Director Dissection with Seanc and Rauldc


Chief cook and bottlewasher
I liked The Game a ton on first watch. That was when it was released though. This will probably feel like a first watch almost.
I viewed it a couple of years ago and thought it held up quite well. Time to get out the DVD player and watch again.
Yes, it is your circus and these are your monkeys.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I didn't know that. I should have asked before I decided. I hooe you have seen Zodiac? Only reason I didn't pick that is because I watched it pretty recently.
I've seen Zodiac. I liked it, but didn't love it the last time.

Panic Room will be next for me, perhaps even tonight.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Panic Room

Really liked this one. Again, it's a very atmospheric film that gives us a sense of clutter as we are inside a mansion sized house for the duration of the film. It really works well for a tense thriller movie like this. It feels as if we are trapped inside with the characters as well. I like how the three burglars play off each other, each with their own craziness and motive. I really like Jodie Foster and thought she was the right casting choice here. Also would say this is Kristen Stewart's best role and I don't need to see the rest of those Twilight movies to prove that. The best scenes were with Foster and Stewart in the panic room, especially when Foster lit that fire. Once Foster was out of the Panic Room it wasn't technically as tense but it was still really well done. I'd give much of the credit for this film to Fincher though. Truly well directed thriller movie that was a pretty big surprise to me.

I'll be looking forward to @seanc and @Swan thoughts on this.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I really liked Panic Room at the time. We shall see how it holds up. I watched Seven last night so I will be back later with my thoughts.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

I love a good thriller, and Fincher has made some of the best of the last twenty years. This film will never reach the heights of Zodiac or Social Network in my opinion but has far as Fincher's more pulp like thrillers go, this is the cream of the crop. The premise isn't exactly earth shattering but the atmosphere that Fincher creates is what sets it apart.

I love that Fincher never says what city this takes place in. That non-descript fits the film perfectly because you get the feeling that any city could become this bleak and nihilistic. Every big city feels like NY I suppose but I love the Gotham vibe I feel through the whole film. Because of the Noir costuming and the buckets of water falling from the sky. Put that with the fact that we never see sunlight till the last scene and I definitely feel like I am in a Batman film. There is even a suit up sequence before the finale with the villain show down. Everything in this world just works and the story doesn't have to be complicated because of it.

One of my favorite scenes is when they meet John Doe and then are going to begin searching his apartment. Up to this point John Doe is a complete mystery. We haven't seen him and the clues to his identity are non-existent. Now we have all the information we could ever need. There are literally hundreds of composition books with information on this man. Evidence from every single murder right there in front of them. Still they have no clue to who this man is, nothing. It is so emblematic of the nihilism Fincher is going for. Hopeless, that is the word I would use if I had to sum up Seven in just one.

I really love the scene between Paltrow and Freeman at breakfast as well. The frankness of this disturbing conversation is interesting to me. Here is someone who has barely met his partner's wife yet he is speaking to her about the abortion of her unborn child. It really drives home the nihilism of this world once again. Also as someone who is pro-life I can't help but love Freeman's sentiment towards the end of the conversation.

Hard to talk about this film without talking about the ending. The ending really is an experience. The tension built is tremendous. I also think Pitt's performance before the final blow is the best thing I have seen him do. I am so grateful for this ending because it drives home the themes of the film. A different ending would ruin all the world building that has come before.Maybe one of my top ten endings ever. I may be writing myself into a half star higher rating but I am going to stick with my I love a movie but it is not quite favorite level

Panic Room is fun. But it's not a smart movie and some stuff do annoy me. It's a trashy thriller that is stylistically playful and I can roll with it just fine. But out of rather illogical thrillers I much prefer Fincher's The Game. Much more well made and much more tense and well done and presented.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Panic Room is fun. But it's not a smart movie and some stuff do annoy me. It's a trashy thriller that is stylistically playful and I can roll with it just fine. But out of rather illogical thrillers I much prefer Fincher's The Game. Much more well made and much more tense and well done and presented.
I was real happy with Panic Room. Hopefully I will also be about The Game.

