Is Hollywood Jewish?


Your refuse to acknowledge that the original thread question alludes to very old and very common bigoted stereotypes of Jews?
No, I refuse to acknowledge that alluding to a stereotype is inherently bigoted. Stereotypes exist, and recognizing and discussing them does not inherently validate them.

And you refuse to acknowledge what I wrote in my previous post - that nobody ever asks this question about any of the 99.9% of the industries dominated by Christians in the United States? Who is lacking in intellectual (and factual) justification here?
I'm not sure why I need to address things which don't logically connect back to your broader claims about inherent bigotry, since those are the claims I'm actually disputing. That said, I can think of a few pretty obvious reasons off the top of my head as to why the two situations aren't equivalent, like the fact that Christians are already a majority (which may matter more than binary proportionality), or the fact that Christianity is not as enmeshed with ethnicity as Judaism is, or the fact that Christian culture, by the mere fact of its ubiquity, is necessarily less distinct from the culture at large. Et cetera.

None of this really demonstrates that the topic is inherently bigoted: only that bigotry exists, and that this is the kind of thing bigots sometimes discuss.

I'm not in favor of banning any remotely controversial topic - that is a red herring argument and not at all a fair or accurate description of my point
It's the logical implication of the reasons you gave for your position: that the topic is unacceptable simply because it provides a means for bigots to express themselves. So no, I don't think this is your position, but I do think that's what logically follows from the reasons you've given for your position.

Are you claiming that this stereotype doesn't exist? If you acknowledge it does exist, how can you then say inviting discussion of whether such a stereotype is true or not true has the same factual and moral acceptability as any other topic?
Simple: because you can say "no, it isn't true." Or "it's technically true, but not insidious or unfair." Or any other number of things that talk about the stereotype without validating it.

Prohibiting bigoted thread topics is not evil control that reinforces a stereotype - it is done on other forums as a way to show respect for people of all backgrounds and to encourage at least a basic level of civility in the exchanges on the forums.
Please read what I said again: I said it could be rationalized that way. And since you've already said that we should prohibit topics like this simply because they can enable bigots, the fact that censoring it could also do that makes the logic self-defeating, as I explained.

I can see that this is not something you are at all concerned about, which shows me that I am making the right choice spending my time and energies elsewhere.
It's a willful misrepresentation of my position to say I'm not "concerned" about it, when I've gone well out of my way to point out that threads like this need to be (and have been) carefully monitored.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@HAL9000, you claim you're leaving MoFo in protest of this thread, even though this thread was last active 05-05-06. That was 11 years ago, so you're blaming Yoda for an old and long forgotten thread...AND mostly all the post are positive ones (criticizing antisemitism). This is not a bigoted thread, it's a thread that discusses bigotry. That's two different things.

There was a member here who use to post antisemitic stuff, and Yoda was proactive, he warned him, he deleted the more offensive post, he temporarily banned him and when this member continued being disruptive and posting antisemitic stuff he was banned. So you're wrong that Yoda doesn't care. But like Solomon he has to strike a balance between: subject matter that might offend some vs open discussion. I image that's not an easy thing to do and Yoda does it well.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I've only been here a short time, like HAL, and when I first sw the thread I though OMG this is going to be bad, but it seems fine to me, and HAL, Yods does not support bigotry from what I've seen with my interactions with him. He's very fair. I really hope you stay. I mean C'Mon - no one has a better call name than HAL!

not a single order to kill civillian Jews was ever issued by Japanese commanders.

mussolini also never killed jews even though he was hitler's ally . but some french co operated with hitler against jews and the poles never allowed the jews back when they tried to come back to poland after the war .

You can't win an argument just by being right!
mussolini also never killed jews even though he was hitler's ally . but some french co operated with hitler against jews and the poles never allowed the jews back when they tried to come back to poland after the war .


OK Back to Hollywood.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Interesting article the OP might like if he/she is still around

My opinion is that it is obviously owned by Jews but I don't understand why that's not ok or why there's negativity around it. No one said to any other religion or race not to go and achieve and create its own accomplishments.
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