When You Wake Up Tomorrow, Your World is Exactly the Way You Want It.


It probably won't be very peaceful solitude (I think?).... but.... you will get that kind of solitude eventually.
Why do you think it wouldn't be peaceful?
It seems it would either be nothing (which is peaceful, although you won't have any consciousness to realize it) or heaven - where you could appreciate it.
Or the other place, which we're told is anything but peaceful, but now I'm going way off topic.

Makes me want to resurrect your threads about A Million Reasons to Live... or Die (or whatever they were called).

If it's nothing, that's not peaceful at all. It's... nothing! And to me, the thought of being nothing isn't peaceful. People always think dying and being totally erased and not existing is "wonderful" - I sure as Hell don't. I don't even like going to sleep and not being around for awhile, but at least there's dreams and knowing you'll most likely wake up. Peace is good stimulation to the senses and good interaction. Pain is ... a void. A loss of those things.
I getcha. It's a somewhat paradoxical argument.

It's kind of like if you had a choice to never have to go to the bathroom again or have every dump be the most pleasurable feeling of relief (which some are).

But seriously, for some people I've known who were suffering, imagining that death for them might simply be "nothing" seemed a much better, more peaceful alternative to what they were experiencing. Even though they may not realize it, it would be an end to pain and fear - and their suffering in life was a palpable energy to all those near it. The pain, the worry, the fear was like a spreading disease. And those of us left behind could rest easier thinking that even if death was only a lack of consciousness, that would be much better than what had been.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
1 - People actually saying what they mean instead of what is deemed correct; or accepted as politically correct
2 - People actually acting for a greater good rather then to satisfy their own hidden personal interests
3 - Everyone feeling it's their duty to take care of where they live and not just those who are payed to do it.
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Being under the covers, in a bed, feeling comfortable, is wonderful. It's everything else after that until wakey wakey time that I don't like.
cause you're worried you'll never wake up? or because you're scared to miss something?

does worrying about sleeping ever fux with your dreams?

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
I dream of a world were incompetence, manipulatation and being "fake" is not rewarded. For example, person A is terrible at their job, person A sucks up to the manager, person A manipulates the manager and pretends to like the manager and gets the promotion over person B who works hard and values himself/herself enough not to grovel at the feet of another human.

1 - People actually saying what they mean instead of what is deemed correct; or accepted as politically correct
2 - People actually acting for a greater good rather then to satisfy their own hidden personal interests
3 - Everyone feeling it's their duty to take care of where they live and not just those who are payed to do it.
I love this post!!!

Trouble with a capital "T"
People would dress in suits and trench coats again, instead of T-shirts with stuff written on them. And it would rain alot.

I like that! But you forgot the dames

I think I am good as things stand, well maybe a few less liberals. Not many, just a few...
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
wait, i came to respond to the reply you wrote last night, @Sexy Celebrity but it's gone? did i just imagine you responded to me??

i'm so confffuuseedd

No politics. Everyone works off of common sense. Barter, trade for services, crafts, art. Architecture is ambitious but not trying to huff the ozone.

Because of common sense and respect, no politicians are needed and there are no wars. Differences sorted by some light debate and the occasional bi.tch slap. People generally communicate and work together to create the society and how it operates, like how it is now, except, like, way better.

Everyone uses their unique qualities to contribute and receive what they want/need out of life, so everyone is fulfilled, can sleep well at night and are happy in their lives.

Cynicism is treated like a cold with some remedies. It never causes an outbreak and infects the entire population.

And no, I'm not a commie or Soc.

Which reminds me..no labels, no parties. No such thing as a lib or rep...no such thing as a black and white person of heart and mind. Since the person is a unique and sophisticated creature, no labels, no identifying with labels...that way, there are no temptations to sink to the depths of the ego animal who gets rocks off at the suffering of others and is built on the hatred seed of competition.

In other words

The world is fine the way it is. We're still living, feeling, thinking blobs of meat with a conscience and a past.

The most loathsome of all goblins
People would dress in suits and trench coats again, instead of T-shirts with stuff written on them. And it would rain alot.
And stockings would make a come back, stockings and pencil skirts. Va-va-voom!