MacGuffins: An Alfred Hitchcock Club


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Of those films, I haven't seen NbNW. I'll participate in all though!!!
You haven't? Damn, it might be my favourite of his. Hope you like it.
I've yet to see a Hitchcock movie I don't like. But if I don't like this one, I'm holding you responsible.

Well i wasn't in/haven't read the Slasher HOF so don't know what to say there. Why did you join like five after that if you were done then?
I didn't say I was done then. I said I "am" really done. As in now.

I joined back then, for that reason you all didn't like. I did them for me. I would watch the movies, while I worked out. After the first thread, I then decided not to worry with reviews. I had proof they weren't getting read, so who could complain. I watched, said things when I wanted to, and turned in my list. I did enjoy nominating, viewing, voting . . . I did and have always hated doing reviews. It's just not my thing. I spent sooooo much time on the slasher reviews. Those things were long. I even made a comment one night about my unanswered questions. Nothing changed, so I stopped worrying with writing them.

As far as I'm concerned, the best review I ever did on this board, was my lesbian movie review. It's a five star.

The chatroom is a horrible idea to spark discussion, it moves way too fast. Here's one of the False Writer threads i was talking about which is exactly what you're talking about -
I had intended on joining those, but that was before my life went nuts last year. This year is going to rock. It already has been.

I've yet to see a Hitchcock movie I don't like. But if I don't like this one, I'm holding you responsible.
No, that's a good movie, Sus. It's in my top 20 favorites from Hitchcock.

This is going to be great, and I hope we add a bunch to the list. I own them all!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Psycho thread is open for business. Two weeks to watch and discuss and write reviews. Get to it Hitch fans.


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I think I will join in on that Psycho discussion. I will re-watch it sometime next week. Bates Motel also starts next week. So that will be good for me to have a re-watch of the film in time for the final season of that show (after all, this is the season that leads up to the action in the original movie).
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think I will join in on that Psycho discussion. I will re-watch it sometime next week. Bates Motel also starts next week. So that will be good for me to have a re-watch of the film in time for the final season of that show (after all, this is the season that leads up to the action in the original movie).
My mom likes that show and I watched a bit of it with her last week. I thought it was a prequel to the movie, like the way you just described it. It takes place modern day which makes me interested in how they will end it. I really didn't find what I saw very compelling but I know the show has a lot of fans.

Glad you are going to join in on the Psycho talk.

I'm in, btw what's the path to get to Clubs. Is there a tab? or this is the only way to get there: ??
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
My mom likes that show and I watched a bit of it with her last week. I thought it was a prequel to the movie, like the way you just described it. It takes place modern day which makes me interested in how they will end it. I really didn't find what I saw very compelling but I know the show has a lot of fans.
When it was the first season I decided to watch just for complete curiosity's sake. I didn't think I would get much from it but I actually didn't mind the first season. I liked it enough to watch it when it came back. I wasn't a big fan of the second season at all but I wanted to see where it was going to go with it all. The third was better. I thought the fourth season (last year) was great. And because last year was so good, I suppose I have high expectations for this to be even better. I have an idea of how I think they should end it but whatever I want to happen in a series never really seems to happen. All I can do is wait and hope it will go where I want it to.

I wasn't sure how I would like it with a modern day setting, but I think because the look of it all (the clothes, home, et.c.) has enough of a touch of the past, it works well.

Has your mother watched the show from the beginning? I haven't really met anyone else who has seen the show from the very beginning and is watching it still except for gbgoodies. So I am also curious to know who else has devoted their time to it for all these years.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
@SilentVamp Yeah, she has and is rewatching the first four to get ready for the final season. She cracks me up because this is the only show she has ever watched that does the ten episodes once a year format. She has complained about it so many times and asks three or four times a year for me to lookup when it starts back. She is so used to traditional network formats.

I watched the first season and some of the second. It was alright. I liked what's her name who plays Norma and the redhead with the breathing problem or whatever it is. Can't really remember it well as you can tell haha. The kid who played Norman was okay but i remember i hated the guy who played his older brother.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think I will join in on that Psycho discussion. I will re-watch it sometime next week. Bates Motel also starts next week. So that will be good for me to have a re-watch of the film in time for the final season of that show (after all, this is the season that leads up to the action in the original movie).

Did you see the 2-minute preview that A&E aired about the upcoming season? It looks like this season is going to be great.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
My mom likes that show and I watched a bit of it with her last week. I thought it was a prequel to the movie, like the way you just described it. It takes place modern day which makes me interested in how they will end it. I really didn't find what I saw very compelling but I know the show has a lot of fans.

Glad you are going to join in on the Psycho talk.

It took a while to go from the "normal" teenage Norman Bates to the Norman Bates that we know from the movie, but it looks like we're getting there this season. I'm pretty sure that A&E has already announced that this upcoming season will be the final season.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched the first season and some of the second. It was alright. I liked what's her name who plays Norma and the redhead with the breathing problem or whatever it is. Can't really remember it well as you can tell haha. The kid who played Norman was okay but i remember i hated the guy who played his older brother.

