years it was open in the past.
Yoda closed the terrorist thread because of the comments that were said there. The blame lays on those who got personally insulting on that thread.

BTW the European Politics UK thread also got closed (at least in part) by a rude personal comment from Don Schneider to Christine about how many children she had. Let's blame the person(s) who are responsible and not cry faux censorship or claim that liberal agendas are controlling the board.

Look what happened here, by the way: Don said something, I replied. No response. Not from him or anyone who agrees with him. A day passes, Captain repeats the exact same arguments, and Don reflexively cheers it on. Meanwhile, the response I posted has yet to be addressed by either of them, and actually has to be repeated.

What more evidence do you need that this isn't about persuasion, discussion, or debate? Substantive replies don't just get ignored, but the things they were replying to get repeated and echoed, with not the slightest attempt made to address them. QED.
I'm honestly lost here. Can you please point me to your post to which I apparently didn't reply? Thank you.

Do you mean like your rudeness to the forum owner with your incorrect insults about censorship?
What rudeness? I'm always polite to Yoda (unless I'm engaging in blatant humor).
I called it censorship and I stand by that.
As I discussed with Yoda privately, I call it a form of censorship. Censorship is banning speech, but it can also be limiting speech. Yes, closing a thread isn't as extreme as deleting one entirely or removing a member's ability to post based only on their opinions, but ending an ongoing discussion is a form of censorship. What else would you call it?

This is a semantics argument.

Now there's justified censorship - we have that in real life despite the first amendment - we have freedom of speech and freedom of expression, yet it's illegal to verbally threaten someone's life with physical action, it's illegal to yell fire in a theater. If someone breaks established rules, by all means censor them (but censor THEM - don't censor everyone or shut down entire conversations because one person broke a rule). None of that changes the definition of censorship.

P.S. This discussion has moved into an interesting tangent now!

So if you knew what happened why did you ask me what Rules did?

Your question exactly

Looks like your regular flaming to me.

Rules was gleefully accused of getting the thread shut down and you just fueled that rumour.
LOL! I couldn't understand your sentence. Yeah, my regular flaming - that's what it is.

Not addressing this to you, Rules, but as with the terrorist thread - the same people who complain about the views expressed and the very existence of the thread itself (and who call for or would just love to see it closed) are the ones who keep coming back and replying or arguing or bumping. It's like they can't help themselves.

If they weren't interested in the topics (or their desire to see them closed down wasn't at the level of an obsession) then they'd be on other threads - like the people who actually ARE NOT interested and ARE on other threads - never feeling upset by reading about things they truly are not interested in.

Some people derive a sense of power by being able to say "Hey, I'm one of the ones who got your discussion closed down! I shut you up! I have power on the Internet!" They (meaning not all but some - and it's pretty easy to tell who's who) continue the conversation and keep driving it toward antagonism and then cry foul that the topic and any discussion thereof should be shut down.

This is another classic manipulative tactic that I'm glad most who lean toward the right don't engage in. Most right of center would rather debate (& maintain free speech) than have it shut down by claiming they're offended and can't stand these threads that they themselves keep coming back to day after day, hour after hour.
I have to say I totally agree with you Captain. If someone doesn't like the topic of this or other threads and why come and keep the topic alive? Then they demand the thread be closed because they don't like the views expressed there. I would avoid any thread I didn't like or was not interested in. But to keep coming back and arguing and then demanding the thread be closed because they don't like the opinions expressed seems to me to be pure, undiluted censorship. I may not agree with what someone else says but I certainly wouldn't demand they shut up or be banned from saying what they like.

And yes of course it is manipulation - it's being used more and more everywhere to shut people up. Like the digital mob that uses social media to enforce their views and hound people. Sad reflection on the state of democracy pretty much everywhere.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
This is another classic manipulative tactic that I'm glad most who lean toward the right don't engage in. Most right of center would rather debate (& maintain free speech) than have it shut down by claiming they're offended and can't stand these threads that they themselves keep coming back to day after day, hour after hour.

yeah, no. you know how many feminist groups i've been apart of over my many years using different forums and websites, that have been reported and shut down by various right-wing, mra groups? currently i'm actually follow a tight knit group of women on facebook from group to group because their groups are always eventually reported and shut down, supposedly for being inappropriate or offensive. i'm now apart of a group that had to, in order to not get reported/deleted, privatize and doesn't accept new members without a heavy screen process.

ALSO, can we stop pretending that people want this shut down because it's offensive, and moreso because it's literally the same people (myself included) saying the same things (myself included), and eventually just turns into petty bickering and insults. it's not debate. there actually are some good debate threads on Mofo, about controversial topics, but i wouldn't call this one of them.

Yoda closed the terrorist thread because of the comments that were said there. The blame lays on those who got personally insulting on that thread.

BTW the European Politics UK thread also got closed (at least in part) by a rude personal comment from Don Schneider to Christine about how many children she had. Let's blame the person(s) who are responsible and not cry faux censorship or claim that liberal agendas are controlling the board.
As I told Chris privately, I did not intend for the comment in question to be rude. It was, however, subject to misunderstanding as exhibited by Chris. I acknowledged that if he misinterpreted it, then so might have Christine and others. I inquired if she has children and, if so, pointed to them as examples of the entire younger generations of the U.K. who will suffer for the benighted governmental polices that she and many others were supporting.

Frankly, your apparent obsession with me is getting boorish.

I'm honestly lost here. Can you please point me to your post to which I apparently didn't reply? Thank you.
I have to agree. More clarification is needed.
I'm not sure what arguments I repeated (and I know I've definitely repeated arguments - I've repeated the sentiment that Jupiter Ascending was ridiculously bad despite its decent special effects, among other arguments).

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Frankly, your apparent obsession with me is getting boorish.
That's interesting considering you claimed to stalk me on the net to find out where I was born and where I now live. Now THAT I call obsessive.


yeah, no. you know how many feminist groups i've been apart of over my many years using different forums and websites, that have been reported and shut down by various right-wing, mra groups? currently i'm actually follow a tight knit group of women on facebook from group to group because their groups are always eventually reported and shut down, supposedly for being inappropriate or offensive. i'm now apart of a group that had to, in order to not get reported/deleted, privatize and doesn't accept new members without a heavy screen process.

ALSO, can we stop pretending that people want this shut down because it's offensive, and moreso because it's literally the same people (myself included) saying the same things (myself included), and eventually just turns into petty bickering and insults. it's not debate. there actually are some good debate threads on Mofo, about controversial topics, but i wouldn't call this one of them.
As I told Yoda... people love this stuff. We're more the same than we are different. We love this stuff. I don't have to convince or prove this to anyone - our presence here is the proof. If any of you didn't love this stuff, you wouldn't be reading this! You LOVE it!

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
how is that a response to anything i've said? i really need to remember you never actually respond directly to things i say and just stop wasting my time >.<

but yes, let's keep this thread open so everyone who disagrees with "your ilk" () can keep writing **** that gets flippant responses at best and straight out ignored at worst