Panic Room

Also would say this is Kristen Stewart's best role and I don't need to see the rest of those Twilight movies to prove that.
She is supposed to be good in Personal Shopper, not seen it though.

Not a fan of Panic Room, glad you liked it though.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
She is supposed to be good in Personal Shopper, not seen it though.

Not a fan of Panic Room, glad you liked it though.
It was just my kind of movie. A tense thriller with interesting characters usually will be enough to sucker me in. It's the easiest genre for me to be lenient with as far as my enjoyment.

What should I go for next? I'm thinking Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

It was just my kind of movie. A tense thriller with interesting characters usually will be enough to sucker me in. It's the easiest genre for me to be lenient with as far as my enjoyment.

What should I go for next? I'm thinking Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
Dragon Tattoo is a mystery-thriller. Think you might dig it.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
It was just my kind of movie. A tense thriller with interesting characters usually will be enough to sucker me in. It's the easiest genre for me to be lenient with as far as my enjoyment.

What should I go for next? I'm thinking Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
I would recommend You Oplev's version "Män som hatar kvinnor". In my opinion it was much better then Fincher's one. But the best is book - really grim, bleak. If You would have an occasion, You should read it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It was just my kind of movie. A tense thriller with interesting characters usually will be enough to sucker me in. It's the easiest genre for me to be lenient with as far as my enjoyment.

What should I go for next? I'm thinking Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
Whatever you think, that or the game. I'm going to try and follow you this round.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I was thinking that or The Game. Are you going for Panic Room next then Sean?
Panic Room. Going to try and get to it early in the week.

Sorry I haven't gotten to any yet. I'm having a double feature with my father tonight, but then I hope to tackle some of these.

My favorite Fincher film is probably Se7en, though The Social Network gives it a run for it's money. With my last viewing of the former film, I didn't find it entirely bleak like some might. Here's what I wrote about it.

Se7en -

(David Fincher, 1995)

Above is my favorite moment in this film. Because, for all this film's bleak, dark content, there is the silver lining: the characters of Mills, Somerset, and Tracy. The bond they form and their conversations, their hope to try and make the world a better place, it's what keeps this film from being totally hopeless to me. I love how when mark f talks about Jaws, he mentions how the three guys in that film feel like his buddies while he's watching it. This film is one of those, for me. I feel a connection to these three characters. As I sit with Tracy and Somerset in the diner discussing her future, or Mills and Somerset in the bar waxing philosophical (frankly, my two favorite scenes in the film), I feel like I'm there with them, figuring out my own life through them. We're forced into this depraved, f*cked world - which the world often feels like and, perhaps, is, but we're joined by three great human beings. Sure, it doesn't really have a happy ending. But the point might be to keep fighting, make your way through this crazy, crazy world. Whatever the case, the film is a constant reminder that through thick and thin, death and destruction, it's important to have good people by your side.

WARNING: "Se7en" spoilers below
And I know Tracy dies at the end.

But that, I feel, adds to the film's complexity. It's neither completely hopeless or hopeful. It's real.
I'm not sure if this is what Fincher intended, but it is no doubt what I got out of it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Good write up Swan. I think this may be the most nihlistuc film I love, but there is indeed hope in those characters.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I never was that attached to the diner scene, but when you guys talk about it, then it seems so great.
It sticks out to me because of the relationship of Feeman and Paltrow. They seem like kindred spirits despite not knowing each other. Another moment I love is when she invites him to dinner. We don't even hear her side of the conversation but we know it is taking no convincing at all to get him to come. Meanwhile Pitt's character can't even get him to share pertinent evidence half the time.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Really wanted to love this film. The film seems like it has a real good story but I would be kidding if I didn't say that it dragged on in certain parts. There are some rather strong and horrific scenes, but they were brilliantly done and a key part to the story in itself. The score was a strong point, as well as the cinematography. While I liked Mara and Craig for their acting, I wish I could have gotten a bit behind their characters more. Had I cared more about them or had they developed and progressed more throughout the movie for me, I could have liked it even more. It's pretty far down on my Fincher list this far, but it certainly may have a chance to improve the second time around.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That's pretty much how I felt first viewing. Not exactly looking forward to my rewatch if I'm being honest.