The "kid who played Norman" is Freddie Highmore, and I thinks he's doing a fantastic job.

I like the guy who plays his brother Dylan too, (Max Thieriot), but he seems out of place on the show. He's too normal for that family.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It took a while to go from the "normal" teenage Norman Bates to the Norman Bates that we know from the movie, but it looks like we're getting there this season. I'm pretty sure that A&E has already announced that this upcoming season will be the final season.
I guess what I'm getting at is it seems weird for the show to be set in modern times yet be a prequel to the film. I'm not watching so it doesn't matter but I don't like that. How do you guys feel about it?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I guess what I'm getting at is it seems weird for the show to be set in modern times yet be a prequel to the film. I'm not watching so it doesn't matter but I don't like that. How do you guys feel about it?

Yeah, that bothered me a little bit when I first started watching it, but I just decided to accept the concept and it all worked for me.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Did you see the 2-minute preview that A&E aired about the upcoming season? It looks like this season is going to be great.
No, I didn't. I know today there was a commercial on but I wasn't paying attention until it was too late. I have no idea what happened but I happened to look at the TV right at the very end when Norma was saying something.

It took a while to go from the "normal" teenage Norman Bates to the Norman Bates that we know from the movie, but it looks like we're getting there this season. I'm pretty sure that A&E has already announced that this upcoming season will be the final season.
From what I heard last year they said that they knew this was going to be a 5 season show and no more than that. I figure that means they knew exactly where they were going with this each season from the very beginning. And there was at least ONE thing last season that was taken from the film. One shot they did is a shot from the movie itself, which I got a kick out of.

The "kid who played Norman" is Freddie Highmore, and I thinks he's doing a fantastic job.
I think he's good, too. So much so that at times I want such terrible things to happen to him (preferably by Romero!) because i just hate his character so much and then there are those times that I feel so terrible for him. Just so, so bad for him. If that guy can manage such different feelings from me for his portrayal of Norman, then he is doing a pretty good job with his performance.

he seems out of place on the show. He's too normal for that family.
I think that is 100% deliberate that Dylan is as normal as he is in that family. Especially considering how abnormal his "situation" in life is. I am just really curious to know where they are going to go with Dylan. Particularly because he is so normal. You know there is a reason for everyone and everything that is happening in this show. And I would love to see it all come together in the end. I love it when TV shows do things in one season, never have it mentioned again, and then years later they connect it to something in another season (kind of like something with Romero last year).

I guess what I'm getting at is it seems weird for the show to be set in modern times yet be a prequel to the film. I'm not watching so it doesn't matter but I don't like that. How do you guys feel about it?
I said yesterday that I thought the modern day setting was odd when it first started but it has enough of a look that reminds me of the past that I think once I was into this show, I actually forgot the fact that it is not set in the past. In the beginning, based on the commercials, I thought it was set in the past. So I was surprised when the show first started and it was modern but I've come to accept it and I don't think anything else about it.

I don't know if I mentioned this somewhere on this site before (I told somebody about it ), but they randomly showed this commercial for the show on A&E. I wasn't really thinking about it at first, but then I realized what was happening. They showed a drain with blood going down it. And as they closed in on the drain the film changed from color to black and white. And it was an ad for Bates Motel. Simpleton that I am, I liked that commercial. But I wondered right away how many people out there that have watched Bates Motel may not really have any idea about Psycho itself and they wouldn't have gotten that tiny ad at all. I liked it, though.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think that is 100% deliberate that Dylan is as normal as he is in that family. Especially considering how abnormal his "situation" in life is. I am just really curious to know where they are going to go with Dylan. Particularly because he is so normal. You know there is a reason for everyone and everything that is happening in this show. And I would love to see it all come together in the end. I love it when TV shows do things in one season, never have it mentioned again, and then years later they connect it to something in another season (kind of like something with Romero last year).

I was reading some trivia about Psycho, and the original book was based on the killer Ed Gein. The real Ed Gein had an older brother (Henry) who died under suspicious circumstances, and it's suspected that Ed Gein may have killed his brother. I don't remember anything in the movie about Norman Bates having a brother, so I wonder if they're going to have something like that happen in "Bates Motel". (I haven't read or heard anything about this, so it isn't a spoiler. It's just my own curiosity and speculation.)

Schedule I

Psycho (1960) Feb. 15-22
Vertigo (1958) Feb. 23- March 9
Rear Window (1954) March 10-24
North By Northwest (1959) March 25- April 8
Dial M For Murder (1954) April 9-23

ZOMG! I love Hitchcock. There may be some high pitched squeaking when Rope gets on the schedule.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
ZOMG! I love Hitchcock. There may be some high pitched squeaking when Rope gets on the schedule.
Watch along. Psycho has its own thread right now. Rope was just a part of one of our hall of fames. I love it too. More tham Psycho and Veryigo actually.

Watch along. Psycho has its own thread right now. Rope was just a part of one of our hall of fames. I love it too. More tham Psycho and Veryigo actually.

I'm very pleased to see another Rope fan. I can't really choose a number 1 Hitchcock, because I believe making an absolute fav EVER choice with that director will hurt my soul.